The Global Hierarchy Of Power - Alternative View

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The Global Hierarchy Of Power - Alternative View
The Global Hierarchy Of Power - Alternative View

Video: The Global Hierarchy Of Power - Alternative View

Video: The Global Hierarchy Of Power - Alternative View
Video: Joseph Nye on global power shifts 2024, September

3-cities - states control the world

Oktogon - Empire of Darkness

Many might think that they are pretty well informed about all the major players in the Deep State conspiracy playing field, in relation to the various elements of society that control our world from behind the scenes. But an organizational structure of eight layers is much more complex than we know.


The real top of the pyramid is the rulers of the Luciferian Pharaoh in Octogon, created in Switzerland, who appear to be the core of the Global Octopus of the ruling elites, and their tentacles fall into every niche of "our" society. These are the bankers of the Templar Pharaohs of Switzerland with their 5th Column Masonic henchmen who form the ruling Oligarchy throughout the world. These reigning pharaohs come from the occult mysterious religions of Lucifer that originated from Babylon and Egypt. Now they are identified as the Global Elite or Cabal who see us as their slaves and property to do with them as they please.

Octogon is the name of a very secretive Nazi organization that, by the end of World War II, acquired its entire fortune from plundered Nazi gold and goods deposited in Switzerland to be used for future wars and illegal activities.

The famous German scandal of the 90s concerned black foundations, with which the political campaign of Helmut Kohl and the CDU was financed with the help of Nazi gold laundered in Switzerland and organized by the secret Nazi organization Oktogon under the secret code word "T emplars" of Switzerland ".

At the top of the pyramid hierarchy are the Swiss OCTOGON Templars, followed by a second layer composed of Soros and the Nazis. In fact, the Nazis are an integral part of the Octogon and also belong to the top of the power pyramid.

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According to the recommended documentary "Pharaoh's Show", the last stronghold of the Templar Crusaders fell on May 18, 1291, and it was only 2 and a half months later that Switzerland was founded on August 1, 1291. According to the documentary, the Templar treasure was hidden in Switzerland, on which Swiss banks were founded. Freemasons came out of the Templars. "The Pharaohs are still here and rule the world through secret societies, like the Pharaoh and his army disappeared into the sea." In ancient Egypt, Pharaoh was the most powerful person. Pharaoh was the political and religious leader of the Egyptian people, holding the titles "Lord of two lands" and "high priest of each temple."


As "Lord of the two lands" Pharaoh was the ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt. He owned all the land, drew up laws, collected taxes and protected Egypt from foreigners.

As the “High Priest of every temple,” Pharaoh represented the gods on earth. He performed rituals and built temples in honor of the gods. Many pharaohs went to war when their land was under threat or when they wanted to take over foreign lands. If the pharaoh won the battle, the conquered people had to recognize the Egyptian pharaoh as their ruler and give him the best and valuable goods from their land.

The Sea of Nations refers to the fact that thanks to mixing they are among us, in all key positions, and Switzerland is their largest base; and is home to the Templars. This is why their flag displays a simplified Templar flag in exactly the same colors.

The priesthood of Melchizedek magicians preserved by the Templars, as part of the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon, directly links the Order with the most ancient civilizations, the ancient Egyptian Priesthood of the Pharaohs, the Priesthood of the Biblical King Melchizedek and King Solomon, as well as the Essenes, who wrote down the seas of the Evangelism, including the Deadly Scrolls.


The Melchizedek Priesthood of the Magi in the Old Solomon Priesthood is compatible with the practice of Reformed Catholicism. This older part of Solomon's priesthood is rooted in the Egyptian Jedet priesthood as the earliest foundations of Christianity, as practiced by the 12th century Templars in Roman Catholicism. It includes elements that later became 15th century Rosicrucians as Gnostic Protestantism, and 16th century Hermetic Theosophy as part of liberal Catholicism.


This line of priestly succession also links the Templar Priesthood to some of the most important leaders of civilization in human history, including the pharaohs Cheops - the architect of the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Amenhotep III - the father of Queen Nefertiti and the grandfather of King Tutankhamun, Shoshonka I - who returned the Ark of the Covenant from Solomon's Temple to Egypt and Cleopatra - High Priestess of Isis.

The pharaohs turned into the nobility, aristocracy and freemasonry. From Freemasonry came a new world order. All politicians are mixed descendants of the nobility, and they are all mixed descendants of their former knighthood, called the Templar Octagon; This is the lineage of the pharaohs, which governs the whole world in which we humans are slaves.

The Swiss Federal Institute (SFI) in Zurich has published a study titled The Global Corporate Control Network, which proves that a small consortium of corporations, mostly banks, runs the world.

And only 147 corporations that form a "super - subject" control over 40% of the world's wealth; which is the real economy. These mega-corporations are at the heart of the global economy. The banks that have proven to be the most influential include:

Barclays plc.

Capital Group Inc.

FMR Corporation


State Street Corporation

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Legal & General Group plc.

Vanguard Group Inc.


Merrill Lynch & Co

These are the ten largest multinationals that control the global economy - and if you are one of the millions convinced that "big banks" rule the world, you should get a creeping sense of excuse from this list:

Several of the other usual suspects round out the top 25, including JP Morgan, Credit Suisse, and Goldman Sachs. What you won't find on the list is ExxonMobil, Microsoft or General Electric, which is odd. In fact, only China Petrochemical Group Company at number 50 is the first company on the list to create something.

The top 49 corporations are financial institutions, banks and insurance companies, with the exception of Wal-Mart, which is ranked at number 15. The rest is essentially just pushing money towards each other. This is the relationship of the best players in this international scheme:

“However, since links with control groups are linked around the world, they become a catalyst for a global financial collapse. James Glatfelder, SFI systems theorist, explains: "In fact, less than one percent of companies were able to control 40 percent of the entire network."

Layer 3 is the most powerful espionage structure designed by Palantir. Palantir has long sought to sell governments an unrivaled ability to disperse and use any information. Peter Thiel represents the perfect link to government influence with what Trump's corporate chart loves. The Intercept can now show that Palantir has worked for many years to boost the global dynamism of the NSA and its international partners, and was actually created in conjunction with American spies.

The 4th layer is formed by the black Jesuit Pope, Adolfo Nicholas Pachón, who is the General Superior of the Society of Jesus devilish plan for a new world order, the Roman Empire. It controls the 5th layer with secret communities, which in turn control the CIA and through the OCGBT - a joint terrorism task force - the FBI and the American Intel agencies that work with drug trafficking, depicted as uranium shipments, illegal white phosphorus weapons, seizures bodies, pedophilia rings, car theft rings, illegal use of diplomatic containers, etc. Human victims and human trafficking..

Secret societies are the Black Pope's puppets, while the Black Pope is the CIA's puppet. The Clinton Foundation serves the CIA, and its agenda is served by the US Congress. The Department of Defense is sucked and drained by the CIA and has its spies in Congress. On the other hand, the CIA is a puppet of the Swiss Knights Templar Octogon. They hide their money in Bitcoin, which was created by Alice at the CERN LHC laboratories in Geneva. Bitcoin is driven by AI.

The Black Pope's foot soldiers are Jacob and Evelyn Rothschild, who are completely subservient to the Jesuit Roman Empire, which also carried out the assassinations, among many others, of John F. Kennedy, executed by the CIA, and now have their own perspective on the assassination of Trump. Black Pope also works with secret societies and the CIA along with the FBI and all US-intel agencies. - Q - anon reveals the connection between the Vatican, the Rothschilds and the Reptiles behind the deep state.

The 6th layer consists of the Khazar mafia, who are fake Jews. The Vatican - Pope Francis - and Queen Elizabeth II, including Dutch and Spanish royalties, are administered. They make up the three parts of the secret government and are puppets of the Vatican.

Three cities control the whole world

The seventh layer is the Roman Empire - with its three major city-states in the Vatican, the city of London and Washington, DC. These are dolls of the top six layers in the hierarchy.


The Vatican is a power structure that wants to unify all religions into one, the London City Finance arm, while Washington DC controls the military.

These are sovereign, corporate "city states" that control the entire world and are not part of the country in which they are located. They have their own laws, taxes and their own personalities, as evidenced by their respective flags.


The eighth layer is formed by the banking cartel and is controlled by the Knights of Malta, a military order whose members are the pinnacle of the western elite. The membership list includes sufficiently senior US officers and officials to manage the military-industrial complex (MIC). Initial contributors include William Westmoreland, Nelson Rockefeller, David Rockefeller, Amschel Meyer von Rothschild, Rick Santorum, Antonin Scalia, Joseph Edward Schmitz (Blackwater), TV Host-Pastor Robert Schuller, Frank Sinatra, Cardinal Spedner Frensiend General William Westmoreland. Robert, President of the World Bank Robert Zoellick.

The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, and Shifami are part of the main actors in a total of 13 Archon lineages. They own the private US Federal Reserve and nearly every other central bank in the world, with the Bank of England and German Deutsche Bank serving the Octogon Bank of International Settlement - BIS in Basel Switzerland.

The Bilderberg Group, Foreign Relations Advisor, Trilateral Commission, are integral to the banking cartel, which is completely fraudulent.

The Bilderberg Group and CFR are tasked with executing the NWO agenda with a team on population control, vaccinations, Chemtrail spray, food, water and air poisoning, and drug cartels.

Taken together, they include the GLOBAL SWEET, which is now being quickly merged by the Trump team. With the help of every awakened patriot. Keep in mind that all countries that are enslaved have gone bankrupt by the banking cartel, which makes up the thirteen families of archons.

Their wealth and the wealth of all banking families are being seized by the militias of the people of planet Earth on the orders of the 188 members of the World Bank's Board of Governors under the Global Debt Fund's mandate manager, Global Overseer, all leaders have spearheaded a new global freedom movement guided by the Rule of Power Transition.

The swamp merges

Satan's possession of the swamp is the result of a very well-organized long-term conspiracy to establish a new world order based on the Luciferian revolution against God and nature.


The rich and powerful, or rather the bankers, use their power to oppress the weak and, in fact, destroy the economy. Now the curtain is being raised to fully expose the Khazar mafia and its evil plan to infiltrate and tyrannize the entire world and root out all Abrahamic religions and allow only their Babylonian Talmudism, also known as Luciferianism, Satanism, or ancient Baal worship.

From the hidden history of the incredibly evil Khazarian mafia, we learn:

"The masses are more afraid of the mix of wealthy and professional aristocratic classes, which, influenced by wealth and talent, insidiously employed, have sometimes succeeded in thwarting political institutions, albeit well-adjusted ones, from securing citizens' freedom."

"By degrees, the bank has received almost all power over the circulating environment, and with it the power to increase or decrease the price of property and levy taxes from people in the form of premiums and interest in an amount limited only by the amount of paper currency it can issue."

The private central bank strongly opposes

President Andrew Jackson, the 7th President of the United States from 1829 to 1837, was probably the most fearless man of his era, vigorously opposing a private central bank because he foresaw that the moneylenders would eventually deceive the common people.


He also knew that fractional reserve banking was a sophisticated deception that always ends up killing the economy. Jackson wanted to rebuild the economy. However, some of his opponents, past and present, have tried to dismiss him as ignorant, claiming that he knows little about economics.

They were not against all banking systems, but against the fraudulent bankers, whom Jackson called "Hydra-big-headed" monsters eating the flesh of a common man.

The Illuminati use pedophilia to blackmail and control their puppet members, whose revelation has made the masses in denial. Meanwhile, corruption and sexual violence abound, and no one mentions the involvement of Jesuits and Freemasonry. The legal system and the police are and are fully involved in the subversive activities of civilization. The masses suffer from Stockholm Syndrome and hope that psychopaths will not harm them if they keep their heads and play by their rules. Fully invested in their enslavement, people are too depraved, cowardly or dumb to face reality, since slaves are taught daily to love their slavery!

Rothschild Khazar Mafia (RKM)

The source of the evil that runs the Rothschild Khazar Mafia (RKM) is taken from the Babylonian Talmud. It is based on religious delusions of racial superiority.

The RKM have a well-developed espionage network through which they received a preliminary warning and were able to escape from Khazaria to all European countries, in particular Germany, taking their huge fortunes with them. In secret, they continued their satanic rituals of blood and child sacrifice and trusted Baal to deliver the whole world and all its riches to them, as they believed it was promised to them, as long as they continued to sacrifice children and babies to Baal.


The Rothschilds developed a private fiat banking system that specialized in making counterfeit money out of nothing, charging insidious usury from governments when it was supposed to be people's own money, free of interest. The idea for counterfeit money came from the black art of Babylonian money magic, claiming to insiders that such technology and secret monetary power were given to them by Baal due to their frequent bleeding sacrifices and rituals to Baal.

Once they infiltrated and took over the banking system, they crossed with the royals and infiltrated and completely took over all of England and all of its major institutions. Some experts believe that the Rothschilds committed genocide against the royals by organizing a clandestinely controlled illegal and falsified divorce from their own Khazar men to replace the Royal Family with their own contenders for the throne.

The Need for a Great Awakening

The masses are still largely denied. The ruling class is completely involved in the subversion of civilization. People adapted to their enslavement are too corrupt, passionate and dumb to resist reality. Many have no idea or perception of the restraint that will eventually be imposed on them. They would prefer to ignore the obvious and fall into denial of the truth that has already become reality, and they prefer to reassure each other that "they will never liberate people's freedoms and make us serf elites."

Humanity has given up its intelligence and responsibility on a large scale - consider the broader implications of this behavior for human existence. When we surrender our mind and responsibility, we also surrender our freedom and, in fact, our life.


If we do not wake up en masse, we will soon completely degrade until humanity is completely lost. Then our capture under some false pretext will seem to be Divine Retribution. And this is how Satan works. Satanic dominion is the result of a highly organized long-term conspiracy to establish a new world order based on the Luciferian revolution against God and nature. Luciferians hate all creation and life itself, while they advocate destruction and death. This is the cult of death. The Great Awakening must now come in full force to save humanity for our descendants.