Rothschilds And Rockefellers A Plague On Both Your Houses - Alternative View

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Rothschilds And Rockefellers A Plague On Both Your Houses - Alternative View
Rothschilds And Rockefellers A Plague On Both Your Houses - Alternative View

Video: Rothschilds And Rockefellers A Plague On Both Your Houses - Alternative View

Video: Rothschilds And Rockefellers A Plague On Both Your Houses - Alternative View
Video: Who Are The Rockefellers & How Much Power Do They Have? 2024, September



Conspiracy science implies a conspiracy theory and the existence of a secret world government, which in fact does not exist. Therefore, everything that you read below does not exist in reality, because there is no evidence of this. And if so, then do not look for the truth in my words, it is not there either.

1. The financial crisis is a shortage of real money that you can spend.

A political crisis is a lack of real power, which can be disposed of by those who have it.

Both together are a lack of time for thinking and making decisions.

The global systemic crisis is a natural result of the rule of a group of fraudsters who create money out of thin air and knock on the doors of civilization, on the other side of which there is an old woman with a scythe.

Over the past hundred and a little more years, the global systemic crisis was resolved by a war in which lives, debts and obligations were burned. Everything ended with a new redivision of the world. But progress did not stand still, and in the creation of weapons of destruction and extermination of our own kind, we have succeeded great. Resolving the current crisis with a world war means destroying most of civilization and inflicting damage on the planet's ecosystem, comparable to the fall of an asteroid that destroyed the dinosaurs.

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The world rulers had more than time to calculate a similar situation.

Consequently, she was foreseen and expected.

2. The war of the conventionally Rothschilds and conventionally the Rockefellers ended in victory for the former. This means that the former center of emission of the world reserve currency number one has retired, and the new one will not go to work until the managers of the former vacate their offices. But managers, with the exception of the elders, and ordinary clerks from the two branches of government - financial and political - do not know, let alone that their masters, simply speaking, have dumped, they do not even know that they had them.

Consequently, the new employees of the shop who come to their places will have to ask them.

3. "A kind word and a pistol can always achieve more than just a kind word."

Especially when there are uncleaned corpses in the streets.

The fundamental root of all fears is in the tailbone. This is the fear of death and most of all it dominates those who dispose or dispose of the destinies and lives of others.

Therefore, there must be corpses.

4. To allow lawlessness and to allow the nuclear powers to decide between parties at their own discretion, boyishly, in the spirit of the New York gang wars, the new owners of new money today cannot.

But the sacrifice to the Golden Calf must take place. This, by the way, was one of 72 demons, which, according to Goetia, was summoned by King Solomon and forced to build the Jerusalem Temple, from which now there is only one Wall, sacred to the Jews. According to that legend, the Temple was built and the King-Mage returned the demons to the underworld and sealed them. All but one.

A new global monetary system is just around the corner and it will be the gold standard for currencies.

But since it is impossible to allow a situation where it is possible to release everything from the brakes, then you need to choose a victim that will suit everyone.

Consequently, the upcoming slaughter is negotiable.

5. It is impossible to unite Korea otherwise than through war. In order for the northerners to forgive the southerners, they must see what they are strictly forbidden to see today, namely: life on the other side of the 38th parallel. They must enter Seoul.

For the United States to be able to save its military-industrial complex and renew its fleet, they must write off part of the old one. Or … lose it somewhere.

And in order for Trump to restore order in his garden, he needs martial law in the country. In a country that very soon will no longer be what we know now. And time will tell for better or for worse.

China needs Taiwan. Japan needs independence from the US, and the US needs independence from NATO, which they will invite to participate, so to speak, but, apparently, will receive a polite refusal. They will be offended and leave, slamming the door.

And for the whole world to be really horrified, Mushrooms must grow over the Pacific Ocean.

And this is only the first phase.

Therefore, there must be a second.

Hey there, in a Los Angeles class submarine! Listen in the compartments. As soon as the acoustician reports that he hears the noise of the propellers of the Korean minisubmarine, raise a riot, take control and do your feet at full speed away from this little beast. This is not just a boat, this is a torpedo !!! She's with a present from Marshal Kim. You cannot torpedo it. You will perish yourself.

“Nobody wanted war. The war was inevitable"

Margarita Rgeina
