Who Is The Most Influential Of This World? - The Second Part - Alternative View

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Who Is The Most Influential Of This World? - The Second Part - Alternative View
Who Is The Most Influential Of This World? - The Second Part - Alternative View

Video: Who Is The Most Influential Of This World? - The Second Part - Alternative View

Video: Who Is The Most Influential Of This World? - The Second Part - Alternative View
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Participation of Jesuits in crimes and murders

1963 assassination of President Kennedy

Almost from the outset, the assassination of a popular young president was considered by many to be the result of a conspiracy rather than a single man, despite the findings of the Warren Commission (1964), which was created and overseen by Kennedy's successor, pres. Lyndon B. Johnson. The incident remained the subject of widespread speculation.

The Murder Record Collection Act required the National Archives to release all relevant documents within 25 years. As of October 26, 2017, the deadline for the release of the remaining undisclosed documents approached, US President Donald Trump was effusively awaiting disclosure. At 11:00, however, the White House was bombarded with requests from the CIA and the FBI to revise several hundred documents in the interests of national security.

As conspiracy theorists and researchers are well aware, the Vatican from the shadows had a major influence on the Kennedy assassination, as learned from respected Jesuit scholars. Author Loftus argued in his 1994 book: The Secret War Against the Jews; Kennedy wanted to arm Israel.

“In September 1962, Kennedy decided to provide Israel with surface-to-air defensive missiles capable of stopping aircraft, but not Egyptian offensive missiles. This was the first sale of weapons by the US government to Israel…. Kennedy promised the Israelis that as soon as the elections in 1964 are over, he will break the CIA by a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds … ". With the assassination of Kennedy in November 1963, the Israelis have lost the best friend they had in the White House since Truman left."


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And why did the Jesuits of the Vatican not want to sell weapons to Israel at this time? Why did Jesuit-controlled President Johnson turn his back on Israel as the Egyptian army marched across the Sinai Desert to prepare an attack on Israel in 1967?

Because the attack on Israel had to be provoked. The attack was instigated by the Jesuit International Intelligence Community through Egypt, misconstruing the Israeli army's weakness and Israel's alleged abandonment of the American empire. The Six Day War, engineered by Knight of Malta James Angleton, had one of its primary goals: the conquest of Jerusalem along with the Temple Mount. Israel's apparent lack of military equipment provoked a planned attack from Egypt. So Israel launched a preemptive strike, and six days later the holy city was in the hands of the Zionist government of Rome.

If Kennedy had armed Israel, the Egyptians would never have dared to go to war. Without a provocative war, there would have been no Israeli attack. Without an Israeli attack, Jerusalem would never have been invaded by the Zionists controlled by the Jesuit Mossad. With Jerusalem in Arab hands, the Zionists could not have rebuilt the Temple of Solomon.

Much of the philosophy of the Jesuits is based on the doctrine of "The end justifies the means", expressed as:

“It is true that the Pope has the right to hand over heretical and rebellious kings. Monarchs, so overthrown by the Pope, turn into notorious tyrants and can be killed by the first who can get them.

"If a public cause cannot meet its defense as a result of the death of a tyrant, it is legal for the first who arrives to kill him."

Expressed in Defensio Didei, by the Spanish Jesuit Jesuit priest Francisco Suarez, 1548 - 1617.

In other words; "It is permissible to kill the oppressor."

The Ninth Circle of Satanic Cult Sacrifices

A document from the secret archives of the Vatican, held by the International Court of General Jurisprudence (ICLCJ) in Brussels, states that the Pope and cardinals participated in satanic rites.


The ninth circle of the Satanic cult child sacrifice, led by Pope Francis Jorge Mario Bergoglio, is scheduled for June 21, 2018. The date of the summer solstice. Children for this satanic rite will be supplied by an international syndicate of child exploitation funded by the global elite, run by the mafia and organized by the Vatican.

This is not the first time Pope Francis has been accused of rape or planning to rape and kill children. In July 2014, ICLCJ-Court reported two teenage girls, claiming that Pope Francis had raped them during child sacrifices in the spring of 2009 and 2010. According to a former Curie employee in Rome, the rapes and murders took place at Carnarvon Castle in Wales and an undisclosed French castle. The prosecutor produced notarized affidavits from eight other persons claiming to have witnessed similar crimes.

The court obtained documentation from the Vatican's secret archives, including the Master's Privilege of December 25, 1967. This Law of Cannes states that before each new pope took up their duties, it was imperative that they participate in the rituals of sacrifice within the ninth circle of Satanic cults. The document specifically mentions the ceremonial killing of newborn babies followed by the consumption of their blood.

Eyewitnesses at the trial also claimed that Queen Elizabeth, her husband Prince Philip, members of the British royal family and the Catholic Jesuit abbot, Adolfo Pachon, were present with Pope Francis and former Pope Ratzinger in the sacrifices of the Ninth Circle.

And with all this eyewitness testimony, these gruesome facts are no longer a conspiracy:

“The conspiracy is rarely, if ever, supported by positive testimony. When a crime of great magnitude must be committed by a combination of individuals, they do not act openly, but covertly and secretly. The ultimate goal is known only to those involved in developing the plan. If one of the original conspirators does not betray his accomplices and does not testify against them, their guilt can only be proven by circumstantial evidence … and the circumstances cannot lie. As stated in Trial of the Conspirators.

The hundreds of publications covering the Kennedy assassination can be boiled down to a few simple facts. They lead to "The Lion" in his "Money of Iniquity", who had the right to execute Kennedy and successfully hide him. Leo was Cardinal Spellman of New York, and his Den of Iniquity was St. Patrick's Cathedral, the "Little Vatican" and the home base of the American Chapter of the Knights of Malta.


After the death of Cardinal Spellman in 1967 and to this day, the subsequent "Lions" who kept the assassination closed were closed: Cardinal Cook, Knight of Malta and Cardinal O'Connor, Archbishop of New York from 1984 until his death in 2000. He was a former Chaplain of the Navy during the War at Spellman and succeeded Cardinal Timothy Dolan.

Given that President Kennedy had no intention of escalating the Vietnam War, the Intelligence Community began to prepare to assassinate him. Roman Catholic Lee Harvey Oswald was selected by the patch. - As a CIA agent, he was sent to Soviet Russia by Allen Dulles in 1959, presumably as a defector. Knowing that the CIA (OSS) and the KGB (NKVD) worked together during World War II. Oswald is said to have been on vacation for nearly two years. During this time, he married a Russian, whose uncle was a colonel in the KGB.

Upon Oswald's return to the American Empire in 1962, he contacted CIA agents Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis, David Ferry, Guy Banister, Earl George De Mohrenschildt, and Clay Shaw. Oswald was a CIA agent and had ties to the Jesuits. His cousin was reportedly a Jesuit priest. The Jesuit reconciliation is closely related to what happened in the murder of Lincoln. - Explained in the Commandments of the Federal Reserve and the Rockefellers, Emmanuel M. Josephson, 1968.

Author Jim Garrison, in his 1991 book On the Trail of the Assassins, made clear that the CIA was involved in the assassination through Clay Shaw. He wrote:


“… We discovered Shaw's extensive international role as a CIA officer. Shaw's secret life as an Agency agent in Rome trying to bring fascism back to Italy has been published in articles in the Italian press…. For me, among the most significant revelations was … confirmation by both Victor Marchetti and Richard Helms that Clay Shaw was an agent of the Central Intelligence Agency."

And who was the director of the CIA in 1963? It was Knight of Malta John McCon. Prior to that, McCon was a defense contractor who officially chaired the Atomic Energy Commission. Later in 1970, he served on the ITT board while remaining a CIA consultant. Marchetti tells us:

"[Board Member] of the ITT, who later admitted to the Senate Investigative Committee that he played a key role in bringing CIA and ITT officials together, was John McCon, director of the CIA during the Kennedy administration, and in 1970 a CIA consultant." [The CIA and the Cult of Reason ", Victor Marchetti, 1975]

It is known that several Knights of Columbus were involved in the assassination of Kennedy. They, in particular, worked for the FBI. But the only known Knight who was involved was Senator Edward Kennedy in that through his silence he agreed to kill his brother. Could this be what led the eternal Massachusetts senator to his destructive alcoholic life?


Finally, it was known that the mafia was involved in the Kennedy assassination. The Mafia, CIA, FBI and the Office of Naval Intelligence have worked together since World War II. Jack Ruby was a mob, and David E. Scheim made it abundantly clear in his Treaty of America that Mob had at least two motives: the Kennedy brothers had declared war on organized crime and the loss of Mob's gambling network in Cuba.

But this was not a reason for participation. The Mafia Dons were promised that they would make more money than the Casinos in Havana could ever give them, thanks to the explosion in the international drug trade that became possible during the Vietnam War. If they had helped destroy Kennedy, Johnson would have escalated the war, thereby making the drug trade easier. The CIA will bring drugs from the Golden Triangle, distribute them to mafia families, and everyone will win.

More importantly, the Mafia Commission got a favor. Cardinal Spellman, through FDR, arranged for the release of "Lucky" Luciano due to "Operation Underworld". Now the cardinal needed a favor. If he refused, Spellman could use the entire intelligence community he helped organize to take out any boss. If he agrees, new gambling centers will open, in particular Atlantic City.

It is clear that if President Kennedy were removed, everyone would gain more power and wealth. The intellectual community will become more absolute, and the cardinal will be even more respected by his colleagues in Rome. The rest is history.

It is safe to say that the Jesuit General, using the Pope with his most powerful Cardinal Spellman in the American Empire, ordered the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. It was Cardinal Spellman, the "American Pope," and his soldiers, the Knights of Malta, who were watching the assassination.

President Kennedy was killed. Therefore, the conclusion was obvious. The CIA, with its agent, E. Howard Hunt, assassinated the president. According to the jury's successor, Leslie Armstrong, in Plausible Denial, notes:

Mr. Lane asked us to do something very difficult. He asked us to believe that John F. Kennedy was killed by our own government. When we examined the evidence (within 65 minutes), we were forced to conclude that the CIA did indeed kill President Kennedy. “Hunt was part of him, and this evidence, so carefully presented, must now be reviewed by the appropriate agencies of the United States government so that those responsible for the murder can be brought to justice.

Banco Ambrosiano scandal

The Vatican Bank is officially known as the Institute for Religious Writings, and from 1971 to 1989, the bank's president was Archbishop Paul Marcinkus of Cicero, Illinois. Prior to that, he worked as a bodyguard for Pope Paul VI. However, he will remember the scandal that erupted in 1982.


The scandal began with the collapse of Banco Ambrosiano, which was one of the largest private banks in Italy, with $ 1.4 billion in debt. Shortly thereafter, Roberto Calvi, who was the bank's general manager and friend of Marcinkus, was found dead hanging from a bridge over the Thames in London, England. This was originally considered suicide, but later became murder. Five people were tried in connection with his murder, but they were all acquitted.

It turns out the Vatican, through the Vatican bank, is the main shareholder in Banco Ambrosiano, and they funneled a billion dollars from the bank to 10 fly-by-night companies. Other rumors that surrounded the scandal were that more and more of the bank's shareholders were involved in organized crime, and some of them were even members of a secret P2 Masonic lodge.

When Italian investigators tried to interview Marcinkus about the scandal, he was very inconsistent. He refused to leave the Vatican and even refused to answer questions, citing diplomatic immunity. Marcinkus was charged but did not face trial as the charges against him were dropped. He continued to lead the Vatican Bank for another seven years.

The scandal even led to some conspiracy theories. The most famous of these was used in the plot of The Godfather Part III, and this includes Pope John Paul I, murdered by the mafia in August 1978. John Paul I was pope for only 33 days in 1978 before he was found dead in bed. The official cause of death was reported to be a heart attack, but no autopsy was performed. According to the conspiracy theory, he was killed because he wanted to end the relationship between the church and the private bank.

Vatican Bank and Nazi gold

According to a 1946 document from the Treasury Department, the Vatican was probably smuggling Nazi gold during World War II, portraying itself as a neutral organization.

The document, which was released to the public in 1997, states that the Vatican Bank has 200 million Swiss francs, which is about $ 254 million in 2018 for the Nazis. According to rumors in the document, the money was later channeled through what is called the Vatican Pipeline to Argentina and Spain, where it was handed over to the Nazis who fled Project Paperclips to avoid prosecution for war crimes.

The Vatican bank also appears to have funneled money that was stolen from Serbs and Jews through the Ustaši, who were a Nazi puppet regime in Croatia. At the end of the war, the Ustashi began to loot the homes of the victims of their ethnic cleansing campaigns, thus 350 million Swiss francs were taken out of Yugoslavia through the Vatican, which is about 440 million dollars. Then the money was used to support the criminal organization Ustasha in exile.


In 2000, a lawsuit was brought against the Vatican in this matter, but ultimately failed.

The infallible authority of the Pope is so necessary for the true Christian Church that without it there will be no visible divine Church at all. But, unfortunately, our Lord left His Church in the hands of dirty people.

In the above cases and in all other controversial cases related to papal authenticity that has arisen in the course of the history of the Church, in no case has a decision been made that would prove that the Pope was wrong. In this regard, the Supreme Pontiff constantly used the power of keys by binding the consciences of loyal adherents. In other words, there is no human tribunal to judge the Holy World.

President John F. Kennedy was one of the many victims of a terrible Jesuit conspiracy.

As soon as someone seemingly distances themselves from the papal agenda and advocates the ideals of true liberation and human rights, they are considered a traitor to the Holy World by Vatican standards and qualify as a "tyrant" worthy of murder.

It is safe to say that the Jesuit general, using the Pope with his most powerful cardinal, is morally guilty of the assassination of President Kennedy.

The Antichrist Infrastructure Is In The Rise Of AI To Eradicate Humanity

You won't believe what will happen. Or maybe if you read the Bible, you will. The rise of AI - Artificial Intelligence - now seems unstoppable. And the brightest minds who can bring this to life openly tell us that AI will make humans obsolete.

The chance that AI could be here in just 13 years is 25%. Regardless of the timeframe, this is planned and it will probably be very soon. Anthony Patch calls the framework that is outlined to bring it to the "infrastructure of the antichrist."

This interview discusses infrastructure that includes CERN, DWAVE quantum computing, AI, 5G, and more. The HBO show "Western World" is not fiction, it's a prophecy. Stay tuned for an exciting interview that will leave you overwhelmed.

Hear also an interview about CERN - an insider reveals the pure evil within and the corresponding AI that will make people redundant. While these messages are enough to scare us to death, we still have the ability to escape this evil madness.

WHY in the name of God are they doing this?

Netanyahu's biggest lie;

The Deep State has a plan much bigger and more dire than the original. Q Anon on Iranian nuclear bombs; Silly clowns have created a nuclear thread. What Netanyahu did not achieve with President Obama seems more than likely under Trump's presidency to drag the United States of America into another major war for Israel. Rather than talking about Iran's non-existent nuclear arsenal, the United States, the European Union, and the IAEA should demand verification of Israel's substantial stockpile of atomic weapons and its massive stockpile of biochemical weapons. The world should no longer admit that it is being pulled by Netanyahu.

Obama / Clinton illegally planted nuclear arsenals in Iran and Syria, blamed Russia for this and got a pretext for starting a third world war.

Iran and Syria do not intend to start a war.

Listen to this excellent explanation of the explicit explanation.

This will leave you speechless while this is already happening: