Defense Minister Of Canada: &Ldquo; The Illuminati Rule The World In Secret &Rdquo; - Alternative View

Defense Minister Of Canada: &Ldquo; The Illuminati Rule The World In Secret &Rdquo; - Alternative View
Defense Minister Of Canada: &Ldquo; The Illuminati Rule The World In Secret &Rdquo; - Alternative View

Former Canadian Defense Secretary Paul Hellier authoritatively claims that the Illuminati are real and secretly rule the world from behind the scenes.

Paul Hellier is considered the most senior politician who always speaks truthfully about popular conspiracy theories.

The Illuminati, as one of the largest conspiracy theories, is considered a hidden global elite that is ruling governments from behind the scenes and planning to introduce a New World Order (NWO).

Its key figures are Hollywood representatives, world political and business leaders. There is a version that they are reptilians or related to reptilians, lizard-like creatures from space.

It is believed that they are followers of a satanic cult and seek to bring the devil back to earth.

Many people don't believe in the Illuminati.

However, Mr. Hellier, who was in office in the 1960s, stated that the Illuminati were real and very powerful.

He said that corrupt hidden leaders continue to fight futile wars and only think about profit.

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Mr Hellier said: “This is a secret cabal that actually rules the world and they will hide all new clean technologies until they can make trillions from their oil assets.

And that will not change until hundreds of thousands of people come together and say, "You must tell us everything that is happening and change your priorities to save the world for generations to come, instead of blowing it up."

Mr. Hellier is backing world renowned conspiracy theorist David Icke of BBC3, who describes the Illuminati as a bondage and "Hidden Hand".

According to Dailystar, Mr. Helle also believes that several species of intelligent aliens are secretly living on Earth, and world leaders are hiding this secret from the public.

In fact, he claims that aliens have already developed a "free source of clean energy" for us that could change our entire lives.

He added: “I learned that the United States, in collaboration with aliens from other planets, has developed an exotic form of energy that would allow us to move from fossil fuels to exotic, clean energy within 10 years, which I think we have …

But nothing is done about it.

So that is not good.

Of course, they are more developed in agriculture and medicine, and in many other areas, and if so, why do not we cooperate with them to build a better world."

More and more people are beginning to believe in a conspiracy theory about hiding information about pure free energy and that aliens secretly live on Earth.
