Who Really Is The World Puppeteer? - Alternative View

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Who Really Is The World Puppeteer? - Alternative View
Who Really Is The World Puppeteer? - Alternative View

Video: Who Really Is The World Puppeteer? - Alternative View

Video: Who Really Is The World Puppeteer? - Alternative View
Video: Darci Lynne, 15, Is BACK On America's Got Talent Indroduces Her NEW Puppet Friend Who Can RAP! 2024, September

From year to year we read or watch news that are dedicated to large-scale tragic events stretched out over time. In this decade, such events were the Arab Spring and the civil war in Ukraine, as well as an ongoing series of terrorist attacks in different parts of the world. It is painful and unpleasant to watch all this, so it is natural that ordinary people ask the question "what force generates such destructive disasters?" Fortunately, alternative sources of information are now available to mankind. They make it possible to consider emerging incidents from a different angle, bypassing the powerful propaganda of the world media, and to compose your own picture of the world. Thanks to this, the masses gained an understanding of the fact that color revolutions, terrorist attacks and armed conflicts almost always have not spontaneous, but man-made nature. And then came the realizationthat most of the world's man-made disasters are organized in America's interests. In the past, Russia and the rest of the world unconditionally believed in the validity of the good statements of American politicians and ignored the fact that America was wreaking havoc. Now almost none of the ordinary people have doubts about the latter.

The statements of American politicians began to be perceived in a new way, and, as a result, accusations of America of lying began to sound more and more loudly. Moreover, a normal person is invariably amazed at the delusionalism, resourcefulness and unshakable obstinacy of US officials with the organizations under their control in terms of perverting facts. When a State Department spokesman and the UN Secretary General in all seriousness claim that Russia is bombing schools and hospitals in Syria, although everyone knows that she is helping Assad to destroy terrorists, this cannot but cause cognitive stupor and irritation. And again people, including our politicians, are trying to find the reason for this inappropriate behavior, believing that it is still dictated by some sane motives. Of the rational versions, the most common among the people are the following:

- the need for colonial taxes in the US economy;

- protection of the interests of big capital (TNCs, the largest joint stock funds);

- stimulating sales of goods and services of the military-industrial complex and PMCs by organizing military conflicts and sponsoring terrorist groups.

Although these versions undoubtedly have weighty justifications, they do not explain the root cause of the troubles, but only indicate the tools for the implementation of a certain destructive policy. Therefore, the question should be put deeper - what prompts all these persons to act with the aim of systematic destruction of humanity and its living conditions? Supposed answers to this question might sound like this:

- striving for absolute domination;

- boundless greed;

Promotional video:

- complete lack of moral principles;

- total hatred of humanity.

However, judging by common sense, the influential people of America are outwardly no different from you and me. They are also made of flesh and blood, they know how to behave in life like normal people. So what pushes them on the path of evil? Getting to the answer, we, first of all, must understand that they are not affected by the human factor. Not a single person, not a single group of people, not a single conglomerate has such a strong influence as to lock onto itself all the key processes in the world. To believe that the supreme power is concentrated in the hands of the richest or some other shady persons is fundamentally wrong. They are not the initiators of world destruction. For example, remember any of the cases when a politician who was carrying out destructive activities in his post suddenly regained his sight and made sound statements after leaving office. The clue isthat Western politicians, no matter how they were determined to make creative changes in the beginning, fall into an irrational system that brutally breaks them down and subordinates all their actions to one goal - maintaining their own existence. We can call this system, for example, "global egregor-parasite." However, the word "egregor" in the meaning of "independent essence" is devoid of real content and is not understood by everyone. Therefore, let us compare it with more earthly things. However, the word "egregor" in the meaning of "independent essence" is devoid of real content and is not understood by everyone. Therefore, let us compare it with more earthly things. However, the word "egregor" in the meaning of "independent essence" is devoid of real content and is not understood by everyone. Therefore, let us compare it with more earthly things.

Thanks to the Internet, anyone can learn about the place known as the Bohemian Grove. Here is some official information from Wikipedia:

Bohemian Grove is an 11 km² recreational area located at 20601 Bohemian Avenue in Monte Rio, California. It is owned by a private men's arts club known as the Bohemian Club in San Francisco. Every year in July, since 1899, the most influential people in the world have come here to spend two weeks of summer vacations.

The Bohemian Club is full of artists, especially musicians, as well as high-ranking business leaders, government officials (including American presidents) and media publishers. An exceptional feature of the club is that the queue for membership is about 15 years. Club members can invite guests to the Bohemian Grove who, in turn, will be carefully checked. These guests come from all over America and around the world.

What's more, anyone can get a solid understanding of how the world's most influential people spend their holidays. American documentary filmmaker Alex Jones and his colleagues did the impossible - they entered the Bohemian Grove for the Cremation of Care ceremony and filmed it with a hidden camera (the ceremony itself starts at 1:16:56):

According to Jones' research, the Bohemian Club exists around the cult of Moloch, the ancient Greek concept of the feminine side of Satan, and the hierarchy of Masonic offices. This set of beliefs includes, among other things, the need for human sacrifice. If we assume that this statement is true, then it exhaustively explains the irrationality of the behavior of Western elites and sheds light on their destructive policies. We follow our hands.

First of all, the recording of an occult ceremony in the Bohemian Grove completely refutes the version that the "shadow government" - presidents, Fed members, bankers, corporate heads - are the source of world evil. In fact, they all worship the supreme power in relation to them and realize its will!

This power, Satan, is the main World Puppeteer

Now consider the behavior of Western elites in terms of their worship of Satan. This is important because it is key to our current world order. Worshiping Satan directly requires human sacrifice, and the elites are deeply aware of this. Naturally, they understand that they themselves are potential victims of their "deity", and none of them wants to just part with their lives. Therefore, in order to appease him, they perform rites of sacrifice of animals and people at their private meetings, and also collect human lives throughout the planet Earth. For the latter, they incite armed conflicts, organize terrorist attacks and man-made disasters. Within the framework of this occult attitude, all people who cannot be destroyed must also live in fear and give their energy to Satan,therefore, the worst living conditions must be created for them. To this end, the governments of states are overthrown, and the states themselves come under the control of supranational elites (using the enslaving conditions of the IMF, for example).

At this point, it should be clear that all monstrous actions on our planet are performed by the elites not from their own personal motives. Their souls are entirely at the mercy of Satan, and this inferior position makes the elite experience a constant deep fear of him. They are ready to commit any atrocities of any scale, as long as Satan is not angry with them. So those who are mistakenly called puppeteers are actually puppets themselves, puppets of their "deity". Therefore, one should in no way seek independence or rationality in the statements of Western elites. Do not treat them as rationally thinking subjects. For centuries, they have been driven by the irrational fear of falling victim to Satan, therefore, serving him in real life, they experience neither shame nor remorse, but on the contrary, deep satisfaction. They are firmly convinced that the most powerful force is behind them, and that by regularly supplying it with human sacrifices, they provide themselves immunity from any accusations and attacks, as well as endowed with power and wealth. Colonial taxes, sponsoring terrorism, supporting drug trafficking, the institution of show business, the ideology of tolerance, sect-like associations, the high cost of medicine, etc. - all this has been implemented and continues to be implemented by supranational elites with one ultimate goal: to take away the creative energy from people and feed Satan with it.the ideology of tolerance, sect-like associations, the high cost of medicine and so on - all this has been implemented and continues to be implemented by supranational elites with one ultimate goal: to take away the creative energy from people and feed Satan with it.the ideology of tolerance, sect-like associations, the high cost of medicine, and so on - all this has been implemented and continues to be implemented by supranational elites with one ultimate goal: to take away the creative energy from people and feed Satan with it.

In this context, it is also interesting to analyze the hysterical reaction of the West to the physical destruction of terrorists by Russia. Terrorists are a hand tool of the elites, with the help of which they not only receive returns in the form of resources of other countries, but also keep people at bay and also kill as victims for Satan. If you deprive the elite of this tool (and Russia, it seems, is ready to go all the way in this), they will fall into an absolute existential panic, because then they will receive a real tryndet from their “deity”. This is the real reason for the general demonization of Putin - by destroying terrorists, he personifies the beginning of their end for the elites. In fact, the same reason is behind the hysteria over the return of Crimea - the Western elites were vitally interested in worsening, not improving the life of the Crimeans. And Russia has closed this channel of supply of vital energy for Satan. From that moment, in 2014, the West began to face real problems that continue to this day. Given the underlying factors, it is not surprising that the power of the global hegemon has gone downhill. Along with economic problems, the Western elites also had unavoidable problems with the energy supply of Satan at the expense of the rest of humanity, because of which the potential of their force influence began to decrease downhill. And the ships began to break down, and military equipment began to fail, and the vassals grew bolder. Western elites also had unavoidable problems with the energy supply of Satan at the expense of the rest of humanity, because of which the potential of their forceful impact began to decrease downward. And the ships began to break down, and military equipment began to fail, and the vassals grew bolder. Western elites also had unavoidable problems with the energy supply of Satan at the expense of the rest of humanity, because of which the potential of their forceful impact began to decrease downward. And the ships began to break down, and military equipment began to fail, and the vassals grew bolder.

In conclusion, I consider it necessary to note that Western society has a dual nature. There is a part of the society serving Satan that merges with the society of ordinary people. Therefore, it is a mistake to demonize the entire West and wish for the destruction of all of America / Europe / Great Britain, etc. Among the deeply affected, there live the same adequate people as we do, who, to the best of their capabilities and resources, are trying to resist this extremely powerful force. Russia experienced its impact in the 1990s, but, fortunately, found in itself enough strength and patience to restore its integrity. Now the super task of a truly civilized world is to crush this metaphysical reptile at all levels that has eaten away the brains and souls of many people on this planet.

The enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours.

Evgeny Tvorogov