What Is Hidden Behind The Doomsday Vault - Alternative View

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What Is Hidden Behind The Doomsday Vault - Alternative View
What Is Hidden Behind The Doomsday Vault - Alternative View

Video: What Is Hidden Behind The Doomsday Vault - Alternative View

Video: What Is Hidden Behind The Doomsday Vault - Alternative View
Video: Seeds battles - The Doomsday vault - VPRO documentary - 2013 2024, September

In 2008, there was no project more interesting than construction in one of the godforsaken places of the Earth, Svalbard (not far from Svalbard, a rock sticking out in the Barents Sea, part of the Arctic Ocean, 1100 kilometers from the North Pole).

Bill Gates has invested in the construction of a "seed bank". He participates in the project in his tens of millions, together with the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto Corporation, Syngent Foundation and the Norwegian government.


The official name of the project is the Svalbard Global Seed Bank, informally it is “doomsday seed bank”, “doomsday seed bank”.

Bill Gates does not need to be introduced, under his leadership Microsoft has become a de facto monopoly in the PC world. In 2006, he retired from business in the corporation, but did not retire, deciding to devote himself to the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation, to which 34.6 billion were subscribed - and in order not to lose his special status, he is obliged to spend 1.5 billion annually [the bulk of the money the fund earns more, so it is not spent over the years].


The “gift” from Warren Buffett in the same 2006 added another 30 billion in shares of his Berkshire Hathaway, creating a situation where the fund spends the most of the annual budget of the International Health Organization. Therefore, when 30 million is allocated through the Gates Foundation for one project, it makes sense to take a closer look at it.

Promotional video:

Doomsday Vault

The seed bank is built inside a mountain on an island near the small village of Longuearbyen. It is equipped with double doors with anti-explosion protection, motion sensors, two hermetic (vestibules) and reinforced concrete walls 1 meter thick.

It contains up to 3,000,000 different seeds from all over the world, “so that crop diversity can be preserved for the future,” according to the Norwegian government. The seeds are specially wrapped to protect from moisture. The bunker has no permanent workers, but its relative inaccessibility will help keep track of any possible human activity.


Something is missing here. The press release states “so that crop diversity can be preserved for the future” - what future do the project's sponsors envision that could threaten the global availability of plants, almost all of which are already well protected in various seed banks around the world?

Every time Bill Gate, the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto and Syngenta come together for a joint project, the event deserves to be excavated deeper than the cliffs of Svalbard. And amazing things are found there.

The first point is who are the sponsors of the Doomsday Vault: Bill / Melinda Gates, American agribusiness giant DuPont / Pioneer Hi-Bred, one of the world's largest owners of patented genetically modified seeds and fertilizers / chemicals associated with their cultivation; Syngenta, a Swiss company of the main producers of genetically modified seeds and chemicals; the Rockefeller Foundation, a private group that created the “gene revolution” with over $ 100 million to start the project since the 1970s; CGIAR, a global network created by the Rockefeller Foundation to promote the ideal of genetic purity through change in agriculture.

CGIAR and "Project"

Engdahl is the author of the book "Seeds of Destruction". Referring to it, he says that in the 1960s the Rockefeller Foundation, the John Rockefeller III Agricultural Development Council and the Ford Foundation came together to form the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in Los Baños, Philippines. By 1971, IRRI, together with the Mexico-based Wheat and Maize Improvement Center and two other centers also created by the Rockefeller and Ford foundations, ITTA of Nigeria, had formed a global Advisory Group on International Agricultural Research, “CGIAR”.

Then there is a meeting in Bellagio (Italy), several names. 'It was part of the foundation's decades of work to put science at the service of eugenics, where the central issue was the issue of racial purity, what they called the Project.


Backed by funding from the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, CGIAR made sure that agronomists and researchers from Third World countries were brought to the United States to “master” the concepts of modern agribusiness for dissemination in their countries. In the course of their work, they created an invaluable network to promote US agribusiness, especially the "gene revolution" propaganda …

It gets even better. The mentioned "Project" of strong financial interests and the Rockefeller Foundation from the 1920s makes sense to use eugenics, later renamed genetics, to justify the derivation of a genetically engineered Lord Race. In Germany, Hitler and the Nazis called them the Aryan Race of Lords.

Eurenics research under Hitler was funded heavily by the same Rockefeller foundation that is building the Doomsday Seed Bank today. The Rockefeller Foundation created the discipline of molecular biology in pursuit of a goal, in an attempt to reduce human life to a “determining gene sequence,” which they hoped could be modified to alter human characteristics at will. Hitler's eugenicists, many of whom were later quietly flown to the United States, continued their research there, laying the groundwork for the genetic engineering of various life forms.

Green revolution

The same Rockefeller Foundation created the so-called “Green Revolution” following a trip to Mexico in 1946 by Nelson Rockefeller and former Secretary of Agriculture in the New Deal government, Roosevelt, founder of the Pioneer Hi-Bred Seed Company, Henry Wallace. The Green Revolution claimed to have solved world hunger, particularly in Mexico and India and several other countries where Rockefeller worked.


Agronomist Rockefeller Foundation. Norman Borlaug, won the Nobel Prize for his work. In reality, as it turned out later, the Green Revolution was just an ingenious scheme of the Rockefeller family that allowed them to create a globalizing agribusiness that they were able to monopolize, just as they had previously been able to do with the oil industry half a century earlier. As Henry Kissinger proclaimed in the 1970s, “if you control oil, you control the country; if you control food, you control the population.”

John Davis was Eisenhower's Assistant Secretary of Agriculture in the early 1950s. He retired from government at 55 and went to graduate school at Harvard Business School … he had a clear strategy. In 1956, he wrote in an article in the Harvard Business Review that “the only way to solve the so-called farm problem once and for all and avoid cumbersome government programs would be to move from agriculture to agribusiness”. Few at the time understood the meaning of these words - a revolution in food production that would concentrate control of the food chain in multinational corporate hands, taking it away from the traditional family farmer. An important part of the interests of the Rockefeller Foundation and Agribusiness wasthat the Green Revolution was based on the multiplication of the number of different hybrid seeds … One key aspect of hybrids is the impossibility of subsequent reproduction. Hybrids have built-in breeding protection. Unlike normal pollinated seeds, which will yield a yield similar to that of the parents, the seed yield of the hybrids is significantly lower than in the first generation.

The declining litter rate inherent in hybrids means that farmers will have to buy seeds every year. Moreover, the poorer second-generation crop destroyed the seed trade that existed between grain growers without seeking permission from the variety's creator. This prevents redistribution of commercial crops in the middle. If huge multinational corporations own the parent seeds, no competitor or farmer can produce a hybrid. The global concentration of patents in the hands of a handful of corporate giants (led by DuPont's Pioneer Hi-Bred and Monsanto's Dekalb) set the stage for the late genetic modification revolution.

Those. The introduction of modern American agriculture, chemical fertilizers, and commercial hybrids has placed local farmers in developing countries, especially the larger and more successful ones, at the mercy of foreign, mainly American agribusinesses and petrochemical companies, to control their postulation of agricultural inputs.

Agribusiness during the Green Revolution was able to make deep incursions into markets previously inaccessible to US exporters. Later it was called “market-oriented agriculture”. In reality, it has become “agribusiness-controlled agriculture”.

Through the Green Revolution, the Rockefeller Foundation and later the Ford Foundation worked together to create and support the foreign policy goals of the United States and its Agency for International Development (USAID) and the CIA. One significant effect of the Green Revolution was the depopulation of the village as peasants were forced to flee to slums around cities in desperate search for work. This was not an accident, but part of a plan to create clusters of cheap labor for the multinational American manufactories being created, the "globalization" of recent years. When the hype about the Green Revolution subsided, the results were very different from their earlier promises. Problems have arisen from the indiscriminate use of new chemical pesticides, often with serious medical consequences. Cultivating monocultures with new hybrids has depleted soils and yields over time. The first results were astounding - doubling or even tripling the yield of some crops, such as wheat or later corn in Mexico. But they soon faded away.

The Green Revolution was usually accompanied by huge irrigation projects that often required a loan from the International Bank to build dams and flood previously inhabited land and fertile fields. What's more, super wheat yields large yields when the soil is saturated with huge amounts of fertilizer per acre, which is the product of nitrates and negti, which are controlled by the largest oil companies (nicknamed the Seven Sisters), where the Rockefellers dominate.

Huge quantities of herbicides and pesticides were used, creating additional markets for the giants of the oil and chemical industry. As one analyst put it, "The Green Revolution was just a chemical revolution." Developing countries have never been able to pay for these huge amounts of fertilizers and pesticides. They will receive loans, thanks to the World Bank and targeted loans from Chase Bank and other big banks in New York, these loans went mainly to large landowners. For the small peasants, everything looked different. They were forced to borrow.

In the beginning, various government programs tried to give loans to farmers for the purchase of seeds and fertilizers. Those who could not participate in such programs were forced to borrow in the private sector. due to usurious interest, many of the small farmers could not even see the income from the initial, to depletion. record harvests of new crops. They became dependent on local money-lenders and merchants and often lost their lands …

Gates, Rockefeller and the Green Revolution in Africa

Now, knowing the background and true history of the Rockefeller Foundation's Green Revolution, it is curious to see what that same foundation, together with the Gates Foundation - who (remember) invest tens of millions in preserving each seed to protect against the “doomsday scenario” - are doing with their millions in a project called the Alliance for the Green Revolution in Africa.

A glance at AGRA's board of directors confirms that this is an alliance with the same Rockefeller foundation. Its president is none other than the former UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan. In his June 2007 inauguration speech in South Africa, he said “I accept this challenge with gratitude to the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and others who are supporting our African campaign.”

In addition, directors include Strive Masiyiwa of the Rockefeller Foundation, Sylvia M. Mathews of the Gates Foundation, Mamphela Ramphele, former World Bank Managing Director 2000-2006 [a leading neo-colonial institution], etc.

Similar to the earlier failed Green Revolution programs in India and Mexico, the new African Hidden Revolution is clearly a priority for R.

Although they are in the background today, Monsanto and leading genetically engineered agribusinesses also appear to be behind the use of Kofi Annan and AGRA to spread proprietary genetically modified seeds across the continent under the new deceptive term “biotechnology,” a euphemism for GM proprietary seeds. So far, South Africa is the only country to have legalized GM crops. In 2003 Burkina Faso approved samples of GM crops. In 2005, Ghana, the birthplace of Kofi Annan, created laws on this topic and expressed a desire to continue research on GM crops.

Africa is the next target in the US government's GM / cx campaign …. This includes US government sponsorship to train African scientists in genetic engineering in the US, funding for projects from USAID and the World Bank, and new GM research on native African crops.

All of the articles listed at the beginning are also found on the continent … Monsanto … Syngenta is pouring millions of dollars into a new center in Nairobi to develop insect-resistant GM corn.

Svalbard again

It is no coincidence that the Rockefeller and Gates foundations are partnering to push the Green Revolution with GM in Africa while they are quietly building a doomsday vault on Svalbard. We can say that everyone involved in the project on Svalbard conjures up images and fears of the terrible disasters of Michael Crichton's bestseller Andromeda Strain, a fantasy in which a deadly extra-planetary disease causes rapid and fatal clotting of blood, threatening the survival of humanity. On Svalbard, the most impregnable seed vault will be guarded by GM and Green Revolution police.

The Svalbard project will be managed by an organization called the Global Crop Diversity Trust (GCDT). Who are they who are allowed to hold a trust (literally - "in trust") the seed funds of the planet?

GCDT was formed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Biodiversity International (formerly the International Institute for Genetic Plant Research), a branch of the same CGIAR.

The Global Crop Diversity Trust is based in Rome. Its directors are chaired by Margaret Catley-Carlson of Canada, who is also an advisor to Group Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux, one of the largest private water companies. Until 98, she was also on the New York Population Council, a Rockefeller population reduction organization formed in 1952 to promote eugenics programs under the guise of "family planning", birth control, sterilization and "population control" in developing countries.

Other GCDT directors include Lewis Coleman, a former Bank of America manager and now head of animators at Spielberg's DreamWorks. He is also the lead director of Northrom Grumman Corporation, one of the largest contractors in the military industry and so on - the author lists in detail a number of names and their positions, connections and positions]. So donors and financial angels include, as Humphrey Bogart put it in Casablanca, "all the usual suspects." Indeed, it seems that the figures of GM and “population decline” are the foxes who will have to guard the chicken coop of humanity, the global seed repository in Svalbard.

Why Svalbard?

So, it's legal to ask why. Who uses these seed banks? - first of all, those who breed agricultural crops and researchers. Today the largest producers are Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta and Dow Chemical. Since early 2007, Monsanto has held worldwide patent rights (jointly with the US government) for a plant called 'Terminator' or Genetic Use Restriction Technology (GURT). Terminator is a technology in which patented commercial seeds commit “suicide” after exactly one harvest. The control of private companies is complete. Such control and power over the supply of food to mankind never existed in the history of mankind if such cultures were widely introduced throughout the world.it would be possible, within a decade or so, to turn most of the world's food producers into feudal slaves in the service of 3 or 4 giants, seed companies.

This, of course, would open the way for these private companies, perhaps by order of the government in whose jurisdiction they are located, Washington, to deny seed to a developing country whose policies happened to disagree with Washington. Those who argue that this cannot be the case should take a closer look at current events in the world. The very existence of the concentration of power in 3-4 hands …. There is a full basis for the legal prohibition of all GM crops even if their advantages were real (although they are not).

These private companies, Monsanto, DuPont, Dow Chemical, are unlikely to have crystal clear stories in terms of their relationship to human life. They created and distributed innovations such as dioxin, PCBs, Agent Orange. They have hidden evidence for decades that their toxic chemicals are causing cancer and other extreme health effects. They buried the serious scientific reports that the most widely used herbicide, gluphosate … is toxic when it gets into drinking water. Denmark banned glyphosate in 2003 when its water was confirmed to be polluted.

According to the FAO UN list, about 1400 seed banks are known in the world, the largest are located in the USA, the other large ones are in China, Russia, Japan, India, South Korea, Germany and Canada in descending order.

CGIAR, created in 1972 by the Rockefeller and Ford foundations to promote the Green Revolution, controls most of the private seed banks from the Philippines to Syria to Kenya. They all contain over 6.5 million seed variants, almost 2 million of which are different. The Svalbard Doomsday Vault will have a capacity of 4.5 million different seeds.

GM - biowarfare weapon

We now come to the heart of the story of the danger of hostile exploitation inherent in the Svalbard project of the Rockefeller and Bill Gates funds. Could the creation of proprietary seeds for most of the major food crops of humankind such as rice, corn, wheat, coarse grains (soybeans, etc.) be used as a FORM OF BIOLOGICAL WAR?

The clear goal of the eugenics lobby, paid for by wealthy “elite” families such as the Rockefellers, Carnegie, Harriman, and others. since the 1920s, has included what they called “negative eugenics,” i.e. systematic destruction of unwanted lines. Margaret Sanger, a fanatical eugenics disciple and organizer of Parenthood Planning International, and a close associate of the Rockefeller family, created what was called Project Negro in 1939. It was located in Harlem, and was, as she wrote in a letter to a friend, that "we want to destroy the black population."

A small California biotech company, Epicyte, in 2001 announced the creation of genetically engineered corn that contained a spermicide that killed the sperm function of the men who consumed it, thereby sterilizing them. At the time, Epicyte had a joint technology distribution agreement with DuPont and Syngenta, two sponsors of the Svalbad repository. Epicyte was then acquired by a North Carolina biotech company. It is equally startling to learn that spermicidal technology was developed by the company with research funding from the US Department of Agriculture, the same one that, despite protests around the world, continues to pay for the development of Terminator crop technology, now owned by Monsanto.

Another thought-provoking episode. In the 1990s, the United Nations International Health Organization launched a campaign to vaccinate millions of women in Nicaraua, Mexico and the Philippines, between the ages of 15 and 45. Vaccines were like anti-tetanus, an infection that occurs if, for example, step on a rusty nail. However, men were not vaccinated, although they appear to be able to step on nails just as often.

Because of this oddity, a Catholic ecclesiastical organization in Mexico suspected that something was wrong and gave the vaccine for testing. Tests found that the tetanus vaccine, distributed by WHO only to women of childbearing age, contained the human natural hormone Chorionic Gonadotrophin or hCG, which, when combined with a carrier of tetanus toscoid, stimulated the immune system to create antibodies, which made pregnancy impossible (the body seemed to begin to consider that the embryo is an alien invasion and was killed). Of course, none of the women were told this.

It was later revealed that the Rockefeller Foundation, in conjunction with the Rockefeller Population Council, the International Bank and the US National Institute of Health, were participating in a 20-year program, begun in 1972, to develop a covert tetanus-based abortion-inducing vaccine for the United Nations International Health Organization. Moreover, the Norwegian government, the owner of the Doomsday Vault Island, allocated $ 41 million to create a similar vaccine.

Is it a coincidence that the same organizations are involved in the Svalbard repository project? Professor Francis Boyle, who was involved in the 1989 Anti-Terrorist Bioweapons Act, the Pentagon "is now preparing to wage and win biological warfare" as the second part of Bush's national strategic directions adopted, notes the professor "beyond public knowledge and discussion" in 2002 year. Boyle adds that in 2001-2003 alone, the US federal government spent $ 14.5 billion on biological warfare-related non-military work, an astounding amount. Rutgers University biologist Richard Ebright estimates that more than 300 research institutes and approximately 12,000 people in the United States today have access to pathogens suitable for biowarfare. Besides,497 grants from the NIH were issued for the research of various infectious diseases with biological war potential. Of course, all this is justified by "protection against terrorist attack", as there is so much today

Most of the US government dollars spent on biowarfare projects includes genetic engineering. MIT biology professor Jonata King says that "the growth of bioterror programs poses a significant and growing danger to our population … Although such programs are always called" defensive ", with bioweapons defensive overlaps with the attacker almost completely."

Time will tell whether, God forbid, the Doomsday Vault on Svalbard Island, built by the Rockefeller and Bill Gates Foundations, turns out to be part of yet another “Final Solution” that triggered the destruction of planet Earth.

By William Engdahl