Conspiracy Theory Or How The Rothschilds And Rockefellers Divided Russia - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theory Or How The Rothschilds And Rockefellers Divided Russia - Alternative View
Conspiracy Theory Or How The Rothschilds And Rockefellers Divided Russia - Alternative View

Video: Conspiracy Theory Or How The Rothschilds And Rockefellers Divided Russia - Alternative View

Video: Conspiracy Theory Or How The Rothschilds And Rockefellers Divided Russia - Alternative View
Video: Rise of the Rothschilds: The World's Richest Family 2024, September

The Rothschilds and Rockefellers are the most famous and notable of the main entertainers of the irreconcilable war of parasites against the Russian World. Whether we like it or not, we will have to diligently study these powerful enemies of ours …

As you know, the modern world is governed by capital. Alas, this is a real picture of yesterday, today, and, perhaps, tomorrow. It so happened that as long as money exists, people (in the overwhelming majority, with the exception of individual righteous and crazy people) will strive to possess it. And for some, for various reasons, it will be more successful than others - this is the law of life. It is equally obvious that the owners of large fortunes will strive, at least, to preserve them, and even better - to increase them. And in order to achieve this goal, power is needed that allows you to most effectively solve the assigned tasks. That is, those who have real financial resources have real power.

It is these people (or rather, these groups) who really control the world economy and politics. Given that the amount of available capital is not unlimited, there is fierce competition between these groups for spheres of influence and access to sources of wealth. But with all that, all participants in such a competitive struggle are interested in clear rules of the global game and are forced to negotiate in order to avoid senseless losses. I think very few people will be able to object to these statements. But they, in their essence, are a summary of the so-called "conspiracy theory", at the mention of which many have a condescending grin on their faces: "Yes, yes, how did you hear - a global conspiracy, a secret world government, a" syndicate ", The "committee of 300", the Bilderberg club and other rubbish ".

It just so happened that many perceive the reasoning about the "conspiracy theory" as paranoid delirium, without bothering, however, at the same time to at least try to think about whether there is a rational grain in all this delirium. That is why this article appeared - as an attempt to independently, with our own eyes, look at the "conspiracy theory" in relation to our country.

Perhaps we should start with the definition given by George Entin, professor emeritus at the University of Pennsylvania, in his book Conspiracy Theories and the Conspiracy Mentality: “A conspiracy is the illegal actions of a small, secretly working group of people intent on making a turn in the course of historical events, for example overthrow the government. Conspiracy theory is an attempt to explain an event, or series of events, as the result of a conspiracy."

A fairly understandable definition, in which there is only one "but": why the actions of the conspirators must necessarily be illegal? You can simply achieve the adoption of laws that ensure, in the end, the achievement of the desired goal. And then we simply get an ordinary situation in which a group of influential persons sets a certain unreported goal for themselves and achieves, using all the means at their disposal.

Such situations are commonplace, even at the grassroots level. After all, no one is surprised that some large financial and industrial group promotes its own person to the State Duma or governor, using all available opportunities for this. And sometimes it even turns out that persons directly connected with crime are promoted to power. The same thing happens in other countries - large companies finance the election campaigns of candidates for senators, governors and presidents, and no one even thinks that this is just a special case of the "conspiracy theory" in action.

And in the same way, everyone is quite taken for granted when the president or prime minister of a country during a foreign visit lobbies for the interests of a large national corporation - it is believed that by this very leaders of the countries are simply promoting the interests of the state. One cannot help but recall the catch phrase "What's good for Boeing is good for America." And hardly anyone will be surprised by the statement that the economy of his country is controlled by a narrow group of people (or rather, several groups), because this statement is true even for totalitarian regimes.

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In the context of the internationalization of business, which is now entering the stage of globalization, the interests of industrial and financial groups of different countries intersect, and these groups themselves merge with each other or are absorbed by the stronger and more experienced. But there are very few of these strongest and most experienced in the world arena. These include groups that have historically created powerful positions in the global economy and their names are well known. First of all, these are the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, since the vast majority of other groups are associated with these two clans and either depend on them (acting as agents), or are completely controlled by them - Morgan, Mellon, Coon, Loeb, Warburg, etc.

There is no point in going into the history of these two clans (although it is so fascinating that its adaptation can overshadow all the world cinema masterpieces so far filmed) - anyone can easily find it on the Internet. I would like to talk, first of all, about Mother Russia and, of course, starting from historical facts.

The history of relations between Russia and the Rothschilds began at the end of the 18th century. The Russian Empress Catherine II refused to send a punitive expeditionary corps (20 thousand Cossacks) to the English king George III to suppress the uprising in the colonies. This request was answered by Prince William I of Saxony, who provided mercenaries for ₤ 8 million paid in Treasury securities. Its manager A. M. Rothschild accepted the paper at a discount, which he appropriated. Thus began the rise of the Rothschild family to the heights of financial power.

A. M. Rothschild also helped finance the preparations for the French Revolution. The son of Catherine II, Emperor Paul I, on November 28, 1798, received the title of “Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem”. Napoleon Bonaparte in 1801 began negotiations with Paul on the joint withdrawal of the "pearl of the English crown" - India. On January 18, 1801, a secret order was sent to the ataman of the Don Host Vasily Petrovich Orlov: 30 thousand Cossacks with artillery to move through Kazakhstan to Indus.

Supporters of England - the military governor of St. Petersburg Palen and Count Panin - organized a coup in favor of Alexander I. Russia was dragged into the war with Napoleon in Europe: the first war of 1805 - the defeat of the Russian-Austrian troops at Austerlitz; the second war of 1807 - the defeat of the Russian army in East Prussia. In 1807-1812, Russia, in alliance with Napoleon, carried out a continental blockade of England in naval wars. However, Napoleon did not go to England - everything ended for Russia with the war of 1812 and the capture of Moscow by the French. (For some reason, the author is silent about the fact that after this Russian troops entered France and took Paris. - D. B.).

The Napoleonic Wars served as an excellent mechanism for the production of money by international bankers. The Rothschild family benefited greatly from the creation of a banking network (London - Paris - Frankfurt am Main - Vienna - Naples), which covered most of Europe, as well as information exchange systems. By the end of the era of the Napoleonic wars, only the French branch of the family was worth 600 million francs and exceeded the capital of all other French banks by 150 million. Nathan Rothschild brought the Bank of England (which had been a private bank since 1694) under family control - the bank became the main agent of their subsequent international expansion.

The Battle of Waterloo eliminated an extraordinary threat to the future activities of international bankers. The fact is that the Emperor Napoleon at the end realized that he, the French people and the French army had acted as an expendable pawn to ensure the financial power of the Rothschild family. He owns the following words: “Money has no homeland; financiers have neither patriotism nor honesty; their only goal is profit. " He tried to introduce his own "continental system": monetary policy was directed at the development of agriculture and industry. He strove to ensure that foreign trade did not rule the state. And ended with a reference to a deserted island. (There is a well-founded opinion that the figure of Napoleon was invented to conceal what actually happened. For more details, see the article "Is Napoleon also fiction?" - D. B.).

In 1816 England demonetized silver and adopted the gold standard. By this time, the Rothschilds controlled a significant part of the gold reserves and fixed its price. Bullion prices were set twice a day on the London Gold Exchange by five leading dealers. They simply agreed (the natural essence of price competition) about the price at which they were willing to trade gold that day. Therefore, the adoption by any country of the gold standard meant that their monetary system was under the control of the Bank of England (Rothschilds), i.e. simply dependent on London bullion brokers.

In 1839-1843, the Minister of Finance of Russia E. F. Kankrin prepared a monetary reform to establish a firm exchange rate of bank notes in relation to the silver ruble. To prepare the reform, he accelerated the accumulation of silver reserves, introduced a cost saving regime and only halved military spending, attracted funds from the population at the expense of winning treasury tickets and bonds. In 1843, instead of banknotes, new paper money began to be issued - credit rubles, which were freely exchanged for silver in a 1: 1 ratio. The ruble has become a stable currency. The Bank of England could not allow this.

A landing from the Anglo-French squadron captured the Russian fortress Bomardsund (Baltic Sea) on August 16, 1854. In August of the same year, the Anglo-French assault force landed in Petropavlovsk-on-Kamchatka. The Turkish-French-English 60-thousandth landing in September of the same year landed in Evpatoria in the Crimea - a long-term defense of Sevastopol began. Austria and Sweden began to threaten Russia with war. In the face of the threat of Japanese aggression as well, Russia was forced to sign the Russian-Japanese treaty on February 7, 1855 on the division of the Kuril Islands and joint ownership of Sakhalin Island.

The huge post-war budget deficit led to the abolition of serfdom in 1861 - the state bought land from landlords in securities. The peasants became debtors of the state, were united into communities and returned the debt to their own state under collective responsibility with "real" money with 49-year installments and payment of 6% per annum.

In 1862-1863. Minister of Finance M. Kh. Reitern attempted to stabilize the Russian monetary system with additional gold backing at a fixed rate. For this reform, Russia received a large external loan, provided, of course, by the English Rothschilds, and in 1864 the first commercial credit bank appeared in our country. But after a few years, the budget deficit only increased.

To cover the debt to the Rothschilds in 1867, it was decided to sell Alaska to the United States of America for $ 7.3 million (although the money has not yet been received - the ship on which they were supposedly transported from the United States sank before reaching St. Petersburg). In the end, Russia gave up gold backing.

It is interesting, by the way, that the history of Russia and the United States has quite a few intersections, many of which are associated with the Rothschilds. So, being true to their tradition of making money in wars, during the Civil War on the North American continent, the Rothschilds financed both warring parties: the Rothschild Bank of London financed the army of the North, and the Paris bank financed the army of the South. Upon learning of this, Lincoln refused to pay huge interest to the Rothschilds in 1862 and 1863. Moreover, he instructed Congress to start printing dollars in order to be able to pay off the army of the North.

In 1864, Lincoln learned that the Russian Emperor Alexander II had opposed the Rothschilds by rejecting their continuous efforts to establish a central bank under their control in Russia. Lincoln himself waged the same struggle against the Rothschilds, but already in America. He turned to Alexander II with a request to assist in the civil war, and the Russian emperor responded to this request by sending an Atlantic squadron under the command of Admiral Popov to the port of New York, and Admiral Lisovsky's Pacific squadron to San Francisco. He ordered Popov and Lisovsky "to be ready for battle with any enemy forces and to take command of Lincoln," thereby making it clear to England, France and Spain that, in the event of their intervention, Russia would support President Lincoln. In the end, what happened happened - Lincoln won the civil war,but the Rothschilds harbored a grudge, both against him and against Alexander II.

The main task of the Rothschilds in Russia in the 19th century was to establish control over the oil fields in Baku. And this result was achieved, which was facilitated by the results of the Russian-Turkish war - Russia received Batum. However, this was preceded by a very serious behind-the-scenes struggle, to which our country, paradoxically, had almost nothing to do with it. Actually, England was initially categorically opposed. Pyotr Shuvalov, who, on behalf of Alexander II, conducted secret negotiations with the British government, reported to the Emperor about the existence of a secret Anglo-Turkish treaty: "If Batum, Ardahan, Kars or one of these places are retained by Russia," this document read. England pledges to help the Sultan defend Turkey's Asian possessions by force of arms. Actually, the Russian autocrat was quite ready to agree with the factto leave Batum to Turkey, but suddenly, contrary to all expectations, the British nevertheless agreed to hand it over to Russia.

It was only many years later that it became clear that behind the scenes of these diplomatic maneuvers there were really two powerful forces - the Parisian banking house of the Rothschilds and the American oil company "Standard Oil" by Rockefeller. The Rothschilds needed to ensure that Batum in any form would be under the jurisdiction of Russia, while Rockefeller tried to prevent the Rothschilds from entering the Caucasus. But the matter ended with the fact that on August 25, 1878, the Russian army entered Batum under the leadership of Prince Svyatopolk-Mirsky.

And so, since 1886, the Rothschild Brothers French banking house, which bought the shares of the Caspian-Black Sea Oil Industrial and Commercial Society, began to take an active part in the development of the oil industry in the Caucasus. But first, he had to face serious competition, since back in 1879, the Nobel Brothers Oil Production Partnership was registered in Baku.

However, the rivalry was not very long. Taking advantage of the fact that lending in Russia was carried out at the rate of 6% per annum, the Rothschilds issued loans at 2-3%. Thus, by 1888, this family had acquired almost half of all the cars of the Transcaucasian railway, made a significant number of small and medium-sized enterprises dependent on itself, and concentrated large consignments of Baku oil products in their hands. From that moment on, the Rothschilds began to establish full control over the transportation of oil products for export.

Events developed according to a proven scenario: the Rothschilds traditionally lent out "cheap" money to small Russian oil industrialists in exchange for guarantees to purchase oil they produced at favorable prices for themselves, enough to make the business of the Nobels who built the Baku-Batum pipeline unprofitable. By the way, it was eventually built (including thanks to the dynamite invented by Alfred Nobel) and even put into operation in 1889, but this did not help to win the fight against the Rothschilds, who had enormous financial resources. As a result, Baku oil almost completely fell under the control of the Rothschilds, and Russia became the largest oil supplier in the world after the United States. In 1900, the oil fields of Baku in Russia produced more crude oil than in the entire United States.and in 1902, more than half of the world's oil production came from Russia.

Of course, Rockefeller could not come to terms with this state of affairs. And the way out was found - the revolution in Russia. According to documents of the United States Congress, John D. Rockefeller provided financial support to Lenin and Trotsky from the early years of the twentieth century, strengthening it after the failure of the 1905 revolution. The most active work began in January 1917, when Rockefeller's partner Jacob Schiff began financing Trotsky to bring about a socialist revolution in Russia. Trotsky was brought to the United States, where he lived free of charge in a building owned by Standard Oil in Bayonne, New Jersey partners of the Rothschilds - even in Frankfurt, living with them under the same roof. - Ed.).

When Nicholas II abdicated the throne in 1917, Trotsky, with the $ 10,000 that Rockefeller had allocated to him for travel expenses, went with a group of 300 revolutionaries to Europe. However, on the way, he was detained by the Canadian authorities at the request of the British "pending further instructions." Recovering himself, the British Prime Minister Lloyd George telegraphed urgent orders from London to the Canadian secret service to immediately release Trotsky, but they did not take it with due attention. As a result, Trotsky was released, thanks to the direct intervention of Rockefeller, who spoke directly to his devoted friend, the Canadian minister Mackenzie King.

Thus, John D. Rockefeller was very supportive of the cause of the revolution in Russia. And the result was quite impressive. Not only did Russia, immersed in the chaos of revolution and civil war, ceded its positions in the world oil market, so Rockefeller also received the right to sell Russian oil - in 1926, the New York company "Standard Oil", owned by the Rockefellers, and its a partner of Vacuum Oil Company through Chase Manhattan Bank signed an agreement for the sale of Soviet oil to European countries. At the same time, information emerged that John D. Rockefeller had provided the Bolsheviks with a loan of $ 75 million, part of the price for the contract. As a result of the agreement, in 1927 New York's Standard Oil built an oil refinery in Russia. In this way,Rockefeller contributed to the restoration of the Bolshevik economy, despite the fact that the United States government officially recognized the Soviet state only in 1933.

US Congressman Louis McFadden, Chairman of the Banking Committee of the House of Representatives, speaking to members of Congress on June 10, 1932, said: “Open the books of Voentorg, the trade organization of the Soviet government in New York, Gosstorg, the main organ of the trade organization of the Soviet Union, and the State Bank of the USSR, and you will be surprised at how much American money went from the United States treasury to Russia. Check what transactions were carried out between the State Bank of the USSR and the "Standard Oil" of New York. " It is worth noting that McFadden was investigating the manipulation of the Federal Reserve System, which controls the US Treasury, which cost him three attempts on his life. Ultimately, he died under circumstances that have not been fully clarified.

According to the American professor Anthony Sutton, the Rockefellers, throughout the entire period of Soviet history, provided financial and technological assistance to the Soviet Union in exchange for granting them exclusive rights in the oil trade. In 1972, speaking before the GOP subcommittee, Sutton, based on the documents he received, said: “More than 2/3 of all ships (merchant fleet) were built outside the Soviet Union, and 4 out of every 5 engines for these ships were also produced outside the country. All cars, trucks, weapons, tanks, airplanes and Soviet technological developments come from the West. The Gorky Automobile Plant, set up by Ford and Austin, produced most of the trucks that were used to supply Soviet weapons to Ho Chi Minh. Automotive factories can also be used to manufacture tanks. The same Gorky Automobile Plant produced the first guided anti-tank system in 1964. The Soviet Union hosted the world's largest iron and steel plant. It was built by McKee Corporation. This is a replica of the Indiana steel mill in the United States."

It is worth noting that David Rockefeller repeatedly met with Soviet leaders and high-ranking officials - in 1964 with Nikita Khrushchev (2 months before his dismissal), in 1973 with Alexei Kosygin. In all cases, the most pressing issues for Rockefeller were discussed - the expansion of trade and economic cooperation. In 1989, David Rockefeller visited the USSR at the head of a Trilateral Commission delegation that included Henry Kissinger, former French President Giscard d'Estaing (a member of the Bilderberg Club and subsequently editor-in-chief of the EU Constitution), former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone and William Highland, editor of the published Foreign Affairs Council.

At a meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev, the delegation was interested in how the USSR was going to integrate into the world economy and received appropriate explanations from Mikhail Gorbachev. The next meeting between D. Rockefeller and other representatives of the Trilateral Commission and Mikhail Gorbachev with the participation of his entourage took place in Moscow in 1991, shortly before the putsch. By the way, looking ahead, it is worth noting that in 1992 Gorbachev, already a private person, paid a return visit to Rockefeller in New York. As a result of this meeting, held at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, the former Soviet President was able to secure the consent of his “old friend” to provide Mikhail Gorbachev with financial assistance in the amount of $ 75 million to organize a global fund and a “presidential library on the American model”.

Thus, throughout Soviet history, the Rockefeller clan was the only foreign financial and industrial group that had influence on 1/6 of the land. However, their main competitors, the Rothschilds, were not going to put up with this at all.

According to the statements of the head of the Soviet government, Valentin Pavlov, made in the spring of 1991, the Rothschilds were preparing a geopolitical conspiracy against the USSR. In this regard, it is worth remembering how perestroika began. In the late 80s of the last century, the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Mikhail Gorbachev authorized the creation in Moscow of a powerful international commercial "Bank for Public Financing and Crediting of National Programs" (BNP). Its main shareholder was supposed to be the Swiss bank of the Rothschilds Banque Privee Edmond de RothschildSA.

Claiming to gain total control over the economy of the Soviet Union, the Rothschilds demanded that the Commission for the Study of Natural Forces and Resources of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR take a complete inventory of all the country's continental resources. But then the KGB, so hated by foreigners, intervened, declaring that the heads of a number of joint ventures connected to the creation of the BNP were connected with the international mafia (including the drug mafia). At the same time, it was found that the main stream of income of drug syndicates went to Switzerland, where part of it settled in the banks of the Rothschilds. Of course, the brewing scandal was ultimately extinguished, and in exchange for this, the Rothschilds, through the firms controlled by them, began to finance the restructuring.

The result surpassed all the wildest expectations - the USSR collapsed, and the Rothschild clan got the opportunity to win back from the Rockefellers the positions lost after the 1917 revolution. Actually, the facts of the recent history of Russia indicate that the Rothschilds are gradually achieving the desired result. However, judge for yourself.

After the well-known scandal with the arrest of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, it became known from the publication of the British weekly Sunday Times that Mikhail Khodorkovsky, already in custody, transferred his shares (and this is 53%) to Lord Jacob Rothschild, since from that moment the agreement between them previously had a custody agreement, according to which these shares were transferred to Rothschild in the event that Khodorkovsky loses the ability to act as a beneficiary, i.e. a person receiving income from shares. But, as many experts believe, this agreement essentially means that Khodorkovsky was only the nominal owner of Yukos, and in reality the company belonged to Rothschild, who, apparently, initiated the conclusion of this agreement when it became clear that Khodorkovsky got involved in a political power struggle with the Kremlin.

It is worth noting that some conspiracy theorists believe that the Rockefellers "had a hand" in the arrest of Khodorkovsky, because the American oil concern ExxonMobil owned by them sought to take over Yukos, but could not do this, getting stuck in litigation in the United States due to $ 11.8 billion imposed by the Alabama court for financial fraud and underpayment to the budget. Incidentally, it is quite funny that the governor of this state, Bob Riley, on his website proudly announced his affiliation with the Freemasons with whom the Rothschilds are traditionally associated.

But the Rothschilds would not be Rothschilds if they "put all their eggs in one basket." In addition to Yukos, the Russian oil industry also includes the Rothschild brainchild, British Petroleum. It is the deal between BP and Rosneft on the mutual exchange of shares that is considered the "deal of the century" and irritates the Rockefellers, since it is not just about the exchange of shares, but about global cooperation in the strategically important Arctic region. This is where the roots of the current legal showdown lie, during which the TNK-BR joint venture is trying to challenge the deal. So far, the Rockefellers have managed to achieve some success, since a recent court decision obliged BP and Rosneft to take into account the interests of TNK-BP, but there is no doubt that it will be challenged.

In the meantime, there is no decision, Nathaniel Rothschild turned his attention to Bashneft (it recently won a tender for the development of two very promising fields named after Trebs and Titov) and Rusneft, intending to buy out their shares owned by AFK Sistema of the Russian oligarch Vladimir Yevtushenkov (for this purpose, the British peer and world-class spin doctor, a homosexual Jew P. Mandelson, a lobbyist for Deripaska's aluminum enterprises and service staff, the interests of Nathaniel Rothschild, as well as the president of the analytical Center for "Network Policy" in the Sephardic group Lazard International. - Ed.). Representatives of the Vallares company, created by Rothschild together with the former head of British Petroleum, Tony Hayward.

However, "not by oil alone." Currently, the Rothschilds' sphere of interests in Russia includes almost all key resource areas. Suffice it to say that Nathaniel Rothschild is the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of UC Rusal (RUSAL is the owner of the Russian aluminum industry). By the way, he was the one who owns the phrase “I brought the Rothschilds back to Russia”, which he said in an interview with the Vedomosti newspaper. N. Rothschild, in his own words, has long been friends with O. Deripaska (a key shareholder of RUSAL) and is well acquainted with V. Potanin (co-owner of Norilsk Nickel), planning to head the Board of Directors of Norilsk Nickel in Russia. However, everything turned out to be not so simple with the latter - repeated attempts of RUSAL to introduce new people into the management of Norilsk Nickel have not yet been crowned with success.

Editor's note: It is no coincidence that Nathaniel (Nathan) Rothschild is called "Deripaska's puppeteer" in the foreign press. Meanwhile, the situation is not as straightforward as the author interprets it - since it must be taken into account that Nathan is a representative of the branch that today actually split from the Rothschild clan, since he was denied the right to become the leader of the kagal. As a result, Nathan Rothschild and the investment fund RIT Capital Partners, founded by his father independently of the kagal, entered into a strategic alliance with the Rockefeller clan, who sold to Nathan 37% of the shares of Rockefeller Financial Services (RFS), founded by John Rockefeller himself back in 1882 with the aim of investing your own savings.

In this regard, it is just worth recalling the creation of the so-called "cold fusion", announced in January 2011, an installation operating on the basis of cold fusion and allowing the production of amazingly cheap electricity using hydrogen and nickel (this event, which threatened to become a world sensation and change the whole world, said in the first part of our published material under the general title "Conspiracy Theory").

It's just that this message somehow very much coincided with the desire of Nathaniel Rothschild to join the Board of Directors of Norilsk Nickel, the world's largest producer of this metal. And in exactly the same way, suddenly the refusal of Norilsk Nickel to admit new persons to the management of the company surprisingly echoes the termination of talks about the installation of a "cold fusion". So the seditious thought suggests itself that, having suffered a fiasco in gaining control over Norilsk Nickel, some “interested structures” took measures to freeze the introduction of technologies for the time being, allowing to obtain cheap electricity using nickel on the principle “don't get it anyone! ". This means that the fight for Norilsk Nickel will continue.

However, the struggle will be waged not only for this. The press got a government document dated October 25, 2010 N1874-r, which determines the procedure for the privatization of Russian state-owned enterprises, which is planned to be carried out in 2011-2013. According to this order, the Russian state authorizes the sale of state property subject to privatization to several authorized structures, among which are: CJSC Bank Credit Suisse, LLC Deutsche Bank, LLC Commercial Bank J. P. Morgan Bank International, LLC Merrill Lynch Securities ", LLC" Morgan Stanley Bank "and" Goldman Sachs "(ie, through the efforts of D. Medvedev, the national property of the people of Russia and the leading financial institutions of our country, for ideological reasons, were instructed to sell the banks included in the Rothschild group and the Rockefellers.this sale was also indicated in the election promises of the "new" President Putin. - approx. ed.).

However, among the "kindly" structures there are also Russian ones, in particular, VTB Capital, but at the same time, the sale of shares of VTB itself was entrusted for some reason to Merrill Lynch Securities. The list of enterprises, the state blocks of shares of which will be sold, is approved by the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Ministry of Economic Development and includes Rosneft, Transneft, Sberbank, Sovkomflot, VTB, Rosselkhozbank, Rosagroleasing, Rosspirtprom, OZK, FSK and RusHydro ". But this is only "the largest", small blocks of shares will be sold here, which nevertheless allow their owners to fully participate in the management of companies' affairs. On a much larger scale, it is planned to privatize "less significant" enterprises, which, oddly enough, even include seaports. It seems that there are many who want toafter all, a port is an opportunity to participate in the regulation of foreign trade.

So the main struggle is just beginning, and it will take place not only in Russia, but also on the territory of the entire former USSR, where integration processes have been gaining momentum lately. The Rothschilds, by the way, understood this quite well and took care of creating positions even in such an “inconvenient” place as Belarus. So, in 2009, at the request of the Belarusian government, specialists from the Rothschild financial group assessed the market value of one of the leading banks in Belarus - BPS-Bank, providing it in three options: from 150 to 500 million dollars. As a result, at the end of 2009, BPS-Bank was sold to Russian Sberbank for $ 280.7 million. The Belarusian side was very pleased with the results of cooperation and decided to continue it - in February 2010, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko invited the Rothschild financial group to assess the enterprises privatized in the republic, having voiced this proposal during a personal meeting with Ariel de Rothschild, Managing Director of the Rothschild Group.

Naturally, in modern conditions, neither the Rothschilds nor the Rockefellers, no matter how strong they may seem, can pretend to single-handedly “skim the cream” in Russia and in the post-Soviet space. Globalization has led to the fact that all financial and industrial clans are forced to reckon with each other and cooperate, establishing uniform rules of the game at regular meetings such as the Bilderberg Club. And at the same time, financiers also have to reckon with their governments, no matter how condescending they look at them.

As for Russia, in this situation it has a unique opportunity to use the competitive struggle of international financial and industrial groups for its own purposes. It would be foolish and reckless to accept the role of the object of influence and not try to become its subject, no matter how difficult it may seem. In solving this problem, it is quite possible to cooperate with China, which is considered the "fiefdom" of the Rothschilds (it was to the Celestial Empire that they moved their main base in recent years). While the Rothschilds believe that the PRC is acting at the prompting of their HSBC bank (which really advises the Chinese government on financial and economic issues), Beijing is playing its own game and is not going to lose.

In other words, while the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are playing their chess game, Moscow and Beijing may try to beat them into a “thrown fool”.

Alexander Timofeev
