The Critical Moment Has Come In The Liquidation Of The Deep State. Part One - Alternative View

The Critical Moment Has Come In The Liquidation Of The Deep State. Part One - Alternative View
The Critical Moment Has Come In The Liquidation Of The Deep State. Part One - Alternative View

Video: The Critical Moment Has Come In The Liquidation Of The Deep State. Part One - Alternative View

Video: The Critical Moment Has Come In The Liquidation Of The Deep State. Part One - Alternative View
Video: David Rhode: The Truth About America's Deep State 2024, September

David Wilcock has come up with a big update on the current situation in the world, and he believes the fight against the Deep State has finally reached critical mass, various insiders have reported: “Let's go! While these changes are less visible in the superficial media landscape of controlled media, there are now obvious moves against the Deep State. These won't necessarily be large-scale arrests of Deep State members. There are currently over 24,500 sealed indictments in the United States, a lot that has never happened before.

Less than two weeks ago, David Seaman, a friend of David Wilcock, released a YouTube video in which he says the arrests are starting now. Shortly thereafter, his channel and all of his social media profiles were deleted. Seaman now returns in a new form with new information. In addition, InfoWars' Alex Jones has received a new insider called "Zach" who claims that there is a secret space program, that resources have long been decommissioned from other planets, and that we will soon become a multi-planetary community!

Wilcock writes that the Alliance is continuing its campaign against the Deep State and Victory will be rewarded. Zack and other insiders in a report on the secret space program talk about ancient ruins on Earth and the Moon, accidents on alien spaceships and rescued alien bodies, as well as interstellar spaceships that have been available for the secret space program for decades - not thanks in the least to German ingenuity! The secret space program has maintained constant trade links with many intelligent alien civilizations for decades. When the Deep State is defeated, all of these secrets and technologies will be revealed - Wilcock believes that this will literally translate all of humanity into the era of "Star Trek".

The most powerful force that is still blocking our access to this technology is the super-wealthy elite - the cult of Lucifer. Many followers of this cult engage in vicious practices such as pedophilia, human sacrifice and human trafficking, and intend to eliminate at least 90% of the population. The news is also available from David Wilcock's insiders Pete Peterson and Emery Smith. Both have constant threats and assassination attempts because they have revealed most of their secret knowledge and the Deep State has punished them for it. While disclosures are currently underway, the powerful Luciferic elements will fight to the death if necessary to protect their secrets!

One of the great secrets is that our solar system seems to be a very popular place, located next to a space portal that has a lot of traffic in the galaxy! So we are at a node on the cosmic web, and informants explain that travel to other galaxies is possible. According to David Wilcock and informants Corey Goode and William Tompkins, these discoveries were first made by German National Socialists, who first developed their secret space program in the 1940s. They allegedly received help from the most powerful and vicious aliens: this is a humanoid race of reptiles called "Draco". All this is top secret, the spaceships of the secret space program are assembled in space. However, the components are constructed on the surface of the Earth and then transported into space.

Emery Smith first published his information in 2017, but since 2009 he has been associated with David Wilcock and provided him with all classified information. Smith worked at an underground military base in New Mexico, where he claims to have dissected about 3,000 different alien species of aliens! He was a doctor. The Steven Greer Information Disclosure Organization and performed the first autopsy of the humanoid Atacama, which was featured in the documentary Sirius.


Through his long service at the military base, he also established regular contacts with members of a number of extraterrestrial civilizations. According to Smith, almost all alien creatures are humanoid in appearance with one head, two arms, and two legs. There are humanoid sea creatures, humanoid like land mammals, avian humanoids, insects, and finally humanoid reptiles. In most cases, these creatures are similar to their counterparts on Earth, except that they have a human appearance. Some of the alien creatures also possess plant characteristics and are capable of photosynthesis. Emery Smith also says that he has sometimes dealt with very strange types of light beings that are in a protoplasmic state - somewhere between matter and energy!

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The technical equipment that was available in these bases back in the 1990s still seems to us like a science fiction movie. There were interactive holographic displays, human-consciousness technologies, metals that could be printed, and smart glass spacers that are further developments in our smartphones, Smith said. The food was produced by replicators. Various ET breeds also visited the base and assisted with the autopsies. For visitors, rooms were specially equipped that could simulate the environmental conditions on their home planet or spaceships.

None of the aliens Emery Smith talked about were said to be evil. He always had a sense of an extremely positive attitude towards these creatures - this is in stark contrast to the depiction in the satanic Hollywood productions. The creatures explained that they are here to help us understand our galactic region, even though it was still secretive in the 90s. Over 20 years ago, these aliens wanted to completely uncover and destroy the walls of secrecy that keep us imprisoned.


One of the bizarre discoveries made in many UFOs was that they are an interesting combination of technology and advanced biology! Alien civilizations often "grow" their ships in space using a combination of frequencies and advanced technology. The alien creature will use its own genetic material to make the spaceship travel! The ship then interacts directly with its passenger, becoming a mouse-driven transport system. Surprisingly, these ships even develop their personality!

Emery Smith explained that even people flew these ships, however, they refused to leave our planet and our solar system, because they intuitively understand that humanity as a whole is not ready psychologically and emotionally to have this experience. Secret space programs have found ways to circumvent these security measures. Pete Peterson told David Wilcock that it sounds incredible, but today Americans (and Germans) are already everywhere in the galaxy!

Meanwhile, David Wilcock warns that the cabal is now fighting back and has launched an initiative to discredit honest whistleblowers and spread fake news. 99% of new insiders are empowered to spread disinformation to protect their secrets.

Britain's Daily Star was also marked by revelations from Emery Smith this week. In one of his interviews on Youtube, Emery knows even more to say, namely that some UFOs also have the ability to change their shape. The organic material in the UFO makes it possible to establish frequency communication using DNA and thus control the vehicle. You can either equip the UFO with artificial intelligence (AI), or your own consciousness - or both. Downed or downed UFOs still release energy even after 30 years, Smith says. In addition to the classic spherical, egg-shaped and disc UFOs, there are also vehicles that can work together, those that also change shape.

When traveling to another universe, they manifest themselves as a kind of light, changing their atomic structure, and then becoming solid again when necessary. Passengers do not notice this transition and immediately manifest themselves together with their ship in different worlds or dimensions somewhere in the Universe. Only then will it be possible to overcome incredibly long distances. Ships create their own atmosphere and their own gravity. These forces are generated by the UFO and are thus completely enclosed and protected, like in a capsule. By doing so, teleportation is possible, the atoms of the ship can contract in this area, and thus very high speeds and abrupt changes in direction are possible - the crew will not notice anything in the ship and its energy field. The field has its own algorithms that literally create a separate holographic world!If humanity could finally have access to this technology, all our problems would be solved with it, and immediate free energy and healing for all suffering, and even pollution, could be immediately reversed. So you can see that this technology is much more advanced than we know from the web or pop culture. Smith goes on to say that all the big tech companies are struggling to master these technologies and related sciences!Smith goes on to say that all the big tech companies are struggling to master these technologies and related sciences!Smith goes on to say that all the big tech companies are struggling to master these technologies and related sciences!

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