"Committee Of Three Hundred" Against Russia: The Conspiracy Of The World Government Is Revealed - Alternative View

"Committee Of Three Hundred" Against Russia: The Conspiracy Of The World Government Is Revealed - Alternative View
"Committee Of Three Hundred" Against Russia: The Conspiracy Of The World Government Is Revealed - Alternative View

It is believed that all Western politics are run not by public politicians, but by the well-hidden "Committee of Three Hundred". For centuries, the West saw Russia as an enemy and tried to destroy it. Military intervention was powerless. Despite all the losses, Russia (USSR) won the wars and rebuilt the destroyed economy. The USSR was the most terrible enemy of the West, with which the local press and cinema intimidated the inhabitants.

It is not known whether the confrontation of the two worldviews would have come to a nuclear war, but Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev became the leader of the Soviet Union, who launched the process of destruction of the country. Perestroika turned into "Catastroika", as this period was aptly characterized by the Russian sociologist Alexander Zinoviev.

However, Gorbachev did not complete something. The Union collapsed, but peacefully enough, and most importantly, Russia remained undestroyed, which was the core of the USSR and its largest fragment. Zbigniew Brzezinski, who had died just now, was an outrageous Russophobe who pointed out that Russia would now become the main target. He even argued that the new world order would be built without Russia, on the rubble of Russia and at the expense of Russia.

Everything went smoothly at first. Yeltsin and his accomplices staged an economic collapse for the country, in which industrial and agricultural enterprises perished, scientific teams were destroyed, the army collapsed, and the culture degraded. But it was that small period when the West called Russia its friend, gloatingly rubbing its hands on the eve of its collapse.



In 2000, everything changed when Vladimir Putin took the presidency. The West did not immediately understand this and thought that it would continue the same line, therefore, by inertia, they continued to “befriend” our country. Gradually, they began to understand that Putin was different, and the Russians slowly began to wake up to the propaganda tales of the beautiful and problem-free West.

After 2014, all the masks were dropped: the European Union and the United States took a strictly anti-Russian side, blaming Russia for all their problems. It even comes to such curiosities as accusing our country of interfering in the course of the presidential elections in the United States. In the European Union, all critics of the current government are declared agents of the Kremlin.

The recent meeting of NATO and G7 member states actually means the re-establishment of an all-Western coalition against Russia. Only now the world has already changed and became more open. Foreigners come to our country and see something quite different from what their press tells them. Western businessmen do not want to pay for the stupidity of their governments and find the slightest loopholes to bypass the sanctions regime. We got rid of illusions by acquiring immunity against Western propaganda lures, which we so lacked 25 years ago.

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Author: Evgeny Sizov
