The Threat Of An Alien Invasion Of Earth Is One Of The Tricks For Establishing A New World Order - Alternative View

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The Threat Of An Alien Invasion Of Earth Is One Of The Tricks For Establishing A New World Order - Alternative View
The Threat Of An Alien Invasion Of Earth Is One Of The Tricks For Establishing A New World Order - Alternative View

Video: The Threat Of An Alien Invasion Of Earth Is One Of The Tricks For Establishing A New World Order - Alternative View

Video: The Threat Of An Alien Invasion Of Earth Is One Of The Tricks For Establishing A New World Order - Alternative View
Video: Prepping for the Alien invasion. | Stewart Lockie | TEDxTownsville 2024, September

Why are there more articles about UFOs and the dangers of alien invasions on Earth in the world's leading media? Have the authorities decided to share with us secret information about extraterrestrial civilizations?

Yeah - "keep your pocket wider." This is just another of the cards played by the World Government to establish a New World Order (writes the magazine "Esoterics and Forecasts").

For these purposes, a whole chain of regular "scarecrows" was repeatedly and consistently used, designed to shake money out of the pockets of ordinary people and subordinate them to the World financial system. At first, for this purpose, the “fight against communism” was used, then “the fight against terrorism”, then “the fight against rogue countries”. Among the last cards to be played by the World Government should be "meteorite threat" and "threat of alien invasion."

Dr. Carol Rosin, who worked with the creator of the American space program Werner von Braun at Fairchild Industries Corporation in 1974-1977, says that this scientist, obviously, was privy to the plans of the powerful, because about all this he told her shortly before his death.

Here's how she describes it: “The most interesting thing for me was the thought that von Braun constantly emphasized throughout the four years during which I had the opportunity to work with him. He talked about the strategy that was used to manipulate society and those who make decisions - this is a method of intimidation, creating an image of the enemy.

According to this strategy, Wernher von Braun assured me, the Russians should be considered the main enemy.

Terrorists were named next, which was soon confirmed. He said that there will be a third enemy against which we will create weapons placed in space.

This enemy is asteroids. He chuckled the first time he spoke of it. It is to protect against asteroids that we will build space-based weapons.

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And the funniest of all were those whom he called aliens.

This is the last of the dangers.

During the four years that we knew each other, he kept pulling out this last card. “And remember Carol, the last card is aliens.


We're going to build space-based weapons to defend against aliens, and it's all a lie."

The last card is hostile alien creatures. The persistence with which he repeated this prompted me to conclude that he knows something that he is afraid to talk about. He was afraid to talk about it. He did not give me any details. I am not sure that in 1974 I would have understood these details or even believed him."

And here is an excerpt from an interview with Carol Rosin, a well-known US journalist Linda Moulton Howe, about these same events:

What exactly did Wernher von Braun tell you about the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations?

He not once or twice repeated the idea that only in our galaxy there are about a hundred billion stars. And to think that intelligent life exists only on Earth is at least naive.

Talking about aliens, about "aliens", he often turned into arguments about what he called the "formula of war." It must be remembered that when I started working at Fairchild Industries, the USA and the USSR were in a cold war.

Von Braun put it this way: “Let's start with what you see every day. And you see an uninterrupted series of military conflicts and more and more enemies who are assigned to this role in order to keep the wars constantly continuing.

The goal of these wars, ultimately, is aimed at establishing domination in outer space, for which it is imperative to control the minds of people. Therefore, they, our government structures, will never tell people the truth about who we are and who surrounds us in the Universe."

For this, Dr. Brown said, including for the constant pumping of the Pentagon's budget, a "list of enemies" was drawn up, designed to maintain the war regime in the world. This list, as Dr. Brown told me back in 1974, is the following: the Soviet Union, international terrorism, asteroids, aliens.

How did von Braun explain the choice of these enemies?

Recalling the time when he started working in the US military-industrial complex, von Braun noticed that there really were fears about the Soviet threat. But the Russians, as such, have never been enemies for the United States - they made them so.

Terrorists - natives of the "third world" countries, asteroids - when I spoke with von Braun, no one even heard about these threats (unlike today). I asked Dr. Brown: what have asteroids to do with it? To which he replied that, of course, it was not about asteroids. The main task is to carry military technologies into outer space. For this, the manipulation of public consciousness will certainly be used, and a lot of arguments will be made in favor of the fact that weapons must be placed in space to protect our national interests.

Dr. Brown kept repeating that the last card to be played in this play would be hostile aliens. Von Braun constantly repeated: “None of the representatives of alien civilizations are hostile to earthlings. All talk about threats from their side is a lie!"

And now look how often the topic of the UFO phenomenon has begun to be discussed in the respectable media lately in the aspect of plotting the horrors of an alien invasion.


All of us have already been "bred" as "suckers" for all the previous "scarecrows". Let's not fall for another. After all, it was not for nothing that von Braun argued that there are a large number of intelligent civilizations in space, but none of them poses a threat to humanity on Earth.