The Structure Of The Archons' Power - Committee 300 - Alternative View

The Structure Of The Archons' Power - Committee 300 - Alternative View
The Structure Of The Archons' Power - Committee 300 - Alternative View

Video: The Structure Of The Archons' Power - Committee 300 - Alternative View

Video: The Structure Of The Archons' Power - Committee 300 - Alternative View
Video: Impeachment Trial Day 1: Senate proceedings set to begin as rules come into focus 2024, September

World conspiracy theory, world government, secret and occult societies, world behind the scenes … Someone laughs and considers all this a joke or just a well-publicized duck, someone shrugs his shoulders, with the words, I am not interested in this, but someone is ready for hours without a break to prove the theory of aliens who have seized power over the world and enslaved our civilization. It's funny, but it all looks like very strong smoke with the visible absence of fire. I recall words from the book of Ecclesiastes:

“There is much sorrow in much wisdom; and whoever multiplies knowledge multiplies sorrow."

On the one hand, it is understandable why most people avoid serious study of this issue and hide their heads in the sand, and on the other hand, not knowing the state of affairs in the world around them does not bode well for the whole society as a whole, and for each individual person. Therefore, let's roll up our sleeves and try to lift the veil of secrecy over the topic "Who really rules our world." Let's consider the general structure of today's pyramid of Archons and try to collect the available information about such an organization as the "Committee of 300".

First, let's turn to the book “Sensei. Primordial Shambhala IV”(it just so happens that this book is the most cited in our research materials).

“… - Quite right. What do people know about the same Ahriman? By and large, thanks to the efforts of the Archons, they are provided with information on this matter at the level of development of a six-year-old child, something like the following: “Satan is a bad, terrible bogeyman, with horns and hooves, who will take you to his kingdom of darkness and will cook in a cauldron of tar if you disobey us and do what we say. By the way, not only in religion, but also in politics, the Archons use the same technique of presenting information for most people, and all over the world. And this happens because people generally do not perceive serious information, especially of political significance. It turns out a paradox: it seems that every individual considers himself smart, sensible, and the majority of serious information is perceived in no other way,as in a primitive explanation at the level of a young child. Moreover, it was both in ancient times and now. Therefore, the Archons used this and are still using it, nominating their people as interpreters.

For example, one of the first influential circles of the Archons has been known since antiquity under the name "Freemasons". Many branches grow from this trunk. There are also the so-called "Brotherhood of the Snake", "Brotherhood of the Dragon", "Illuminati", "Freemasons" and other secret societies. Historians are still trying to figure out which of them came from which. But they only get more confused. Why? Because the goal of the Archons is to reshuffle and confuse everything so that few people would guess and get to the bottom of the true essence of all these secret societies. The essence is simple. The overwhelming majority of secret societies are pawns in the hands of the Archons for the manipulation of Ahriman.

Ahriman is just playing on people's weaknesses. And one of these weaknesses is the subconscious gravitation of people to secrets. And here not only the spiritual impulse of a person is affected, his desire to break out of the chain of reincarnations with the help of secret knowledge, but more often it is banal selfish ambitions to possess this knowledge for the sake of power over his own kind. That is why the overwhelming majority of secret societies flourish under the Archons. And considering that people do not just want to master secret knowledge, but also to create their own "empire" around them, we have the fact that today almost the whole world is ruled by a secret world government - the Archons.

“This is just a small episode in the global game of the Archons,” Sensei said, after listening to the guys' remarks, and continued his story about the creation of the USA. - So, about the United States … When the Archons completed their plan to expand their state borders, they started using the same barbaric methods to artificially raise the US economy to the level of a world leader and establish this state as a world power. In order to significantly weaken its strong European competitors, including Russia, which was gaining high rates of economic growth (by the way, whose army was the largest in the world at that time), Germany, which became stronger even than England both industrially and militarily The First World War was provoked by the Archons. That is, when the situation in Europe, while they were engaged in the creation of the United States,began to actually get out of their control, they arranged a "redivision of the world", with the redistribution of spheres of influence, colonies, capital investment, sources of raw materials and sales markets. Everything was thought out in advance and carefully planned to the smallest detail. The so-called "Committee of 300" was engaged in preparations for the First World War.

Promotional video:

- Oh, what is this horse in a coat? - Zhenya asked sarcastically.

- This is one of the organizations that are included in the current pyramid of the hierarchy of the Archons. Perhaps, so that you better understand what's what, I will tell you more about the structure of today's pyramid of the Archons. So, under the control of Ahriman (who in very narrow circles is referred to as the "All-Seeing Eye", but in wide circles he is perceived more abstractly as a "guiding spirit", "the eye of Lucifer") there are twelve Archons. This closed "priestly circle" forms together the "Council 13", six of which are also endowed with the position of priestly "Judges" under the leadership of Ahriman. This, in fact, is the main Archon shelter. Further, under the control of the Archons is the "Council 33", which represents the highest rank "Freemasons" who have vast spheres of influence in world politics, economics and the church. These "Freemasons", in turn,make up the elite of the "Committee of 300".

I will note that at the beginning this committee, founded in 1729 by an organization called the British East India Trade Company, was created for various commercial enterprises to support the opium trade, to conduct transactions with international banks. It was led through the British Crown. But when he was crushed by the Freemasons, the situation changed significantly. Today, the "Committee of 300" includes more than three hundred members, including the most influential representatives of Western states. It includes the bulk of the world's banking system.

Then there are many other secret organizations that fit into each other like the feathers of an onion. In fact, these "feathers" depart from a certain group of people who create several different branches at once, which they themselves enter. It is convenient for the archons that one and the same influential person, in addition to owning some large international companies or corporations or occupying an influential world-class position, enters at once into several secret societies, where he exercises secret control over its members and at the same time is a link with the rest of the branches of this unified system.

For example, one of the organizations "Round Table" controlled by representatives from the Archons created a subsidiary semi-secret organization "Council on International Relations" (CFR), which is now one of the most influential in the United States. Almost all American presidents were members of the CFR even before they were elected to this post. By the way, it is under the CFR that the World Bank is managed. The inner circle of the CFR is the Order of the Skull and Bones, which in turn includes the inner circle of the Jason Society, an affiliate of the Order of Search. Incidentally, it is from these people that the executive members of the Council of Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission are recruited. Members of these Orders take a certain oath that releases them from any obligations towards anyone or anything, meaning the people, the government,the legal laws of a particular country and so on. They believe that this oath of theirs will neutralize any other oath that a member of the Order may take in the course of his work. That is, loyalty and devotion are carried out only in relation to their Order.

I am already silent for such an American-European organization as the Bilderbergers (created by a former Essian who served for I. G. Farben, a member of the Committee of 300, now known in history as Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands), whose members are the most influential financiers, industrialists, government leaders and scientists. The Bilderberg Committees, headquartered in Switzerland, are made up of members of various secret societies of the Freemasons, for example, the Freemasons, the Vatican, and the Black Nobility. Well, in general, and so on and so forth."


As can be seen from the above material, the "Committee of 300" is a serious and well-organized secret organization that plays an important role in the structure of the Archons' power. It includes the most influential representatives of Western states and the main part of the banking system of the world. This organization has a fairly long history and during this time a large number of projects directed against humanity have already been implemented with its participation. And here is the interesting data collected by John Coleman, a man who devoted his life to exposing the activities of the Committee of 300, and who published his exposing data in the book "COMMITTEE 300. SECRETS OF THE WORLD GOVERNMENT."

The book has not lost its relevance for over 20 years. It is basic for many contemporary researchers, as it was written by a person who was directly involved in the work to strengthen the influence of the Committee of Three Hundred.

You can easily download the book on the Internet, it is available.

Next, I will provide a series of quotes that will help introduce the content of this book, as well as the scope and depth of the issues covered in it:

“Imagine the MOST POWERFUL GROUP (that does not recognize any national borders), including banking, insurance, coal mining, medicine, oil industry, whose members are solely responsible to the members of this group. This is the Committee of 300."

“During my career as a career intelligence officer, I have repeatedly gained access to highly classified documents, but during my service as a political scientist in Angola, I had the opportunity to study a number of top secret documents, the content of which was unusually explicit. What I saw filled me with anger and indignation, and I embarked on a path from which I no longer turned away - my goal was to show everyone what kind of power controls and controls the governments of Great Britain and the United States."

“An open conspiracy against God and man, which includes the enslavement of most of the people left on this earth after wars, disasters and massacres, does not work much in hiding. The scouts have a rule: the best way to hide something is to put it in a visible place. For example, when Germany wanted to hide information about its new superfighter Messerschmidt in 1938, the plane was shown at the Paris Air Show. While secret agents and spies gathered and transmitted information through caches in tree hollows and brickwork, the information they hunted for lay right under their noses.

A top-level parallel secret government does not operate from dark basements and secret dungeons. It is in full view of the White House, Congress, 10 Downing Street and the British Parliament. It is akin to those eerie and deliberately chilling "monster" movies, where a monster with distorted features, long hair and even longer teeth appears, growling and spitting saliva in all directions. These films only distract attention, REAL MONSTERS wear business suits and drive to work on Capitol Hill in limousines.

These people are FOR SIGHT. These people are servants of the World Government and the New World Order. Like the rapist who stops the car and offers the victim a ride, he does not outwardly LOOK like the monster that he really is. If he looked like that, his intended victim, screaming in horror, would run away. The same is true for government at all levels. President Bush DID NOT LOOK like a zealous servant of a top-level parallel government; but make no mistake about him - he is just as much a MONSTER, like the monsters from horror films."


“The inevitable consequence of this is the undermining of the foundations of Christianity; the slow but steady destruction of the industrial nation states; the extermination of hundreds of millions of people considered by the Committee of 300 to be “surplus population”; as well as the elimination of any leader who dares to stand in the way of global planning by the Committee of 300 to achieve the above goals."

“The dependence on US financial aid actually keeps foreign countries in bondage to the Council on Foreign Relations. The populations of countries that receive such assistance get only a miserable crumbs, and the bulk ends up in the pockets of government leaders, who allow the IMF to siphon off natural resources from the country."

“How do the conspirators manage to keep the whole world by the throat, and especially the US and Great Britain? The most frequently asked question is: "How can one separate organization at any given time know about everything that is happening in the world, and how does it generally exercise its control?" In this book we will try to answer this and other questions. The only way to really resist the success of the conspirators is to openly name and develop a discussion around secret societies, as well as organizations that serve as a screen for these societies, government agencies, banks, insurance companies, multinational corporations, the oil industry, around hundreds of thousands of other organizations and funds hiding under different signs, but still subordinate to the Committee of 300 - the SUPREME control body that has ruled the world for at least a hundred years."

As I have often argued, we have all been led to believe that the roots of this problem lie in Moscow. As a result of increased brainwashing, we have truly come to believe that communism poses the greatest danger to America. In reality, things are completely different. The greatest threat comes from the mass of traitors in our own ranks. Our constitution encourages us to identify enemies in our own home. Our Enemies are the servants of the Committee of 300 who occupy high positions in the structure of our governing bodies. It is in the UNITED STATES that we MUST confront the darkness that threatens to consume us; it is here that we must identify and defeat these internal conspirators.

“The Committee of 300 has infiltrated its agents into the heart of the United States - in the government, in Congress, as advisers to the president, as ambassadors and secretaries of state. From time to time, the Club of Rome holds meetings and conferences, which, despite the innocuous names, actually turn into working commissions, each of which is entrusted with a special task and a deadline for its completion is set. In the absence of an emergency, the Committee of 300 operates on a very precise schedule."

“Increased pressure on our nation to change it has come from the Stanford Research Institute since the early sixties. The FIS offensive was gaining strength and power. Turn on your TV and you will see the victory of FIS with your own eyes: talk shows on the most intimate sexual details, special video channels, where perversion, rock and roll and drugs reign supreme. Where John Wayne was once an idol, we now have an artificial apology for a man (and is it a man?) Named Michael Jackson - a parody of a human being who is revered as a hero, and in the meantime he whirls, jerks, mutters and squeals on the television screens of millions of American homes.

A woman who has gone through a series of marriages and divorces is being trumpeted by the media throughout the country. Whole hours of airtime are devoted to one or the other unwashed drug addict and decadent rock bands, their crazy sounds, crazy antics, clothes and language perversions. Soap operas, where some scenes approach pornographic, no longer cause comments. In the sixties, this would not have been tolerated, but now it is considered the norm. We've been treated with what the Tavistock Institute calls “future shocks,” and this future is ALREADY NOW, and we are already so deafened by these constant cultural shocks that any protest seems like a useless gesture, so logically we think there is no point in protesting."

“Led by Bush with his 'lack of moral absolutes', we are crawling into an incomprehensible place like a lost nation, and this manifests itself in the mood of individuals. We are partnering with the Committee of 300 for our own downfall and our enslavement. Some people feel this and are deeply concerned. The various conspiracy theories they are familiar with do not seem to be able to tell them all. This is because they know nothing about the Conspirators Hierarchy - The Committee of 300.

These souls who feel deeply concerned, who feel that something completely wrong is happening, still cannot muster their strength to solve problems while wandering in the dark. They look into a future that eludes them. The American dream is becoming a mirage. They put their faith in religion, but they don't take any steps to back up that faith in ACTION. Americans have never experienced renaissance the way Europeans experienced it in their darkest moment of the Dark Ages. With a decisive ACTION, they awakened the spirit of transformation, resulting in a glorious Renaissance.

The enemy who directed them to this result decided in 1980 to strike the United States with such force that it would be impossible to revive America. Who is this enemy? This enemy is not a faceless “they”. The enemy is clearly identified as the Committee of 300, the Club of Rome, NATO and all their affiliates, think tanks and research organizations run by Tavistock. It is not necessary to use the words "they" or "enemy" except for shorthand. WE KNOW AND WHO ARE "THEY" AND WHO IS THE ENEMY. The Committee of 300, with its "aristocracy" of the liberal establishment of the US East Coast, its banks, insurance companies, giant corporations, funds, communications networks, led by the Plotting Hierarchy - THIS IS THE ENEMY.

This force carried out the Bolshevik revolution and established the reign of terror in Russia, unleashed the First and Second World Wars, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and organized crises in Rhodesia, South Africa, Nicaragua and the Philippines. It is the secret super-government that brought about the targeted collapse of the US economy and the ultimate de-industrialization of the country that was once the world's greatest industrial power."

“Here are just a few of the former members whose descendants have filled vacancies since their deaths, as well as current members of the Committee of 300: Sir Mark Turner, Gerald Villiers, Samuel Montague, Inchcapes), Keswicks, Peases, Schroeders, Airlies, Churchills, Frasers, Lazars and Jardine Mathesons. A complete list of Committee of 300 members is provided elsewhere in this book; these people from the Committee of 300 ORDERED President Wilson to march against Germany in the First World War; this committee ordered Roosevelt to instigate a Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor with the aim of bringing the United States into World War II.

These people, this Committee ordered our nation to fight in Korea, Vietnam and the Persian Gulf. The truth is that the United States has fought five wars this century in the name of the nefarious Committee of 300. It seems that almost no one, except a few, will stop and ask, "WHY DID WE FIGHT IN THESE WARS?" The big drum of "patriotism", warlike music, waving flags and yellow ribbons seem to have robbed a great nation of its wits."

“… When you see Swiss ski slopes, beautiful guards, pristine mountains and a cuckoo clock in colorful advertising brochures. This is not the real Switzerland. The real Switzerland is the laundering of many billions of dirty dollars, which is carried out by the largest Swiss banks, this is the “legal” production of drugs under the auspices of the Committee of 300. Switzerland is the main “haven” for their money and bodies in times of global disasters."

The unique prophetic cartoon "I, Pet Goat II" perfectly shows the state of affairs in the world:

“President Jefferson once said that he felt sorry for those who think they know everything about the events by reading the newspapers. British Prime Minister Disraeli said much the same. Indeed, for centuries, rulers have enjoyed being ruled from behind the scenes. Man has always felt the desire to dominate, and nowhere and never was this desire so prevailing as in our time.

If this were not the case, why would secret societies be needed? If we were ruled by an open system led by democratically elected officials, what would be the need for secret Masonic lodges in every village, town and city in the United States? How can it be that Freemasonry should act so openly and at the same time hide its secrets so well? We cannot ask this question to either the Nine Unknowns of the Nine Sisters Lodge in Paris, nor their nine colleagues at the Quatuar Coronati in London. Nevertheless, these 18 people form part of an even more secret government - the "Royal Institute of International Affairs", and further - the Committee of 300.

How could it be that Scottish Rite Freemasonry was able to indoctrinate John Hinckley to shoot President Reagan? Why do we need such secret orders as Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, Round Table, Milner's Group and other similar secret societies? They form part of a worldwide chain of command and control exercised through the Club of Rome, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and finally directly by the conspiratorial Hierarchy itself - the Committee of 300. These secret societies are needed because their deeds are criminal and must be hidden. Evil cannot withstand the light of truth."


“The Watergate pursuit of Nixon was at that time the largest coup ever carried out by the Round Table, the agency and instrument of the RIIA. All the tangled threads of this case led to the Round Table, and from it to the RIIA and directly to the Queen of England. Nixon's humiliation was a subject lesson and warning to future presidents of the United States not to imagine they could go against the Committee of 300 and win. Kennedy was murdered ruthlessly in full view of the American people for the same reason; the figure of Nixon was not considered significant enough to deign to him the fate of John F. Kennedy.

But whichever method is chosen, the Committee of 300 is taking steps to ensure that the warning comes to the minds of every challenger for a White House seat: "There is not a single person out of our reach." That this warning remains in effect, as it did during the Kennedy assassination and Nixon's ouster, is evidenced by the behavior of President George W. Bush, whose efforts to serve his masters should be a cause of serious concern to those concerned about the future of the United States."

If someone still believes that the Archons do not exist, and President Kennedy is no different from a humorist inventing various unrealistic stories, then you can continue to hide your head in the sand, because the concept of a free person is not available to you, you have already been turned into slave. You can go on quoting for a long time the book by John Coleman "The Committee of 300", which contains a huge amount of facts, comparisons and analytics, but it is better for a person seeking the truth to independently familiarize themselves with this information. I would recommend doing this after reading the books by A. Novykh. John Coleman, to the best of his strength and capabilities, described the activity of only part of the structure of the world power of the Archons, and the books of A. Novykh give knowledge about our world as a whole, including the place of the Archons in the general system of the world order.

I understand that the article brought a feeling of despondency and despair, but, as the saying goes, “you can't throw words out of a song”. I don't want to finish this work on a Upadonic note, and therefore I propose to look at the situation from a different POINT OF VIEW:

- Honestly, even taking into account all my knowledge and experience of a military officer, I have never heard of this, especially about secret societies of this level. Could you enlighten a little on this issue. - And seeing Sensei's hesitation, he added: - Better, as they say, to know the enemy by sight than to be in the dark.

To which Sensei replied:

- What are the Archons enemies? These are unfortunate people who mistakenly chose the empty and temporary instead of the eternal. Their choice was made in the direction of matter, or rather Ahriman. A person constantly invents some kind of enemies for himself, because, by and large, he cannot resolve his inner conflict between his Animal and Spiritual. The relationship between groups of people and states is just an enlarged, bloated copy of this conflict. In reality, the worst enemy for a person is himself, or rather his Animal nature. You cannot fight with it in the usual ways, because the greater the opposition, the stronger the aggression on the part of the Animal will be, since you put your attention into this conflict. You can defeat him only by your unwillingness to succumb to the provocations and temptations of the Animal nature, as well as by focusing on the spiritualgood for the soul. And then, when you take such an internal position and sincerely follow it, then in the external world you will not have enemies, and life will turn into an exciting game. After all, we live here temporarily, consider staying at a party. (A. Novykh "Sensei. Primordial Shambhala IV").

“Anastasia: Once again I am convinced how important it is for the majority of people to understand“who is who”in this world, to be able to distinguish the genuine spiritual from material substitution, Truth from lies, Good from evil …

Rigden: Yes, then humanity would have a better chance of avoiding catastrophic consequences for civilization as a whole. After all, the rules of the game in the material world, including for occult forces, are based on the choice of humanity itself, or rather its majority. These or those occult forces only provoke, or initiate any actions, that is, they only launch the program of this or that Will. But these programs are implemented by people themselves at their choice, performing appropriate actions, wasting the time of their fleeting life and spending the power intended to save their Soul”.

Vasily Gavrilov