Who Is Behind The Eco-activist Greta Thunberg - Alternative View

Who Is Behind The Eco-activist Greta Thunberg - Alternative View
Who Is Behind The Eco-activist Greta Thunberg - Alternative View

Video: Who Is Behind The Eco-activist Greta Thunberg - Alternative View

Video: Who Is Behind The Eco-activist Greta Thunberg - Alternative View
Video: What Greta Thunberg does not understand about climate change | Jordan Peterson 2024, September

An absolute hit of the last week everywhere was the performance of 16-year-old Swedish schoolgirl Greta Thunberg, who shamed world politicians for not paying attention to the environment. Before that, her name was known only to a narrow circle of eco-activists, but now everything has changed. Greta's photos are now on the front pages of all newspapers, and her angry screams are heard in the most remote corners of the planet. The entire conscious world wonders - what was it all about? Where does this infernal tear and hatred in the eyes come from? Why did her, in many ways, probably, sound appeals for the environment take on just such a form?

The answer may lie in her own phrases: "I feel like I'm dying inside if I don't protest," and "I want you to panic." But perhaps Greta is just a pawn in the big game of sophisticated adults.

After that, US President Donald Trump first simply ignored Greta in the General Assembly building, and then also wrote a post on the social network, not without malice.

French President Emmanuel Macron also allowed himself to publicly question the methods of the little eco-activist. France is on the list of countries to which it has filed a complaint with the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child for not doing enough to save the climate.

In addition, the girl has Asperger's syndrome, which also distinguishes her from others. This is a mental disorder with a whole "bouquet" of symptoms, the main of which is a sharp focus on any narrowly focused topic. According to doctors, a patient with Asperger's syndrome has obsessive thoughts or actions, control is either completely lost or reduced, actions are ridiculous and attract the attention of others.

Therefore, Greta suffers from the heart for the climate: at the age of 11 she fell into depression after learning about global warming and the greenhouse effect; stopped eating meat so that animals were bred less; stopped changing outfits, because clothes are also not woven on a spinning wheel; banned parents from driving because of emissions and from flying planes because of carbon dioxide emissions.

Then how did Greta get to New York herself? The princes of Monaco came to the rescue: Pierre Casiraghi brought up an 18-meter sailing yacht, where everything is according to the girl's teachings: solar panels, tackle and a bucket as a latrine. While she was sailing the Atlantic for two weeks, the world was drowning in conjectures: everyone who helps her saw the light and decided to abandon their industries, private planes and fuel-powered ships, or for what other reason do they pay so much attention to the young idealist?

Promotional video:

A critical eye should not be directed at Greta, but at the forces behind her. Is it acceptable to use a teenager with Asperger Syndrome as a workhorse? There are very influential people behind Greta. The girl's crazy popularity was promoted by the Swedish PR man Ingmar Renzhog, who was allegedly the first to post her pictures on social networks. Now she has millions of followers like rock stars. And while Greta's parents in every possible way deny any connection with funds and fundraisers, more serious people are already taking the girl under the wing.

But with all this, Greta was not told that the link between humans and global warming has not been scientifically proven. That climate is an equation with many unknowns and a cyclical nature. As long as it is profitable, the girl's obsession will be used as a battering ram, and her features as a shield. After the girl's screams about a stolen childhood, her parents were sued for child abuse. But Greta is still on the barricades: icons are painted from her, portraits of cosmic proportions are painted, ignoring the main and obvious threat: the power of the crowd, which is much more dangerous than global warming.

Author: Nikita Korzun