The Critical Moment Has Come In The Liquidation Of The Deep State. Part Two - Alternative View

The Critical Moment Has Come In The Liquidation Of The Deep State. Part Two - Alternative View
The Critical Moment Has Come In The Liquidation Of The Deep State. Part Two - Alternative View

Video: The Critical Moment Has Come In The Liquidation Of The Deep State. Part Two - Alternative View

Video: The Critical Moment Has Come In The Liquidation Of The Deep State. Part Two - Alternative View
Video: David Rhode: The Truth About America's Deep State 2024, September

Read the first part at this link.

David Wilcock continues to provide new information on the discovery of Mind Control Technology. Many people on the planet have been exposed to such weapons, they are hardly tracked, and governments or other organizations using them can simply deny everything. It is hard to imagine that the leak was an accident, and Wilcock suspects another Alliance insider is responsible for divulging this information, revealing the terrible methods used by the Deep State supporters.

Below are some of the consequences of such an attack using this mind control technology:

- erase memory or cause uncontrolled body actions

- artificially created visions

- forced hand manipulation

- forced sleep

- forced irresistible commands "come here, go there … and so on."

Promotional video:

- Voice-to-Skull technology - the manipulator speaks into the microphone, and the speaker's words are sent directly to the victim's brain


Various insiders say that about 15% of affected people are immune to such attacks. Pete Peterson was able to find out that the victim's brain waves were responsible for this. During such attacks, it is important to remain calm and free of negative emotions. It is best to practice by putting yourself in a peaceful meditative state, as this will allow you to resist manipulation. In addition, Deep State or Kable / Illuminati are not allowed to disable anyone they want. There is a spiritual battle on earth, and even the dark forces must adhere to the rules to be successful - at every level. The Cabal must wait for the right moment to attack someone. The best way to do this is to manipulate the victim with a friend. Such a "handler" then usually turns out to be completely "random" in the target person's life and pretends to be a friend or colleague,but in reality it is a double agent who is paid to observe manipulate and disturb. You should always pay attention to the people around you, because many who have a friendly attitude towards the day may have the exact opposite opinion.

Let's go back to Emery Smith: He was already studying the Atacama humanoids in the Sirius film with Dr. Stephen Greer, now he was given the opportunity to publish, based on the filming, a scientific article. The title of the article suggests that Smith's team has come to the conclusion that the humanoid is simply a mutated human, because it basically contains human genes. Shortly before the article was published, there was a new attack on Emery Smith. The document clarifies that the Atacama humanoid was not disfigured by a "birth defect" because the abnormalities go far beyond human genetic defects - just notice the shape of the head. Why is the media trying to explain right now that this is a person with birth defects,although the humanoid Atacama has been around for years? Did you want to prevent the publication of Emery Smith's article? The Deep State is probably worried that disclosure will take place soon, so an attempt should be made to publicly discredit the humanoids or Nazca mummies. All this shows once again that the cabal is afraid of imminent full disclosure.


The insiders of the secret space program have long colonized our entire solar system with their cutting edge technology, and we are also working with various groups to release all this information. These insiders also say that there will soon be a big event in our solar system - sunlight - that will drastically change our DNA and our consciousness. This will fulfill the ancient prophecies predicted in many ancient scriptures.

The Alliance and Deep State fighters have discovered that it is indeed a secret cult that can trace its roots back to the Roman Empire and Babylon. The followers of this cult believe in Lucifer and that he was banished from heaven, even though he was actually a "good boy." At the right time, the Roman Empire adopted the then young Christianity and incorporated its own elements into its teachings in order to remain in power. These sectarians seriously believe that Lucifer gives them wisdom, knowledge and freedom. The real God for them is a demiurge who holds humanity captive through karma and reincarnation. Lucifer's morality is freedom, a state of morality, and this is called freedom to force children to have sex. People who are not enlightened by the light of Lucifer become “shaking hands”, and Lucifer can kill them without fear of consequences.

David Wilcock also points out that many followers of the cult are already born into such families, and they are taught from childhood to loyalty and secrecy. Such people are often tortured throughout their lives and other terrible things are attached to them, so many of them are also very unhappy and want nothing more than to leave this circle. They are terribly afraid of death and try not to say a word about what they needed to experience. Wilcock writes that at least the older members of the cult believe they are "chosen" by God - everyone else is wicked and therefore in need of removal. The members of this cult hate all who believe in tradition and a monotheistic god. Basically, this entire organization is governed from three main centers, and each city has a large obelisk: London-Vatican and Washington.


With specially designed weapons systems, the possibilities were created to calmly and quietly get rid of unnecessary people in order to destroy the population of the Earth. Controlled mainstream science will be silent about it or call it "conspiracy theories":

- Fluoride in water or toothpaste, fluoride affects the pineal gland and reduces IQ and spirituality

- Power lines and mobile towers lead to cancer

- Smartphones and headphones create dangerous electromagnetic fields near the brain

- Fuel from cars spreads toxic fumes into our atmosphere

- Chemical routes spread aluminum and other toxic substances in the air

- Pesticides like Roundup cause cancer and weaken the body

- Aluminum in the form of deodorants or other care products that are applied to the armpits cause breast cancer

- Mercury in vaccines and dental fillings harms the body and causes heavy metal poisoning and autism

- Chemical cocktails in cigarettes and processed foods keep a working population until they retire and then ensure that these people become patients who require long-term medical care

- Growth hormones and antibiotics in meat and dairy products

- Genetically modified organisms in grains, corn, soybeans and wheat

- Glutamate, which is found in many foods

- Chemical cocktails in fast food that lead to addiction, weight gain, lethargy and death

- Alcohol as a slow poisoning that attacks every cell in the body

- Pharmaceutical drugs such as pain relievers that are more toxic and addictive than heroin

- Good news. Most of these dangerous weapons can be avoided simply by eating a healthy diet and living a healthy life!

The Alliance has now found ways to communicate directly with people, such as through Q-Anon Postings. David Wilcock thinks the behind-the-scenes business is very difficult and now we are very close to something big. In his opinion, the Alliance does not know exactly how all this will work, because plans usually do not survive on the battlefield and there are always unexpected twists and turns. Q-Anon wrote in November 2017 that the cult dominates the world but is now pushing the world away and destroying the cult. Nevertheless, a certain percentage must be preserved, on the other hand, the world will completely collapse: 20% of crimes can be solved, and 80% must remain closed, because if everything is revealed, shock and trauma will literally destroy the entire society. Therefore, 80% of the war against the Deep State is conducted in secret.


Now we come to David Moryak, who was until recently the authoritative mainstream journalist for the Huffington Post. In his most recent articles for the newspaper, he became increasingly uncomfortable and began to criticize Hillary Clinton and the Deep State until he finally dealt with the sealed indictments. He was eventually fired and all of his social media profiles were deleted, making the media favorite an insider of hidden information. He has shown great respect in alternative media. After briefly disappearing from the scene, Mariner returned with his own news feed, moved to Washington and founded the Fulcrum news service. In a widely circulated Youtube video from early April 2018, he talks about contact with the Alliance and stated that the arrests have now begun.and Deep State began to lose ground!

On April 24, 2018, a new video appeared in which David Seaman presented two open indictments: the defendants - Keith Raniere, the head of sex called NXIVM, and actress Allison Mack, who is also involved in the cult. Both indictments were opened on April 20, 2018, and the FBI executed their arrests. David Seaman confirms that NXIVM is just a small part of a much deeper Western conspiracy at the satanic film studio.

Alex Jones posted his interview on April 22nd with insider Zach. This spoke of a secret space program and that it was a galactic goldmine, so the deep state wants to stop us in some way to become a multi-planetary society - power over us will be broken and we could finally evolve spiritually and culturally. until we finally reached the level of our galactic cousins. Of course, this will be the end for some industries as we start mining some valuable ores in space. Zach reveals that a major disclosure is imminent and the Alliance already has an ace up their sleeve. David Wilcock was interviewed by his insider Corey Goode, who confirmed that Zach's information was accurate. Q-Anon recently talked about "MOAB" - the "mother of all bombs" that will soon be dropped on the Deep State!Peace between North and South Korea is a terrible development for the Deep State, because the media constantly needs a threat and a portrayal of the enemy. After years of continuous incitement to North Korea, Kim suddenly becomes Kind! In Syria, the situation is changing rapidly, and there is evidence that the alleged poison gas attack was a hoax - children were lured to the hospital with candy and had water on their heads. It was then selected by film crews and presented as evidence of the poison gas attack. In Syria, the situation is changing rapidly, and there is evidence that the alleged poison gas attack was a hoax - children were lured to the hospital with candy and had water on their heads. It was then selected by film crews and presented as evidence of the poison gas attack. In Syria, the situation is changing rapidly, and there is evidence that the alleged poison gas attack was a hoax - children were lured to the hospital with candy and had water on their heads. It was then selected by film crews and presented as evidence of the poison gas attack.


This practice is increasingly putting fraudulent media in trouble and Indonesia now has the following fabricated story - ISIS is spreading online threats against Satanic organizations such as the UN, FED, Universal Studios in Hollywood, CNN, NATO and NASA! The photographs of the threat show a jihadist aiming a machine gun at the logos of these organizations, calling "Allahu Akbar." But ISIS is a covert operation of Western intelligence, and Alliance insiders are confident that this is another sabotage maneuver of the Deep State to present itself as a victim! Another illustration on the Web says that Dajjal - the antichrist of Islamic theology - is behind all these organizations.


These were amazing new revelations, and now everything is in order!