How The Japanese Stole Japan - Alternative View

How The Japanese Stole Japan - Alternative View
How The Japanese Stole Japan - Alternative View

Video: How The Japanese Stole Japan - Alternative View

Video: How The Japanese Stole Japan - Alternative View
Video: Japan Wants To Go To War With China For Taiwan? 2024, September

The indigenous population of Japan. A vivid example of how one people replaces another.


Today it is generally accepted that modern Japanese, representatives of the Mongoloid race, have lived on the Japanese islands since ancient times. In fact, this is not at all the case, just today few people remember that the Ainu people lived on the Japanese islands for many millennia. As you can clearly see in the photo, the Ainu had nothing to do with the Mongoloids, they are typical bearded representatives of the white Caucasoid race.

It was they who created the Jomon culture. It is not known for certain where the Ainu came to the Japanese islands, but it is known that in the Jomon era it was the Ainu who inhabited all the Japanese islands - from Ryukyu to Hokkaido, as well as the southern half of Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands and the southern third of Kamchatka - as evidenced by the results of archaeological excavations and toponymy data, for example: Tsushima - tuima - "distant", Fuji - hutsi - "grandmother" - kamui of the hearth, Tsukuba - tu ku pa - "head of two bows" / "two-bowed mountain", Yamatai - Yamata and - "place where the sea cuts the land."

But now very few people know about this people, and the Japanese consider themselves to be the legitimate rulers and ancient owners of the islands of the Japanese ridge! What's the matter, why did it happen?


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This is what happened - according to historians, from about the middle of the Jomon era, Mongoloid groups, migrants from Southeast Asia (Southeast Asia) and South China, began to arrive on the Japanese islands. Obviously, the Ainu did not want to divide and cede to them the territories in which they lived for many thousands of years, understanding what this is fraught with. A war began, which lasted neither more nor less - one and a half thousand years. In comparison, the century-long war between England and France seems like a minor scuffle. One and a half thousand years the Mongoloid tribes rolled over the Ainu from across the sea, and for one and a half thousand years the Ainu held back the pressure. Fifteen centuries of continuous war! Some sources mention the war with the invaders of the Yamato state. And for some reason, by default, it is believed that Yamato is supposedly a state of the Japanese who were at war with the semi-savage Ainu. In fact, everything was exactly the opposite - Yamato, and earlier - Yamatai, could not be the state of the Japanese, who had just begun to land on the islands, at that time they simply could not have any state, Yamato was an ancient state of the Ainu, according to fragmentary information, a very highly developed state, with a high level of culture, education, advanced arts, advanced military affairs. In military affairs, the Ainu were almost always superior to the Japanese, and in battles with them they were almost always won. And, by the way, the samurai culture and samurai combat techniques go back precisely to the Ainu fighting techniques, and not to the Japanese, and carry many Ainu elements, and some samurai clans are Ainu in origin, the most famous is the Abe could not be a state of the Japanese, who had just begun to land on the islands, at that time they simply could not have any state, Yamato was an ancient state of the Ainu, according to fragmentary information, a very highly developed state, with a high level of culture, education, developed arts, advanced military affairs. In military affairs, the Ainu were almost always superior to the Japanese, and in battles with them they were almost always won. And, by the way, the samurai culture and samurai combat techniques go back precisely to the Ainu fighting techniques, and not to the Japanese, and carry many Ainu elements, and some samurai clans are Ainu in origin, the most famous is the Abe could not be a state of the Japanese, who had just begun to land on the islands, at that time they simply could not have any state, Yamato was an ancient state of the Ainu, according to fragmentary information, a very highly developed state, with a high level of culture, education, developed arts, advanced military affairs. In military affairs, the Ainu were almost always superior to the Japanese, and in battles with them they were almost always won. And, by the way, the samurai culture and samurai combat techniques go back precisely to the Ainu fighting techniques, and not to the Japanese, and carry many Ainu elements, and some samurai clans are Ainu in origin, the most famous is the Abe clan. Yamato was an ancient Ainu state, according to fragmentary information, a very highly developed state, with a high level of culture, education, advanced arts, and advanced military affairs. In military affairs, the Ainu were almost always superior to the Japanese, and in battles with them they were almost always won. And, by the way, the samurai culture and samurai combat techniques go back precisely to the Ainu fighting techniques, and not to the Japanese, and carry many Ainu elements, and some samurai clans are Ainu in origin, the most famous is the Abe clan. Yamato was an ancient Ainu state, according to fragmentary information, a very highly developed state, with a high level of culture, education, advanced arts, and advanced military affairs. In military affairs, the Ainu were almost always superior to the Japanese, and in battles with them they were almost always won. And, by the way, the samurai culture and samurai combat techniques go back precisely to the Ainu fighting techniques, and not to the Japanese, and carry many Ainu elements, and some samurai clans are Ainu in origin, the most famous is the Abe clan. And, by the way, the samurai culture and samurai combat techniques go back precisely to the Ainu fighting techniques, and not to the Japanese, and carry many Ainu elements, and some samurai clans are Ainu in origin, the most famous is the Abe clan. And, by the way, the samurai culture and samurai combat techniques go back precisely to the Ainu fighting techniques, and not to the Japanese, and carry many Ainu elements, and some samurai clans are Ainu in origin, the most famous is the Abe clan.


It is not known for certain what exactly happened in those distant years, as a result of which a real disaster occurred for the Ainu. The Ainu were still stronger than the Japanese in battles and practically did not lose battles to them, but from a certain moment the situation for them began to continuously deteriorate. Huge crowds of Japanese began to gradually assimilate, stir, dissolve the Ainu in themselves (and this is confirmed by the study of the genetics of the Japanese, the dominant Y chromosome in which is D2, that is, the Y chromosome that is found in 80% of the Ainu, but is almost absent, for example, in Koreans).

It is believed that it is the genes of the Ainu that Japanese women owe their beauty, so unlike other Asians. Of course, this was not the only reason. Some researchers believe that this is largely due to the rise to power of apostates who betrayed the interests of the Ainu, when the local population was first equalized in rights with the arriving Mongoloid tribes, and then turned into second-class people. From a certain point, many Ainu leaders began to openly cave in under the Japanese and sell themselves to them, the same leaders who refused to do this were destroyed by the Japanese (often through poisoning).

So gradually, moving from south to north, the Japanese rapidly multiplying in number seized island after island, pushing the Ainu further and further. The Ainu did not surrender and continued to fight, one can mention the struggle of the Ainu under the leadership of Kosyamain (1457), the performances of the Ainu in 1512-1515, in 1525, under the leadership of the leader Tanasyagashi (1529), Tarikonna (1536), Mennaukei (Hanauke) (1643), one of the most successful periods under the leadership of Syagushain (1669). But the process was irreversible, especially taking into account the betrayal of the Ainu elites, the white indigenous population of the islands was very disturbed for someone, and the task was to exterminate it at any cost.

The further, the worse it got - at a certain moment, a real genocide began. The translators and overseers hired by the Japanese rulers committed many abuses: they cruelly treated the elderly and children, raped Ainu women, and swearing at the Ainu was the most common thing. The Ainu were actually in the position of slaves. In the Japanese system of "moral correction" the complete lack of rights of the Ainu was combined with the constant humiliation of their ethnic dignity.

The petty, reduced to absurd regulation of life was aimed at paralyzing the will of the Ainu. Many young Ainu were withdrawn from their traditional environment and sent by the Japanese to various jobs, for example, Ainu from the central regions of Hokkaido were sent to work in the seafields of Kunashir and Iturup (which at that time were also colonized by the Japanese), where they lived in an unnaturally crowded environment. being able to maintain a traditional lifestyle.

At the same time, the Japanese themselves gladly borrowed and appropriated the traditional culture of the Ainu, their achievements in military affairs, art, music, construction, and weaving. Although in reality very much of what is considered to be Japanese culture today is in fact the Ainu culture, "borrowed" and appropriated.

In the 19th century, a real chaos began - the Japanese forced to cut the beards of Ainu men, women were forbidden to wear traditional Ainu clothes, and the celebration of the national holiday of the Ainu, the festival of the bear, was prohibited. The Japanese transported all the North Kuril Ainu to the island of Shikotan, took away all their fishing gear and boats, forbade them to go to sea without permission, thereby dooming them to starvation. Most of the inhabitants of the reservation died out, only 20 people remained.

On Sakhalin, the Ainu were enslaved by the seasonal Japanese industrialists who came for the summer. The Japanese blocked the mouths of large spawning rivers, so the fish simply did not reach the upper reaches, and the Ainu had to go to the seashore in order to get at least some food. Here they immediately fell into dependence on the Japanese. The Japanese gave out gear to the Ainu and took the best from the catch; the Ainu were forbidden to have their own gear. With the departure of the Japanese, the Ainu were left without a sufficient supply of fish, and by the end of winter they almost always had famine, the population died out.

Today, according to the official census, there are only about 25,000 Ainu in Japan. They were forced to forget their native language, they do not know their own culture, which is passed off as Japanese culture today. One of the most unique peoples in history has been virtually destroyed, slandered, robbed and forgotten.