History Falsifiers: The Skull And Bones Secret Society - Alternative View

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History Falsifiers: The Skull And Bones Secret Society - Alternative View
History Falsifiers: The Skull And Bones Secret Society - Alternative View

Video: History Falsifiers: The Skull And Bones Secret Society - Alternative View

Video: History Falsifiers: The Skull And Bones Secret Society - Alternative View
Video: Sundance Channel - LOVE LUST & SECRET SOCIETIES - Skull & Bones 2024, September

The author of the only work devoted to the history and functions of this association, Anthony Sutton, believes that Order 322, or "Skull and Bones", and often just "Bones", should be perceived not only as the most mysterious community of conspirators, but also as the most powerful of the political associations of the XX century.


Anthony Sutton (1925-2002) British-born American economist. Author of books: How The Order Organizes Wars and Revolutions, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, Who Runs America, The Power of the Dollar.


The order was founded in 1833 at Yale University by William Huntington Russell and Alphonse Taft as branch 322 of a certain German secret society, which had its own rules, ceremonies and goals. The ranks of the "Bones" are annually replenished with senior students of the university, selected by senior comrades already in the community.

After completing their education, members of the order maintain constant contact and take part in joint political and financial actions. A researcher of conspiracies and instruments of secret power, Sutton has compared Skull and Bones with the German secret society - the brainchild of Adam Weishaupt, the Illuminati Order, some of whose members once moved to the United States after exposing their anti-government activities.

When choosing a member of society, attention is primarily paid to the ability to play in a team, and not to personal unique abilities. Although the personal qualities of the members of the order are clearly not indifferent to someone: all initiates, starting from 1833, belong to 20-30 quite specific families who arrived on the American continent in the 17th century - Whitney, Lords, Phelps, Woodworths, Alena, Bundy, The Adams.

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They were later joined by people from the families that have become rich in the last 100 years - the Harrimans, Rockefellers, Payne, Davison. All of them preferred to enter into marriages within the chosen circle, to defend its interests, and finally, to build relationships in society to please this circle.


Some information about the activities of famous families goes back to only two early publications about the order: there, for the first time, a certain specificity of the interests of its members was mentioned. Articles in the "Iconoclast" of October 13, 1873 and in "Esquire" for 1977 did not reveal details about the "Skull and Bones", but called the order "a deadly evil, growing from year to year."


The mutual responsibility of community members was well known in American society: some of the "Bones" took on political, economic functions, bypassing state, international and other institutions. For example, in June 1983, U. Averell Harriman arrived in Moscow for confidential negotiations with Y. Andropov - he did not hold any government posts, but he was a member of the order.

What can be said about the political ties of such a "private person" if the head of the Soviet state personally met with him ?!

And here is their impact on American life. Members of the order founded the American Historical Association, the American Chemical Society and the American Psychological Association, helped found the Carnegie Institution, the American Society for the Judicial Settlement of International Disputes (the predecessor of the League for Peace), and finally the Institute for Policy Studies.

Such diverse applications of the group's efforts indicate that all the interests of the order are aimed at creating a new world order by changing society and the world at the expense of severe restrictions on personal freedom.


The forces of the order took control of such areas of activity in the United States as education, finance, law, politics, history, psychology, medicine, religion, and the media. Penetration into these areas is carried out systematically, constantly, using all available official and behind-the-scenes means.


The financial representatives of the order paid for the Nazis and communists, police services and terrorists in different historical periods, clashing opposing forces, controlling political and economic processes.

Presumably, the order has global control, which means that it becomes a state. Moreover, the globalists from Skull and Bones have created a network of world organizations that replace the state systems of different nations.

In the Council on Foreign Affairs, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Club, representatives of the order pursue a single secret policy. Despite all the secrecy of information about the "Bones", it is known that there is a small secret core - the inner circle of persons who make decisions, nominate their members for the US presidency (father and son Bushi), financial and intelligence systems.

In this, the order strongly resembles the conspiratorial network of the Bavarian Illuminati. Given that the main occupations of the Skull and Bones members are law, education, business, finance and industry, it should be recognized that the community can focus its influence in any of these areas depending on the goals at certain stages.


The order also has another interesting lever of influence on humanity - control over the history of nations. It is carried out simply: a certain assessment of events is imposed on people. For this, only such historical works that are beneficial to the ideology of the order are supported, paid, and published.


In 1880, Skull and Bones founded the American Historical Society. By the beginning of the 20th century, the order had already influenced the upbringing process and the school system. Fellow Timothy Dwight became President of Yale University. McGeorge Bundy, who was involved in leading the Vietnam War, was promoted to Dean at Harvard University.

At the same time, any information about historical events that contradicts the main line of the American Historical Society is not allowed to be presented during the educational process.

Most of the textbook publishing organizations are also indirectly funded by the order. The same tactics began to spread in other countries of the world. A process has taken shape that does not leave people the opportunity to think independently, act and search for patterns.

In 1946, the Rockefeller Foundation allocated $ 139,000 to formalize a version of World War II history that completely obscures the fact that the Nazi regime was established by American bankers. One of the main companies that financed this was Rockefeller's own Standard Oil.

The Ford Foundation was originally formed with funds raised from Henry Ford's automotive industry. However, it was soon infiltrated by members of the Order of the Skull and Bones, who used the founding funds to destroy both school education and the public information system.


In 1966 Mac George Bundy became president of the Ford Foundation. He also elected Skull and Bones member Harold Howe II as his vice president. The field of activity of that was the department of scientific research and education. Thus, the psychological warfare technique, developed at the Teyvistock Institute for Humanitarian Research, provided for a direct impact on the press, newspapers, telephony and radio, instantly spreading information around the world.

David Rockefeller


A careful investigation of the order's actions in the information and education system reveals its main goal - by controlling these areas, "Skull and Bones" controls the future of American (and not only!) Society.

It must be said that the conscious and highly professional manipulation of the way of thinking and opinion of the masses is the most important component of the state, over which there are secret societies. The Order of the Skull and Bones uses the half-forgotten slogan of the 18th century conspirators:

“We must conquer ordinary people in all corners of the earth. This will be achieved mainly through schools and through spectacle, indulgence, popularity and tolerance for prejudice, which we will root out and dispel in our leisure.”

It is in this direction that American schools are acting, depriving the child of individual talents and preparing him to function as a "wheel and cog" of the state mechanism.

Yuri Gogolitsyn
