The Influence Of Extraterrestrial Structures. Arachnoids. Insectoids - Alternative View

The Influence Of Extraterrestrial Structures. Arachnoids. Insectoids - Alternative View
The Influence Of Extraterrestrial Structures. Arachnoids. Insectoids - Alternative View

Video: The Influence Of Extraterrestrial Structures. Arachnoids. Insectoids - Alternative View

Video: The Influence Of Extraterrestrial Structures. Arachnoids. Insectoids - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, September

Numerous publications about the presence and impact of other life forms on the human community are mostly incorrect, and in some cases are extremely harmful.

The fact that we are not alone in the Universe is clear and true, but this is not the issue here. Many people projecting their delirium into society often refer to their access to a communication channel with extraterrestrial civilizations. In psychiatry, this is called delusions of external influence.

They write a lot about the fact that someone wants to enslave us. Why does he want to? We are already enslaved, and we are at the level of a selection animal, and not a community of self-sufficient individuals.

If they do exist, then why should they influence us and interfere in the course of human history?

It is known that each person releases a certain spectrum of psychoemotional energies into space, but at the same time receives certain energies from the outside.

Similarly, other forms of life constantly need to receive certain energies. This can be compared to radio frequency bands, where there are several spectra and within each spectrum a certain set is often constantly full.

So in space there are several such spectra and each life form spreads a spectrum in a clearly defined range for it. So if a certain range is silent or overloaded, then there is a violation of energy fluctuations, at best, within one galaxy, and most often within a group of interdependent galaxies. These disruptions are projected on a universal scale, usually by the formation of a black hole (the congestion must be absorbed) or in a supernova explosion (to fill the voids).

In each galactic group, a certain tone prevails, which forms 1 civilization, the rest, resonating with it, add their own overtones! If the fundamental tone is violated, then the entire structure of the galactic group will be destroyed, or when the basic tone is changed, the balance between these civilizations will be disturbed, which is now happening in galaxies connected to the Earth.

Promotional video:

Each is trying to adjust the tonality of the Earth to its own overtones, thereby strengthening their position and influence in nearby galaxies, while using the ignorance of the masses of people. They put their guides in power, increasing the geopolitical influence of certain states.

Why is the Earth so important to them?

Based on the galactic configuration, the Earth occupies an average position between them and within 10-12 years should begin to set the main tone among the nearest 6 galaxies. And it will resonate for at least 2000 years in a clearly defined key.

4 out of 6 nearby foreign structures do not have influential conductors on Earth. And the nations associated with them have extremely weak positions.

The earth has a very diverse linguistic and national structure, they represent the influences of all nearby civilizations.

Now the Earth is influenced by rather aggressive opposing external civilizations, to which certain state structures of the Earth (USA, China) are fully subordinate. So if you do not turn off these influences, then it is possible within 5-7 years the emergence of a global military conflict with population losses of up to 500 million people, up to the use of strategic weapons.

The challenge to prevent further exploitation of the human community:

1. Eliminate the main channels of impact on the Earth, incl. physical elimination of conductors.

2. Restore the Balance on Earth.

3. After 15-20 years, turn on the channels to create a harmonious resonance across the galactic structure.

On the other hand, the restoration of the Balance on Earth at the moment is almost impossible without a global military conflict.

In this regard, it is important to prevent the use of nuclear weapons, as well as to prevent the involvement of weak states, but necessary for the Balance, i.e. so that the conflict does not spread beyond the borders of the aggressor countries.

There is another option, which was already carried out earlier in the history of mankind:

Total destruction of all mankind with the creation of an absolutely new civilization

This can happen if the Earth does not enter into its resonance due to the influence of alien structures.

The technogenic development path is a dead end. Puts a person on the path of suppressing their own kind.

The main path of Man is in his spiritual development. With the formation of mental immunity to harmful influences (mental infection).

Continuing the topic of external influences, it is necessary to clarify the tactical and technical characteristics of other forms of civilizations:

1. The predominant species in terms of intelligence:

A. Arachnids

B. Insectoids

B. Dinosaur-like

G. Primatoids

E. Humanoids (humanoid)

2. Degree of development and direction of development

A. Arachnids and insectoids - a rigid structure of man-made and military orientation.

B. Dinosaur-like - used as a labor force by arachnids do not have their own control system.

B. Primatoids - a form of life with elements of reverse evolution due to the influence of arachnids.

D. Humanoids - a race with high spiritual development and great technical potential, but placed at the service of the spiritual. Oppose the arachnid system.

There are also other forms of life of a high spiritual nature (ancient structures of an Angelic character), but they are quite remote from the Earth and do not come into contact with the above-described civilizations. Although the humanoids have repeatedly made attempts to start interacting with them. But given their galactic configurations, they have their own resonance of structures and come into contact at moments when there are deep violations in all resonance and with civilizations on which this resonance depends.

So 12 thousand years it was from these systems that a blow to the structures of the arachnids and the structures of the Earth subject to that moment occurred, which manifested itself in the form of a worldwide flood.

The fact that a number of countries interact with foreign structures is evidenced, for example, by the incident in the Roswell region (USA) in 1947.

Considering that arachnids and insectoids occupy the same niche, but are opposing, it can be assumed that China is affected by the opposing structure of insectoids. So the Chinese nation is now spreading like locusts, exterminating everything in its path and leaving behind a lifeless desert.

Primatoids have interactions in central Africa. And in a number of other places they are defined as "Bigfoot"

Humanoids, as a rule, do not go into direct communication, but they initiated situations such as three messages of the KOH (the third in 1929).

They can interact, but they do not work with power structures, as arachnids and insectoids do not. It is possible to establish telepathic contact with them, but people in general are not ready to perceive and use their information, since their system of logical thinking is of a higher level than that of people.

It is because of the interaction with them of a certain group of people since 1939, Germany has not used "dirty bombs". Since people are not ready for nuclear weapons to this day.

One arachnids offer cooperation, incl. system of weapons only in order to enslave people with the help of these same technologies, to make us a product of their technocratic civilization - technoprimates (primatus technicus), as they have already done with primatoids.

Whereas the Earth should give a bright release of highly spiritual energy from people they make a plague, which kills the organism that feeds it, or the locust, which leaves a lifeless desert after itself.

Thus, the well-known fact of the extinction of the dinosaurs was initiated by humanoids on the direct instructions of the ancient Angelic structures in order to protect themselves. They were forced to settle mammals on Earth and cause a global cataclysm, most likely with the help of a large asteroid, forming a long cold period on Earth, which the dinosaurs simply could not bear.

So the Earth was settled by mammals and the evolution of man took place.

After the global flood, 3 centers of civilization were formed from outside:

1. In the area of Mesopotamia and Egypt

2. Indian Peninsula and southeast Tibet (now in northwestern China)

3. An isolated civilization in America (Incas, Aztecs).

In modern terms, the first and second centers are more interesting, since the third has not survived to our time.

1. It spread to the territory of Greece, and then Rome. In ancient Greece, they encountered primatoids (wood goblins), who introduced the strategic tasks of the arachnids. These structures continued their impact in the ancient world. The fight against the barbarians who came from the Scythia did not stop the influence, especially on the Anglo-Saxon tribes, who were isolated on the British Isle.

Subsequently, their influence spread to the United States. Germany and Russia in the 30-40s turned out to be the most free from foreign influences. XX century. Moreover, these peoples have common roots from Tibet, as the descendants of the Scythians. And also certain tribes of the Scythians have survived in Scandinavia.

2. Part of the population moved north of Tibet, scattered across Eurasia and organized Scythia.

The civilization of the Indian peninsula was subject to many nomadic adventures, but in general it survived.

Branches were also sewn to the west and east. The eastern branch (Shang xi) was Mongolized and exposed to insectoids.

The western branch reached the territory of the Caucasus (the state of Urartu) and Asia Minor.

As for the peoples of the Semites and gypsites. These are the descendants of the exiled castes, the Semites from Babylon, and the gypsites from the Indian peninsula. They possess certain types of magic. The Semites are the magic of material gain. Gypsytes are love magic.

Both nations retain caste and do not mix with others, except for the purpose of obtaining material benefits. Both nations are supported by arachnids.

Given that the prevalence of these nations is very wide throughout the world, this leads to a serious breakdown in the global balance. These nations, especially the Semites, use the financial system to influence them.

Among the population, especially in Russia and Germany, there are many unused guides from the side of humanoids, who have recently been trying to enter into interaction themselves, but since they do not have financial and power support, their capabilities are extremely limited.

Chosen representatives of the Earth can come into contact with the ancient structures of the Angelic nature. Thus, they realize the true Divine principle on Earth.

At the moment, there are no representatives of ancient angelic structures in high social structures, but the mass of people is carrying out the will of arachnids and insectoids.

Thus, modern civilization has a low technogenic logic of thinking and is aimed at embodying the will of life forms that are below ourselves in evolutionary development.

Necessary measures:

1. Formation of a new ideology of the human community and its implementation in conductors and inductors with free connections through various available channels (books, newspapers, radio).

2. Inclusion in the process of creation of human-guides of humanoids with their connection to the energy-information flows of the Earth.

3. Adaptation of methods of psycho-influence under the new ideology.

4. Elimination of the conductors of the will of the Arachnids.

5. At a later stage, the formation of connections of Divine structures and their induction to restore the path of spiritual development of a person with the creation of a qualitatively new species - a wise person.

This strategy implements the concept of becoming a true person as a higher spiritual being within the galactic system, which includes the solar system.

Question: This topic is too extensive and serious. There are many debatable questions, but I will try to start somewhere.

1. Where in this structure of alien influences is the place of the Earth Gods? Or are they no longer involved in people's lives?

2. What is the percentage of earthlings and aliens.

3. The United States and China are ruled by "aggressive warring external civilizations." Who runs Russia?

4. Strengthening Russia at this stage - for the subsequent play off of the superpowers? Or is it a natural evolutionary process uncontrollable from the outside?

I'll stop for now …

Answer: I'll try to answer.

This message does not belong to me, but to one of my correspondents. Therefore, I cannot be fully responsible for this information. However, I can give my Versions to a number of questions.

Our Galaxy, the Milky Way, is bright, mainly with humanoid civilizations. There are other galaxies dominated by pre-human civilizations. The most powerful of them are Arachnoids. The expansion of the Arachnoids to the Earth began 65 million years ago, when they created a reptoid race on the basis of an existing biological species, one of the dinosaur species. endowed them with intelligence, which was completely lawfully destroyed by the government of our Galaxy. The second stage of the expansion of the Arachnoids began with the emergence of Man and ancient civilizations - all this is described in the Tales of Pushkin.

At present, the general situation seems to be like this - over the past 12 thousand years, the Arachnoids and their agents on Earth have done everything to destroy all human hierarchies. Although they exist, no state in the modern world is governed by human hierarchies. This is the outcome of the Second World War.

Arachnoids do not incarnate in human bodies, only Reptoids incarnate, there is a lot of literature about this, including books by David Icke. Their number is negligible, in the human mass, but they occupy key positions in politics, finance, Masonic structures, so the influence is enormous.

The USA is ruled by these same Reptoids, but which are themselves ruled by the Arachnoids who created them. China is ruled by the Locust civilization, you could see it in Star Wars - the film Attack of the Clones, if I'm not mistaken, is an episode of gladiatorial battles. The Locust Civilization began its expansion in 30-40 of the 20th century and established itself there in 49. Prior to that, China was ruled by the Civilization of Dragons, apparently of extraterrestrial origin. The Buddhist world is ruled by the extraterrestrial serpentoid civilization of the Nagas. The Islamic world is ruled by Seth. Eastern Christianity is also ruled by Seth and the Black Brahman clan of Arctida, who are completely subordinate to him. Catholicism is ruled by the Reptoid Weaver Clan, led by the Reptoid Jesus. Russia is now also ruled by the Arachnoids, who seized power back in Arctida. Only here are several opposing hierarchies - Army-GRU-MIC, which are controlled directly by the military structures of the Arachnoids, and the KGB-FSB-the current Administration, which is controlled by the occult hierarchy of Zion-Seth-Chernomor, which was also planted here by the Arachnoids.

The reptoids of Atlantis want to oust Seth, so they eliminate his influence in the Islamic world, and then take on Russia. Then they will try to oust the locust civilization - China.

In general, all this is beneficial only to the Arachnoids - the endless pitting of peoples against each other does not make it clear to humanity who are its true enemies - this is their tried and tested strategy.

I forgot to mention that the Masonic-Jewish European Union is also ruled by the Reptoid clan of Babarihi, which is ruled by the Arachnoids, although there are also light human hierarchies in Europe, for example, the true Rosicrucians. What you saw in the "Matrix" is fully consistent with reality. No more than 10-15% of the human population remains on Earth. Some Reptoids want to get out of the control of the Arachnoids who created them and can, in principle, take the side of Humanity. But I'm afraid it's too late. The original message spoke of "Angelic Structures". Az discussed with the author and convinced him that these structures should be understood as ancient anthropoid civilizations, as ancient as the Arachnoids, which are already ca. 3-4 billion years. They have already completed their evolution and fulfill the role of oversight and supreme judges,they, if necessary, destroy those civilizations that are under the complete control of dark parasitic hierarchies. 12 thousand years ago, they Ruthlessly destroyed the Pacifida, Atlantis and Arctida, with everyone and people and the Reptoids. And in this they are absolutely right - if humanity has fallen under the control of Spiders, Locusts, Serpents and Reptiles, then it begins to pose a very serious danger to the entire large Cosmos. It's like an infection, an infection, for most people are virus carriers. And the space sanitary troops will again destroy this center of infection, now forever. If we do not change our minds in the next 10-15 years and if we do not destroy our internal enemies, then they will destroy us all!with everyone and people and Reptoids. And in this they are absolutely right - if humanity has fallen under the control of Spiders, Locusts, Serpents and Reptiles, then it begins to pose a very serious danger to the entire large Cosmos. It's like an infection, an infection, for most people are virus carriers. And the space sanitary troops will again destroy this center of infection, now forever. If we do not change our minds in the next 10-15 years and if we do not destroy our internal enemies, then they will destroy us all!with everyone and people and Reptoids. And in this they are absolutely right - if humanity has fallen under the control of Spiders, Locusts, Serpents and Reptiles, then it begins to pose a very serious danger to the entire large Cosmos. It's like an infection, an infection, for most people are virus carriers. And the space sanitary troops will again destroy this center of infection, now forever. If we do not change our minds in the next 10-15 years and if we do not destroy our internal enemies, then they will destroy us all!If we do not change our minds in the next 10-15 years and if we do not destroy our internal enemies, then they will destroy us all!If we do not change our minds in the next 10-15 years and if we do not destroy our internal enemies, then they will destroy us all!

Question: Indeed, how can the average Russian, who is under the influence of the Arachnoids and has a lot of limited abilities, fight such a powerful enemy? And does he need to intervene there at all, so that his clumsiness does not further aggravate the situation?

Answer: “The average Russian citizen” should understand that if he hopes or counts on any further evolution of him as an Essence, then in the context of those parasitic and cannibalistic systems that now run in Russia, he has absolutely nothing to catch. Gobble up with giblets, cut into pieces, as in the American film "The Island". The more people realize this, the more likely we will not be destroyed.

Question: By the way, who runs such an inferior country as Ukraine? It is here that Russians and Ukrainians are being pitted against each other, everything Russian is being destroyed and very effectively.

Answer:Naturally, the Americans want to clean up Ukraine in order to completely control the region. They don't mind. Again, for what he bought, for what he sold: there is information that the Americans, back in the late 80s, entered the Black Sea in a submarine and lowered a hydrogen bomb to the bottom. Since the main volume of the sea is hydrogen sulfide, the oxygen layer is 150-200 m from the surface, then when the charge is detonated, this hydrogen sulfide explodes and a super explosion is obtained, nothing remains of Ukraine. From Bulgaria and Turkey, however, too. But these are trifles. The Ukrainians, at the highest level, were told in secret that if you restore relations with Russia, then in the event of a war with Russia, we will undermine this charge, and Ukraine will cease to exist. If you join NATO, we will remove the bomb. So, under no circumstances will they agree to an alliance with Russia. And who is there to ally with? With GB-shny administrators?

Academician Sakharov, when he was not yet an oppositionist, proposed laying 100 megaton hydrogen charges along the entire US coast. In the event of a detonation, according to calculations, the wave of a radioactive tsunami was supposed to cover the entire eastern coast for 1000 km.

Themes with arachnoids do not correspond to reality, because they do not show it to you, this reality. Think again of the Matrix. In this situation, I play the role of Morphius - I show you what you do not see, and what is carefully hidden from you.

GB - administrators work for their astral patron - Zion - Seth - and they have no other concept, how to strengthen his power. This office began its evolution with mass ritual killings and these scum still not only did not repent of this, but also began to glorify their crimes. Quietly, so, step by step, but when you look at their KGB vision, it turns out that all the heroes did everything right and everything was justified … Atlantis firmly decided to deal with Seth, so if you support this power, perish with her.

Christianity must not be abolished, but liquidated. We have special accounts with them. They killed the White Magi until the 17th century. We will not forgive them for this. There will be no mercy.

Question: And what personalities, social, political or other structures existing on Earth now are still under the patronage of humanoid civilizations?

Answer: Of the occult orders - the Rosicrucians, whose order goes back to the mysteries of Isis, Osiris and Horus. Representatives of White Atlantis - Guidon at Pushkin - they live mainly in the USA and are trying to turn the tide in this country and in the world as a whole, including through cinema.

Representatives of the White Pacifida - the Sage - the stargazer from Pushkin - is Tibet, occupied by China.

Representatives of the White Arctida - Finn at Pushkin. I am their voice.

Heirs of the Greco-Roman world.

Some schools of Yoga.

Tantric schools.


In Russia (in its political and power structures), none of the light hierarchies is represented. Even the Greens are not allowed to take a cannon shot here.

The arachnoid "Sun" in the movie "The Matrix. The revolution". Arachnoids of the lower level of the hierarchy serving the "Fields".


Mechanical arachnoid.


Question: I decided to ask one more thing: in your articles you spoke about the information encoded in Pushkin's tales. Since you are citing footage from Star Wars and the Matrix, then you probably want to say that some kind of information is also encoded in them. If yes, then I propose to discuss another world (Planescape, a world for board games) in which the system of the gods is shown in almost the same way as in your article "Gods". It seems to me that a lot of information is also encoded there.

Answer: Films where various non-anthropoid civilizations were presented.

Star Wars. Attack of the Clones”- the Locust civilization - an episode of gladiatorial battles.

"Starship Troopers" - the civilization of the Arachnoids - this name sounded there. It should be understood that the war there is not going on in the physical Space, but in the Astral. There are two astral civilizations - the Light Kshatriya Anthropoid civilization with their elite philosophy of the Warrior (one of the indicators of elitism is that women serve on an equal basis with men, live in the same room and even wash together - can you imagine this in the Russian Army?) And the Arachnid civilization - although only the Brain of this civilization can be called Arachnid. Arachnids own an entire archipelago of planets. Sucking the human brain is a metaphor for devouring the Soul and Mind. I repeat, everything happens in the Astral.

Lord of the Rings. The Return of the King”- the spider Shelob - the Shamakhan queen at Pushkin - the Mother of the Arachnoids.

The television series "Stargate" - the civilization of the Arachnoids - where they are called - Spiders or Replicants.

"Alien" - individual Reptoids who take possession of the human essence and take possession of it.

"Predator - 1-2" - Insectoid civilization. The Predator's invisibility does not mean a protective field, but its constant dislocation in the etheric body. This is confirmed by the last episode of the second film - the Predator's tribesmen first materialize, and then dematerialize - this is not a transition to another space - this is a transition to another phase of materiality - from atomic matter - to etheric.

Please add.

Reptoids do not have their own civilization, as they are Created, Beasts. They just inserted the Mind - the Program - this technology - the creation of the Creature - is described in chapter 2 of the book. Being. There it is all encrypted through the creation of Adam and Eve. Arachnoids are native essences, that is, they originated from Nature in a natural evolutionary way, like all civilizations. I’ll explain how it was later. Reptoids, who have repeatedly incarnated in the human body, are of course humanized, and can, in principle, help humanity by working against their Creators, but since they are initially energetically and informationally tied to the Arachnoids, the only alternative to get rid of them is to find allies in human civilizations.

The Green Movement is a human organization. In principle, all governments on Earth should be Green, but, as I wrote above, the Greens only in Europe are slightly represented in the state. structures. In Russia, they were not even registered in the last elections.

This is very indicative - the Russian Zionist government is very afraid of the greens - because, as a rule, they are Twice-born, not tied to arachnoid structures - natural scientists. In Russia, greens are usually representatives of the White Arctida. I am also in the way of thinking - Green.

Before World War II, the Protestant States of Europe were ruled by national human egregors. A powerful national egregor was also formed in Russia, especially after the reforms of Peter and Alexander II, but Sethu was extremely dangerous, since he arized the population of this reservation, therefore it was destroyed in 17, the United States at the strategic level is controlled by White Atlantis, but the Reptoids led your strategy game.

About destruction - there was already a call - an asteroid, which was rejected, as they say, a man from the school of Ar Santem did it, as a result - died. But you should not fall for this information - it is impossible to verify it, and it can ruin your life if you think about it all the time. Everything can be corrected, as already written above - human egregors do not want destruction, therefore they are making every effort to prevent sanitation - but it is impossible to persuade the Higher hierarchies, they do not listen to requests, it is necessary to correct - stop the population growth, stop destroying nature, kill animals, to shit, to pollute the Astral with their mental excrement, to reduce the percentage of Werewolves to 30% - now - 80%, to get rid of parasitic hierarchies - Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Freemasonry.

About the bomb - it was put (if it really is) in the event of a global war of destruction - there is no question of a gas pipeline.

Films featuring various non-anthropoid civilizations.

"The place of battle is Earth" with John Travolta - a reptoid civilization. The occupation of the Earth should be understood metaphorically. Those. The reptoids occupied a dominant position on Earth, and people, indigenous people, were reduced to a semi-animal level. This is exactly what happens in Christianity and Islam.

"Planet of the Apes" is a primatoid civilization.

The War of the Worlds is based on the novel by H. G. Wells. Although in the novel, the aliens arrive from Mars, but in Steven Spielberg's film, there is no indication of this - they arrive from Space, and the invasion was prepared in advance. Arachnoid civilization. However, it should be said that such a direct conquest of alien worlds is impossible. Wells himself realized this 100 years ago. And the point here is mainly that no biological form can exist in any alien world, even if the physicochemical parameters of this world are similar. It will die in a few minutes - it will be destroyed by viruses and bacteria. The conquest of the worlds comes from -NUT-ri- i.e. from the Astral by seizing Bodies or parasitizing on indigenous inhabitants.

All of these films have the correct information. And also the correct programs of behavior for humanity, for in the end the heroes of the paintings are freed from the yoke of the occupiers.

The city of people in the Matrix is named Zeon. The name of the mountain in Israel has a different outline - Sion. In addition, the rebel ship is named "Nabuchadonosar" - this is the king of Babylon, who destroyed the Temple of Solomon and the outpost of Seth in Dr. Israel in the 6th century BC. So everything is correct here.

Question: then the question is: why did this very Judeo-Christian theology not change the world to the state of one god? Apparently because in other worlds there are also philosophies that believe in something else?

By the way, about Planescape. Of the game worlds, besides him, the truth about our world, as I am sure (after reading your texts, I noticed too many analogies), is depicted in the Warhammer universe (also for board games, although he is better known among players, since the developers still support it). I think I will try to post materials on it as well.

Answer: Yes, precisely because even before the appearance of arachnoids near the Earth's orbit there were already 4 different civilizations. The arachnoids failed to gain a foothold in the Pacifis. In Atlantis, they established themselves through the Reptoids, and only in the Black Arctida did they rule directly. As for Hittida, it is unclear, for in "The Tale of the Goldfish" there is no hint of the presence or influence of arachnoids. And then, already in Asiatic, the number of influences increased and the Arachnoids would never be monopolists here. Because there are civilizations of Locusts, Nagas, Dragons, who also love human flesh very much.

Question: wait a minute. They seem to have come from the astral plane?

A couple more questions. First: Seth was not always (from the moment he came to earth) under the control of a clan of weavers and arachnoids?

By the way, does the clan of the weaver belong to the arachnoid, or the clan of the cook with the babarikha too?

Further: as I understand it, now the main forces operating in the world are Seth (Russia, the Arab world), Insectoids (China), the Clan of the Cook and Babarikha (Europe and the USA). What interests: to whom do modern Israel and Brazil belong?

Answer: Well, this is such an expression - they are really in the orbit of the Earth, but not in the physical Space. Seth was never under the control of the Weaver clan. He - even before sending him here to Earth, was already God - he was such an invited Specialist and arrived here already with his team, in which there were two categories of entities - Native, and Creatures - Astroclones. It was with this team that he began the struggle to establish the complete power of the Arachnoids over this planet. Then they had a rebellion there - Creatures - Astroclones became a little humanized, began to mate with earthly women and refused to pursue a policy of further enslavement of humanity, for this they were thrown into Tartarus. In Pushkin: "He brings the stars from the sky."

Where and in what world Zion-Seth became god is not known for certain, that its original form is Reptoid is indicated on the Egyptian scrolls telling about the struggle between Horus and Seth, although Pushkin does not have explicit indications of this.

All three Atlantic clans are controlled by the Reptoids, in Pushkin: "They look with evil toads" - all three are looking.

We must not forget about Russia that the Black Kshatriya Arctida has a huge influence here, but it is also initially tied to the arachnoids. Brazil - Weaver and Cook. Israel, there are many influences in it, there are clans of Babarikha and Tkachikha, but the main ones formed already in Asiatic-Talmudic Judaism.

Question: That is, all the main forces (Weaver, Povarikha, Babarikha and Setkh) that have practically made history over the past about a hundred years are controlled by the Arachnoids, and the entire Cold War is a feud of reptoid egregors controlled by the arachnoids? and whose hands did the Sexual Revolution there? And a couple more questions. Who now represents the Weaver Clan, as well as White Atlantis (or links to texts)?

Answer: Zion-Setkh Chernomor was once God on some planet, he had a whole hierarchy of servants - this is his Beard - 9 ranks of "angelic" - Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominance, Strength, Power, Beginnings, Archangels, Angels. This whole army of parasites had to be fed. He was thrown out of there along with his Beard. He pushed around, starved and went to the service of the Arachnoids. Whether he loves them or hates them is unknown. In general, who, where, when did you love the bosses? Moreover, these are Spiders, he is still the essence of a higher level of evolution.

Yes, internecine war. Or maybe someone more powerful is deliberately playing them off? If they had not played off, one of this gang-leika would have taken all the power in this world and devoured everyone, but there is still hope.

What can I say about Black Arctida - you see her every day. Russia from 988 to this day is under the control and administration of the Black Arctida. All Russian princes, monarchs, generals, aristocracy, and in Soviet times - the Red Army, now - Ross. The Army, Gru, and the MIC are ruled by the Black Kshatriya Arctida.

He wrote about Talmudic Judaism in other posts - this is a religion, the main subject of which is Jewishness itself - its survival, prosperity, domination over the goyim and the enthronement of the Messiah - the Ecumenical King of the Jews. For the Talmudists, the Talmud is higher than the Tanakh.

About the countries of Latin America, everything is also controlled by the Freemasons. What kind of ritual they are there, I do not know exactly, but on the coats of arms of all states there are Pentagrams. Here Pinochet took power from Allendet, he seemed to shoot himself. Both were Masons.

What kind of sexual revolution is there, well, they will go there at the carnival, Catholicism does not allow any sex. revolutions. They are allowed to play naughty so that AIDS spreads more quickly, otherwise there are too many of them.

About the White Atlantis - "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" - you first read the interpretations, otherwise you probably haven't read them and ask incompetent questions. Read it, you will be a Connoisseur.

In general, the creation of parallel, controlled, but hostile structures is the basic strategy of the Arachnoids. Why? Why not give all the reins of government to one hierarchy? Is it so, it seems more effective? Not. They know the structure of the Universe, therefore, from their point of view, they are doing everything right. They create several competing systems under their control - all these structures are vampiric and parasitic, and since resources are always and everywhere limited, it means that competing structures will more effectively develop technologies for pumping energy, for their own survival.

Second, the most rapid development takes place precisely during the war - the arachnoids themselves became a civilization as a result of a war with competitors.

Third, since all the players on the battlefield are your agents, whoever wins or loses, you always win.

Fourth, the constant pitting of various peoples and countries among themselves does not allow humanity to recognize its true enemies, to unite and go to war with them, as described in The Lord of the Rings - there they all united.

Fifth, if treason has started in one of the controlled hierarchies, then with the help of another controlled hierarchy it will be possible to destroy it - the entire changed hierarchy. And if the hierarchy was one, then betrayal would lead to a complete loss of control over the planet.

That is why the arachnoids allowed Stalin to steal the blueprints for a nuclear bomb. It is necessary that on Earth there were two states capable of destroying one another, in case a government comes to power in one of them, which will wage a war against the arachnoids.

The same strategy is used in the structure of arachnoid states - there are always competing and warring structures - the KGB and the GRU, for example. Or the swing of the state between the Baphometists and the Sethians.

About White Atlantis. There is Wagnga's prophecy that the 44th president will be black (already come true) and that under his rule the United States will fall apart North and South. Let's hope that in the South the White Atlanteans will manage to create a government independent of Jews, Freemasons and Reptoids. Then changes in Russia and Ukraine will proceed at a rapid pace. It was then that there will be a historic chance of reuniting all three peoples. But this will be possible only if the KGB clique, which now rules in Russia, collapses along with its partners from Washington.

Question: It's just not clear to me why Russia is friends with China, if Russia is Seth and the Arachnoids behind him, and China is Insectoids. And could Seth theoretically come under the control of the Insectoids?

Answer: Relations between Russia and China were of a phase nature. Tsarist Russia and Imperial China. USSR and China before 49, USSR during Stalin's time and China Mao. USSR during Khrushchev and China Mao. USSR during Brezhnev and China Mao. Russia after 91 and reformed China. At each stage, the relationship was built in different ways. What stage are you interested in?

Question: I am interested in why, if China and the USSR followed a similar path of the formation of a "socialist state", then why did the USSR come under the rule of Seth, and China - insectoids? And when did China come under the rule of insectoids? He is also interested in why the relations between the USSR and China changed under Khrushchev, as well as the current relations between Russia and China. And most importantly - can Seth switch to the service / control of insectoids?

To a lesser extent, they are also interested in a set of things. In particular, the rest of the modern social. countries: North Korea and Cuba (both at the moment). Vietnam can not be discussed, it does not play a role now. I also wonder if there are now countries that are governed by non-arachnoid and non-insectoid structures? Separately interested in Japan now and Japan in the 2nd World War and its alliance with Hitler's Germany.

Answer: I can only give a version, but I cannot vouch for its 100% reliability. The brahmans of the Pacifids saw very well and knew what kind of Shamahan Queen King Dadon had found between the high mountains. They saw the essence of this Arachnoid Womb and knew that it was planted on Earth by the Black Magi of Arctida along with the Black Kshatra of Arctida. The pacifida was destroyed, and mercilessly, like Arctida and Atlantis - this is a lesson to all of us. Higher authorities WILL NOT persuade us and exhort us to improve.

Brahmans settled in the Astral and continued their evolution. In Asiatica, the expansion processes of the Arachnoids continued, mainly thanks to the efforts of the same Kshatra Arctida - they spread this infection throughout the world. They announced about God as they say!

The Brahmans of the Pacifids decided to protect their zone of influence from this expansion - they hired the Dragon civilization to rule China.

The first of these was Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi. He unified the scattered principalities by force and created his own Qin Empire. All the Chinese walls were built in order to protect China from the expansion of the Arachnoids, as they extend high into the Astral.

By the way, the military actions of the Mongols against Christian Russia were also acts on the one hand of retaliation, on the other hand, preventive measures designed to stop and strangle a new stage of expansion. If Russia had not been Christianized, there would have been no invasion.

For 22 centuries, Dragons ruled China. There, in the Forbidden City, everything speaks of the presence of Dragons - stairs in the form of a dragon's body, dragons on all walls, on roof slopes, on the clothes of emperors, the Dragon Throne, on which they sat and right above their head - the Golden Eye of the Dragon. Now it is difficult to say whether all the emperors over the 22 centuries and several dynasties were Dragons by origin, especially since there was a Mongol dynasty. It is important that they managed to protect China from the Arachnoids. However, this dynasty also fell. Bertolucci's film "The Last Emperor" tells about this in detail. The fact is that Kali Yuga, in which we have lived for the last 2.6 thousand years, is the same as old age and decrepitude in a person's life. There is no longer any strength to resist external aggression, immunity is weakened and the body inevitably begins to agonize under the blows of external infections. For 40 years there was a Chaos republic in China, then the Japanese invasion, then the Mao communists fought against Chiang Kai Shi nationalists.

In short, Mao seized all power with the support of the USSR in 1949. This was the beginning of the expansion of the locust civilization. Stalin, and through him Setkh, actively helped to gain a foothold in this civilization, because they counted on being able to govern this system. However, the Arachnoids who planted Seth on Earth and the Locust civilization are tough competitors, although in the evolutionary sense, they stand on the same level and are enemies of Anthropoid civilizations. Initially, there were almost no contradictions. Although, when Mao came to the USSR and he and Stalin were sitting on the podium, there is such a famous shot, then there is clearly visible tension in both. All these contradictions began to manifest themselves under Khrushchev, since Hittida was not sympathetic to the appearance of some new migrant predators. Moreover, Hittida is still a human civilization. Therefore, a sharp cooling of relations began. However, after Khrushchev, when Hittida dominated the USSR together with the Kshatriyskaya Arctida under Brezhnev, these relations grew into an armed conflict. And the situation remained tense all the time, until the early 80s.

In China itself, when the first representatives of civilization grew up, i.e. 67 AD - they were 18 years old, the Hung Wen Bin movement began. Its essence is the destruction of everything human. They bullied and even killed all the twice-born, i.e. people, destroyed the entire human culture. And in general they behaved like a flock of locusts - they gathered in huge crowds, to the beat of drums - this obviously activated the insectoid structures of the psyche, these crowds behaved like a kind of single organism, after the showdown in the cities they moved to the villages, began to kill sparrows, their natural enemies killed several billion. We walked all over China and caused a massive famine. Then this primary expansion faded away and they began to quietly adapt to earthly conditions and soon realizedthat it is much more profitable to conquer space by producing all sorts of rubbish and by your own creeping over the body of the earth.

In my opinion, given that the North. Korea has always been under the patronage of Communist China - the same civilization also dominates there. It is very likely that in Cambodia during the Pol Pot - they operated the same - they just drove the most aggressive factions out of China - there they killed approx. 2 million people were killed according to the same scheme, mostly twice-born.

There is another version about the locust civilization and the reasons for its expansion. The Brahmans of the Pacifids, the very Immortals of Samtshe Mitsheba, realizing that if the Arachnoids also capture China during the communist revolution, then all of Eurasia would be under their control. Therefore, they went on the principle of the lesser of their evils. We gave China to the control of a rival civilization in order to maintain a balance of power.

About Japan. Japan was originally a Brahminical Kingdom - the Emperor performed the highest priestly functions, then power passed to the Kshatriyas - Shoguns and it was so in the Meiji era, when Japan began its expansionist policy in the Pacific Ocean region. After the war, power passed to the Vaishyas. But during World War II, Japan, since it was in the zone of influence of the Pacifida, became a military weapon of the Pacifida. Tibet-Brahmanical Pacifida and Japan-Kshatriya Pacifida were on the side of Germany in this war. Tibet provided occult support. Why were they on the side of Germany? It is obvious. The Pacifid brahmans saw perfectly well who was who in this war and who was fighting on the side of the Arachnoids, and who was fighting for humanity. Japan's war with the United States was a new phase in the war between Atlantis and the Pacifis. Continuation of the showdown.

As a result of the war, Japan was punished by nuclear bombings, and Tibet was punished by the loss of independence and repression by the Mao regime.

Seth will not go under the control of insectoids.

Question: To what extent are YOUR views (on God, Gods, soul, yoga, Hitler, the eradication of "Orthodoxy", sex, etc.) typical of native believers whom you know better than me? Or do YOU profess (and preach) your own, original, views?

Answer: my views are a broadcast of the ancient pantheistic, matriarchal Tradition of the White Arctida. That is, the knowledge about the world that was accumulated before the Catastrophe-expansion of the Arachnoids 12 thousand years ago. Most of the Rodnovers, from those whom I know from texts and websites, represent the patriarchal form of Vedism, Paganism or Rodoveria, whatever you like. Those. those beliefs that arose after the Black Magi of Arctida bungled the egregor of God the Father. I already wrote about this in the interpretation text, "Tales of the Dead Princess."

They think that some kind of God created them. True, Jehovah-Yahweh actively dislikes them, therefore, as the Creator, they call either Svarog, or Rod, or Where, or Ra, or Yarilu, or someone else. If you give them power now, then they will kill each other right there, because they will think that their God is the right God, but that of the neighboring community is the wrong one. In general, a well-known story. They think that Yahweh created the Jews (by the way, this is true), although they do not understand who this Yahweh is - they think that this is Chernobog, one Ukrainian sorcerer - Kurovsky, when he came to our city and answered my question - "Who is this?" "Chernobog" - he says. I didn’t expect another answer, I knew in advance that he would answer that way. Here they have, the patriarchal pagans of the Rodoverians - everything as you like - they believe in God, and all their ideas about the soul, yoga, Hitler,sex is purely patriarchal and is no different from Christianity or Judaism. Although Christians are hated.

They also think that they came here from some "Higher" worlds. Levashov preaches this in his books. Arrived, he writes, through the Stargate. So that's it. Az wrote a rebuke to him, but did not receive an answer.

So that's it. I say again, to everyone who thinks that he was created and that he came from somewhere …

If you are created, you are a CREATURE !!! And if you are a Creature, then you are created by the Dark God or the Dark Hierarchy. Because Light hierarchies and Gods do not create Creatures. This is a violation of the universal laws. The Law of Evolution and the Law of Hierarchy.

If you come here from some kind of world, you are here an Alien, an Occupant and you live here ILLEGALLY !!! Captured a Body that does not belong to you! Therefore, we, native and earth-born people, born by Mother Earth, have every right to Destroy all Creatures mercilessly!

Dear Sm, do not take all these last words personally. After all, you are not a Creature, I am sure of this.

Therefore, Dear Sm, summing up a short speech, all my views are original in the sense that while they are unique and on the Web you will not find a single resource where there is information about the Arachnoids, about Ancient civilizations. Or my understanding of the Gods. It is truly unique. Because there are Theists and Atheists in society.

And there are almost no panteris.

Here I am alone. Who claims that the Atma Soul is created by itself in the process of evolution and you yourself are the Creator of yourself. If you accept this Idea, I congratulate you, you have become a Man, you have embarked on the Path.

But no, it makes no difference to me.

Now, about the “Orthodoxy” that most of my people profess.”30 years ago, this people (I deliberately use the word“this”) also believed in communism. Of course there were dissidents there, Soviet denial, but the bulk of them believed! The KGB, (ruled by Seth and his occult hierarchy) in the mid-70s began to prepare a conspiracy to liquidate the CPSU-Hittida and lower the Kshatriya Arctida-Army. One of the main projects of this conspiracy was “Orthodoxy instead of Communism.” Since this “Orthodoxy” was originally under management of Seth, it is natural that if his administration - the KGB comes to power, then this very "Orthodoxy" should be the main ideological machine of this USSR No. 3. And a large part of the hierarchs of the ROC were recruited by the KGB back in Soviet times and they remain so to this day. Quite possible,as they have titles.

So we don't need about the people. Yesterday they gave the command to believe in communism - they believed in communism, today they gave the command to believe in Pravsolavie - they believe. If we prohibit the baptism of infants, prohibit the celebration of Christian holidays as state holidays, prohibit the teaching of "Orthodoxy" in schools and conduct active anti-Christian propaganda through TV for 3-4 years - and there is so much abomination (in the sense, in Christianity and in "Orthodoxy" in particular!) For example, tell that in the "Orthodox" monasteries the so-called "crushing of the flesh" was practiced - do you know what it is? This is when the monks broke each other's bones and themselves. Particularly "outstanding" adepts had 600 fractures. What is this for? Yes, in order to suffer - after all, their Body is sinful - that means it is necessary to crush it. Tell about it on TV! Or about homosexuality in monasteries! What a theme!There they also have a secret teaching, one hundred Jesus and his community were homosexuals and therefore initiations in these secret communities are also homosexual in nature.

Then these people will spit and curse this very "Orthodoxy" as it was in the first years of the revolution. Because it is alien to the Russian spirit and genetics. And only the pressure of the authorities and propaganda, the ignorance of the majority of the people create the illusion that our people are "Orthodox". Go to any Christian synagogue - do you see a lot of young people there? Or mature, well-being people? Basically, old, unfortunate aunts, degraded, sick and poor mentally handicapped, human rubbish.

Question: Well, this, first of all, informational, “eradication” suits me quite well, just be careful with the prohibitions. It is obvious that it is possible only after the change of power in the Nordic states, primarily in Russia, to the Aryan one.

However, one should not intimidate the "Orthodox" by "rooting out" - they will turn their backs on Russian nationalists and run to the internationalists.

Dear, please tell us about your attitude (in terms of origin) to the matriarchal Arctida and the Root Races. When was your philosophy about these Races formulated?

To understand is to forgive, especially your super-messianic ambitions. True, we must pay tribute, very modest for a phenomenon of this magnitude.

My picture is starting to build up, I need more information.

Answer:First read The Odyssey's Way and Pushkin's Tales. White Arctida, as a civilization today approx. 160 thousand years. This is the most ancient civilization. In the link that is on your site, about the demiurges of the peoples, I posted this material at myself, though there are objections on some points. So, there is also the correct information about Hyperborea. And her mission in the modern world. I do not have super-missionary ambitions, but a healthy desire to do everything so that there are more healthy, free people in our country. Get rid of illusions and delusions, give a verified, matriarchal Teaching about Man, his origin and evolution, which, mind you, does not contradict Science in any point, but, on the contrary, clarifies many unclear points. If Russia throws off this monstrous Yoke of Seth and Arachnoids, then White Arctida will do everythingso that the present dying out and degrading Russia becomes a Bright Russia - a happy, powerful, healthy, flourishing Power. But under no circumstances will Belaya Arctida help the current administration of the big Putinids and Medvedoids.

Question: In the meantime, please explain the following.

In your opinion, most of the Gods are cannibals. However, in India - Aryavarta - the land of the Aryans, there are about 300,000,000 Gods. There can be no lighter, cleaner, more beautiful, but at the same time stronger, beings than they are.

So, the Divine Mother Sri Aurobindo interprets in four hypostases: Maheshvari - Great Wisdom, Mahakali - Great Power, Mahalakshmi - Great beauty and Mahasaraswati - Great Perfection.

At the same time, Hindus are very peaceful - they never kill each other because of their various Gods, except perhaps Muslims, and that is mutual.

What is the cannibalism of the Indian Gods, and the Slavic ones, very close to them?

Why Russian Rodnovers-pantheists kill each other, unlike the Indians?

Answer: Az did not say a word about the Slavs.

We are talking about those gods who rule now in the modern world.

We can talk about Hinduism for a long time and we will not come to a common opinion. Matriarchal forms of Hinduism do not cause rejection in me. However, Vaishnuism is a highly suspicious religion given its serpentine motives. They say there that this is symbolism, they say, you need to understand it philosophically. But you can't fool me anymore. If there are Snakes in the images of the gods, then it should be understood LITERALLY. Nagi. Read in any encyclopedia about the Nagas - they freely incarnate in human bodies and actively promote their philosophy and religion. So in my opinion, most of the Indians worship the Gods-Nagas and feed all these 300 million parasites, while degrading themselves.

Question: What is the degradation? Any modern philosophical system is rooted in Hinduism - the oldest, but dynamically developing system of worldview. It was Hinduism, inconceivable without its host of Gods, that preserved and developed to the possible limits yoga, which you use too, not recognizing the merits of the Indians in its preservation.

Answer: I do not deny the merits of the adherents of Yoga, especially the Tantric one in preserving the Tradition, I simply declare that Yoga was born in the White Matriarchal Arctida and in the traditions of the Russian Magi, which I am developing, in the Russian language there is much more pure and original information about the world. Dear Sm, you remind me of myself 15-20 years ago - Az also thought then, just like you, about Paratma and about Hinduism and about Atman-Purusha, that he is something like an eternal "spiritual atom", read all sorts of Hindu texts there, Upanishads, Sutras and Puranas. I still know some of them by heart. But it took me 15 years to get rid of the misconceptions about Paratma and other things. The results of all this work are posted on the site, so you don't have to spend 15 years getting rid of illusions. I have already done this work for you.

In addition. Christians, in order to explain “100 million killed in the most brutal way,” moreover, most of those killed are Russians, think of it as the Devil, Satan, Lucifer, etc. True, this Devil-Lucifer, in their opinion, is now acting through the universal Gideau Masonic kagala. A very fruitful idea. Generally speaking, these same Christians, especially "Orthodox" in general, in my opinion, are not capable of thinking, for sheep should not think. They are not supposed to do this by status. All sorts of books by O. Platonov, I. Glazunov and others are just displeased mooing of cattle, which are being taken to slaughter. They feel that they are being led to slaughter, but who is leading and how to prevent this, they do not understand, moreover, they think that the god whom they worship, Seth, will save them from slaughter, although he himself is the main slaughterhouse master and slaughterhouse master,called Russia.

Our position is simple. We do not believe in either God or the Devil. We know that there is a law - "As above, so below" - this means that everything that happens in living Nature - the struggle of various types of creatures for existence - everything also happens in the Universe, only on a much larger scale. Someone is eating someone. And this means that we, Human Beings, were simply enslaved by other types of living beings. That's all. And the fact that we were enslaved by some kind of reptiles and spiders, and we are being destroyed in quantities of 100 million per century, and in the near future will be destroyed in large quantities is our fault. We cannot resist, we are weak, sick, lazy, we do not want to see and know anything, we do not distinguish between truth and lies, white from black, which means that we have a direct road to nothingness. The universe is hugethe death of human civilization is nothing on the scale of the universe.

Do not like?

It's clear business.

Then fight. You can not physically destroy enemies mentally. You already know who they are.

Above, Az said that I could not present the Arachnoids "in kind". However, it is not. I can. Here are some images from the Huaca de la luna, the "Temple of the Moon" of the Mochica Empire in Peru.


Here is a more detailed classification of the Mochiko gods with the Priest classes. It is clearly seen that in the priestly hierarchy of Mochiko there were Spider Priests and Reptoid Priests, moreover, the Spider Priests were higher in status, judging by the fact that the "Faces of the Divine" - (two lower pictures) were in the temple on the ceiling, just like now in Christian churches they depict God the Father, or the All-Seeing Eye - the Eye in the Triangle. Although on the walls of the Temple of the Moon, the Kingdom of Spiders is lower than the Kingdom of the Reptoids and Serpents, but in the evolutionary aspect, everything is correct here - Arachnids are more evolutionarily ancient creatures than the Reptiles. Although the second picture is called "Deity with rays", in fact, this is the Astral vision of the Priests of Mochica of the Arachnoid Civilization, which dominated this Indian tribe. This is unique evidencebecause the Arachnoids were not yet disguised and the Mochica Indians saw them in their true guise.


Question: But the Priests of Spiders are conspiratorial much deeply. Where do you think they can be?

Answer: In the special services. Like the CIA, MOSSAD, GRU, KGB - in the strategic planning departments of these departments. In the highest Masonic structures - higher than the Bilderberg Club, Trilateral Commission, B'nai Brit.

I read the war plan. In principle, the plan is flawed, with the only problem - Russia's strategic nuclear potential is many times greater than that of China. If China only tries to start a war, a few nuclear strikes against their main economic centers will severely cool their fervor. China does not have a powerful anti-missile defense, so when it does, in 20 years, then for sure, expect a war. And now there is simply a slow expansion through infiltration, the Russians, thanks to the policies of the Putinoids and the ROC, are dying out, they do not want to reproduce, because sex is sin and filth, fornication, etc. And in Chinese philosophy and ideology, there are no doctrines about the sinfulness of sex. Therefore, the numerical preponderance of the population will grow. If they, putinoids and other "patriots" were not idiots, they would have to conclude a peace treaty with Japan in the shortest possible time,give them these islands, in exchange for investments in the economy of the Far East and Siberia, would build bridges, tunnels between Sakhalin and the mainland, etc. The Japanese, unlike the Chinese, will not go to Siberia, but being long-time rivals of the Chinese, they will squeeze them from all spheres of the economy.

Question: The Illuminati? Russians do not breed because of abortions - since the late 50s, there has been a massive massacre of babies. And its reasons - in a careful concealment of the metaphysical reason for the need for reproduction of the Higher Race. Japan is also slowly dying out, China is next in line if the war does not help … It was always necessary to be friends with the Japanese (and the Germans), then there would be no yellows from the east, or blacks from the south and west. The main culprit of the troubles of the 20th century, in my opinion, is Nikolashka, so he was canonized.

Answer: Well, about abortion, there is an article, what is described there applies to any race. But there is no doubt that the war against the White Arctida is being waged on all fronts, including through mass abortion. For comparison, how the reproduction work was staged in Germany during the Hitler era - I mean the Lebensborn project. All Jewish journalists and filmmakers have written and are writing about this project as an example of eugenic fascism. In fact, it was an extremely correct project. In Bright Russia it must be mandatory.

Panmixia and the promotion of homosexuality in Europe has the same goal - to eliminate the genotypes of people who are the heirs of Arctida.

It is imperative to be on friendly terms with Japan, because everything is like that - this is a truly human civilization. Although the Reptoids are trying to destroy the original brahminical culture of Japan.

Soviet cartoonists often used spiders to denounce the West, especially the Zionists (presumably not the rank and file).


Goddess Loth. Of course, this is an artist's fantasy, but if you imagine Dadon, high in the "mountains", who met such a Shamakhan Queen, and even with a hypnotic gaze …


As Hittida already wrote, Lemuria is a karmically black, Shudrian civilization. Higher than the sudras, they did not rise in evolution; moreover, they were completely cut off from further cosmic evolution. After the death of civilization, they were on a starvation diet for a very long time, weakened, became impoverished, degraded, all this is clearly shown in the film “Kinzadza”. But, since it was a large civilization that developed approx. 100 thousand years, so knowledge and strength were all the same in order to capture the same degraded kingdom as Russia. Like attracts like. I say, degraded, although in other posts I wrote that Russia could go to the Right path of evolution. She could, but did not come out - all thanks to the Tsar Father, the main degradant. Comm. the party was the main force of Hittida. A wicked Old Woman ruled in Hittida, a black sudrathe USSR was ruled by the Party (female) of workers and peasants. The whole power struggle is a struggle to establish complete control over this Old Woman. But not a single force, neither the Baphomets, nor the Sethians, nor the Kshatriya Arctida, managed to completely control the Party. There were always opposing factions inside. Therefore, the KGB, having reached an agreement in the late 70s with the Americans, decided to merge this party. This was successfully done during the so-called Perestroika and Putsch, which in fact was a pure provocation of the KGB. Kryuchkov played the role of the chairman of Pound in this comedy. Perhaps he did not know that this was all a provocation. There were always opposing factions inside. Therefore, the KGB, having reached an agreement in the late 70s with the Americans, decided to merge this party. This was successfully done during the so-called Perestroika and Putsch, which in fact was a pure provocation of the KGB. Kryuchkov played the role of the chairman of Pound in this comedy. Perhaps he did not know that this was all a provocation. There were always opposing factions inside. Therefore, the KGB, having reached an agreement in the late 70s with the Americans, decided to merge this party. This was successfully done during the so-called Perestroika and Putsch, which in fact was a pure provocation of the KGB. Kryuchkov played the role of the chairman of Pound in this comedy. Perhaps he did not know that this was all a provocation.

Therefore, after the liquidation of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Hittida was left with only a tiny fraction - the same Cuba, and now here is Venezuela. I think that they will be given a state by agreement, but no more. Venezuela is too fat a piece for them, Chavez's staff will be eliminated, there is no doubt about it.

Let's continue. Although many people do not like American cinema, you should still know that representatives of different civilizations work in Hollywood, so it is simply stupid to evaluate negatively all Hollywood products, as our mostly “Orthodox” “patriots” do. In this case, we are interested in the products of the White Atlantis - Buyan Island. Of all the ancient hierarchies, only 3 reached the highest level of evolution - White Arctida, White Pacifida and White Atlantis. But at the moment, only White Atlantis has the ability to broadcast the information it owns. The most effective broadcast method is cinematography.

Therefore, once again about "Star Wars". I have no doubt that everything shown in this film epic takes place here and now, and not "once upon a time in a distant galaxy." George Lucas is undoubtedly the White Atlas, given his biography, his success, and his level of awareness. You just have to be able to see.

Stills from the Attack of the Clones movie.

Locust civilization.

Clone production. It should be understood that since the action takes place in the Astral, we see the production of Astroclones - Clonorobots, which are then incubated into human eggs, and carry out the programs embedded in them, in the interests of the producers.


Questioner: I would like to ask you about the channeling, the proposed pole shift and the transition of the Earth into the 4th dimension. What name do the numerous channel people speak for?

Answer:I don’t make forecasts, so I cannot say anything concretely about the pole shift. If we mean the shift of the magnetic poles, then it was hundreds of times and did not lead to any special cataclysms. The only thing is that there may be failures in technology. When the magnetic poles change, the strength of the magnetosphere may drop and there will be no obstacle in the form of a magnetic field for charged particles of the solar wind, but there will still be an atmosphere. I can't say anything specific about chinnelling either. People make money. I remember that until 2003 happened there were hundreds of different prophecies regarding this date - nothing happened. Now, in 2012, there are a lot of books, people give interviews, promote themselves, then this date will pass unnoticed and will be forgotten. Although there are astronomical indications that our solar system will pass the equator of the Galaxy in 12. But this process is long - the equator itself is several million kilometers. Maybe that will change for the better for us. I hope that all Christians, Jews, Muslims, Freemasons, Communists, as well as Creatures, Reptoids and Arachnoids will be swept away by the Galactic wind into the dark depths of the Universe, to Tartarus, to Charybdis, where they all belong.

Question: Well, I was talking about her in the Planescape theme. According to the local ideology, she should hate Seth fiercely because of the difference in worldviews. If you need more details about her - I advise you to read Salvatore "Dark Elf", the 1st book ("The Apostate"). There she and the society of Dark Elves that worship her are described in detail.

Here's just one question: in The Lord of the Rings, who did Tolkien mean by elves? I need this to deal with the Warhammer and his races. I already found the White Pacifida there.

PS As for the "Dark Elf": the fact is that even though the local society worships spiders, it is matriarchal and ruled by the priestesses of this goddess Loth, and exclusively women.

Answer: about the Huns - who knows them there, there is almost no evidence of who they worshiped. Attila was already attacking Christian Rome, so one might think that his mission was to destroy the Christian viper, but the Reptiles turned out to be more cunning - they poisoned him.

Whites in the civil war represented Arctida, they then fought on the side of Hitler. The Church supported the Whites and thus only hastened their defeat. Istrakhov wrote about this. If the White movement were not monarchist and "Orthodox", but republican, purely Aryan, they might have won, but it was not for nothing that they were brainwashed by Christian inductors for 900 years - they corrupted Spirit and Will, blinded, led to degeneration, disorientation. After all, they could not understand how it was God, suddenly gave them "Holy Russia" to be torn apart by the Judeo-Bolsheviks. And why did an Orthodox brother go after an Orthodox brother? There was not a single thinker who would have given a sober assessment of events.

Schwarzburd, Samuil Isaakovich was most likely a baphomet worker.

They themselves stood behind Germany, Austria and Italy in the First World War. There is no reason to believe that the First World War was a war of astral civilizations. Within the belligerent states, no hierarchies have yet emerged that could pursue the interests of these

civilizations. It was a war for the interests of the ruling circles of these states - territories, colonies, straits, etc.

The most unfortunate thing is that Russia entered the war because of what? Because of some Serbs! You see, did not they live in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, butter was spread too thinly on bread! Serbs are a typically Bad People - this is how the Romans called peoples who always rebel, rage, partisan and do not want to civilize. But Russia entered the war because they were Orthodox, you see! We decided to make a big deal for our fellow believers. Do you need it? For example, I don't give a damn who they are, and if I were the head of state, I would not have sent a single soldier to die for some Serbs. But Nikolashka, an Orthodox stupid tsar, got involved in the war, killed 3 million of his subjects, lost the crown, brought down the Dynasty, up the country into chaos, died himself together with his family in a shameful, terrible death, and then another 50 million gave their lives. And all because of this damn "Orthodoxy".

Chiang Kai-shek was a representative of traditional Chinese nationalism. He did not represent anyone except the Chinese people themselves. Ancestors. They united with Mao because they could not defeat Japan alone. But then, with the support of Stalin, Mao defeated Chiang Kai-shek's troops and drove them to Taiwan, which had been the true Chinese state all this time. Not anymore. Communist China will soon absorb it completely.

Question: Live by Conscience:

- Comply with the laws of Justice.

- To assert Justice on Earth.

Definition of Fairness:

- A person has the right to do whatever he wants, but not at someone else's expense.

- A person must live according to the laws of Nature, in accordance with nature."

Answer:Read my article "Laws" - there the same is given much more broadly, deeply and comprehensively. Am I against the laws of justice ?! But the concept of Justice is different for everyone. It all depends on what varna a person is in, what kind of embodiment it is, to which religious denomination thousands of other parameters belong. Therefore, in order to live fairly, one must first agree on what is fair and what is not. So the British are right in this sense. Including the Romans, according to whose laws the whole modern world still lives. And if there is no agreement, then everyone will consider that in any dispute it is he who is right, and the consequence is fratricide. And Conscience is a purely psychological concept, it has no legal definition. There is a Natural Conscience, developed with incarnations, when you just Knowthat some of your actions lead to negative consequences - this has already happened in your past lives. And there is the concept of Conscience imposed from above, through the idea of God, the fear of Retribution and punishment - this conscience has no value, which we have observed in recent Russian history, when brothers Slavs began to chop each other with sadistic pleasure. And in general, what message are you talking about? Not about the Good News, that is, the Gospel?

I refuse to talk about the "Slavs", in the last post I said about it. There are the Aryans, the Nordic peoples. Having common ancestral roots. The fact that they were bred into different Christian denominations and, thanks to this, endlessly play them off is their misfortune.

For me, it is also indifferent what nationality a person belongs to, if he adheres to matriarchal, pantheistic, ancestral views.

Let's get back to the main topic of this post.

The image of the Spider, the Spider, is quite widely represented in various mythological systems. In some of them, positive qualities are attributed to the Spider - hard work, wisdom, creative activity. However, there are enough negative qualities - cold cruelty, sucking blood, devilishness, greed, viciousness, witchcraft abilities. There are legends about how the Spider saved the baby Christ from the cruelty of Herod, there are similar motives in the Jewish tradition - where the Spider saved David and in the Islamic tradition - the Spider saves Muhammad. Salvation comes from the spider's web. If now we know that all these three religious systems were created by arachnoids, then in these legends there is a genuine truth that was not included in the canonical texts, so as not to confuse the minds of the flock. In the mythologies of the Indians, North. America's Spider or Spiderwoman is often presented as the Creator of the world,the web weaving as the first craft that the Spider teaches humans. In the ancient Indian tradition, Brahma, like a Spider, weaves from himself a web of world laws and phenomena. Among the Akan people (West Africa), the Anans spider is the oldest living creature; among the Naurians, the divine creator Spider Areop-Enap creates earth from a snail shell, and people from stones. The deity the creator of the Sioux Indians - the spider Susistinako, depicting the Cross in the lower world (obviously meaning the material plane, Reality) !!! thus determined the four cardinal points. There are motives of the werewolf Spider-transformation into a man and back. Arachne. In the tales of the Hausa people, the Spider boasts that he invented the Trick "I was tricky, I invented the trick."Among the Akan people (West Africa), the Anans spider is the oldest living creature; among the Naurians, the divine creator Spider Areop-Enap creates earth from a snail shell, and people from stones. The deity the creator of the Sioux Indians - the spider Susistinako, depicting the Cross in the lower world (obviously meaning the material plane, Reality) !!! thus determined the four cardinal points. There are motives of the werewolf Spider-transformation into a man and back. Arachne. In the tales of the Hausa people, the Spider boasts that he invented the Trick "I was tricky, I invented the trick."Among the Akan people (West Africa), the Anans spider is the oldest living creature; among the Naurians, the divine creator Spider Areop-Enap creates earth from a snail shell, and people from stones. The deity the creator of the Sioux Indians - the spider Susistinako, depicting the Cross in the lower world (obviously meaning the material plane, Reality) !!! thus determined the four cardinal points. There are motives of the werewolf Spider-transformation into a man and back. Arachne. In the tales of the Hausa people, the Spider boasts that he invented the Trick "I was tricky, I invented the trick."There are motives of the werewolf Spider-transformation into a man and back. Arachne. In the tales of the Hausa people, the Spider boasts that he invented the Trick "I was tricky, I invented the trick."There are motives of the werewolf Spider-transformation into a man and back. Arachne. In the tales of the Hausa people, the Spider boasts that he invented the Trick "I was tricky, I invented the trick."

Excerpts from the article "Spider". Encyclopedias Myths of the peoples of the world.

The image of the Spider or Spider is represented in hundreds of myths.

Question: About Chiang Kai-shek and what prevented them from uniting with Japan against the arachnoids - the question remains open.

Answer: I will explain once again that in order to interact with astral civilizations, the state must have appropriate hierarchies, guides, agents. If they are not there, then there will be no interaction. Therefore, the actions of all governments of all times should not be linked to inspiration from “above”. After all, we live in the Asiatic civilization and here we have our own laws and our interests, which may not coincide with the interests of previous civilizations. Moreover, there are very few people able to directly communicate with Astral civilizations, mostly hermits who do not meddle in politics. Therefore, in wars, the interests of this particular hierarchy are most often pursued, which is in power, as it was in the war between China and Japan. Japan was the aggressor, so the communists and nationalists united to repel this aggression.

Question: I learned that there are a number of countries where Buddhism is the state religion. These are Bhutan, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Japan and South Korea. There has already been talk about Japan. With South Korea, I suppose the same situation. And the rest of the countries - are they controlled by the Nagas? Or India is the only country under the control of the Nagas.

Answer: About India, Az did not claim that it was controlled by the Naga civilization. Buddhism, which was inspired by this civilization, and originated in India, was driven out from there by the 10th century AD. e. There are very few Buddhists in India now. Since there is no state religion in India, but there are so many confessions, sects, teachings, no one alone controls it. But as for the Buddhist states of Southeast Asia, yes, there are such suspicions. There the civilization of the Nagas is present and very actively influences the politics of states, which is why there are continuous conflicts of Islam - Seth, with Buddhists Nagas.

Question: Then I want to know something else - from Seth, all baptized souls are devoured after death.

Answer: No, not all - this is a food pyramid - the souls of ordinary sheep are being devoured, church hierarchs, missionaries, baptists, princes who supported the church and asserted its authority - they are connected to the feeding trough, besides, they continue to "work" in the same capacity - these are the same "araps" who carry Chernomor's beard and comb it.

Question: There are many more vaisyas in Europe and the USA, why?

Answer: You have done testing on the topic of the number of Werewolves, look at the results and think about why in Europe there are 2 times less werewolves, which means there are more twice-born, and they, as a rule, are according to varnevaisya.

Question: Why does Hittida have no Vaisyas?

Answer: Re-read the interpretation - everything is clearly described there. Shudryan civilization. What else can I say? In Hittida, souls are not devoured, did you watch the movie? Kin-Dza-Dza. They simply do not develop there and remain eternal sudras.

Question: in theory, the binding to the egregor is weaker. More unbaptized, less trust in religion. By the way, I will ask again, how does insectoids bind to the egregor? In arachnoids, this is usually baptism. And what about insectoids?

Answer:Insectoids, apparently, create a powerful field formation, into which the astral bodies of humans are immersed, which themselves, without knowing it, become, as it were, organs or cells of this Mega organism. Actually, all insects that live in communities exist thanks to these field matrices, which cover all members of the community, i.e. they act as a single organism, thanks to this, and receive huge advantages over loners, individuals. It is at this stage that the main watershed of evolution occurs - most entities choose the individual path, but some species, for the sake of survival and domination, choose the path of collective evolution, completely suppressing the possibilities of the individual. If they manage to create an astral civilization, then their strength is multiplied many times over. It is very difficult to resist them,because the death of an individual in their system does not mean anything - individuality does not exist anyway.

As for Hittida, this is just a dead-end branch of evolution, sooner or later it will die out.

About Europe, you correctly understood - the least werewolves in Protestant countries are precisely because there is no obligatory baptism of infants, which means that freedom of choice is preserved, therefore more Twice-born are incarnated there. In addition, factors of economic, intellectual, informational, factors of political freedom, sexual freedom play a role, especially for women.

Arachnoids on their planet had the opposite - gravitation 2-3 times less than on Earth, so arthropods grew to gigantic sizes and did not allow vertebrates to land on land - they simply devoured them, so evolution stopped there on insects.