Stars: Management Through The Principle Of Imitation - Alternative View

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Stars: Management Through The Principle Of Imitation - Alternative View
Stars: Management Through The Principle Of Imitation - Alternative View

All living things have a program in place when a cub, when it is born, begins to imitate adults, most often its parents. Nature intended this with the aim of the fastest possible training of the newborn and its effective adaptation to environmental conditions. Man is no exception. From the first days it is formed by the environment. A child, like a sponge, absorbs not only behavior, but also the worldview of others.

There are many examples in history when a human cub was raised by monkeys or even wolves. And when such children were found, they only outwardly resembled people, they did not show any behavioral features characteristic of a person. Moreover, all attempts to re-educate such a teenager ended in almost one hundred percent failure. At best, he could be taught to perform elementary actions: dressing, brushing his teeth, eating with a spoon, but nothing more. Thus, the principle of imitation is the basic principle of the formation of a person's personality. And today this natural instinct is at the service of transnational corporations.

Do not make yourself an idol

“Don't make yourself an idol,” the Bible says. Why is such a strange, at first glance, prescription given? Because a person, creating an idol, is completely identified with him. On the one hand, this allows you to cultivate some positive qualities in yourself. For example, if a person dreams of drawing, an artist can become his idol. But the problem lies elsewhere. As you know, there are no ideal people. And according to the principle “what we concentrate on is what we become”, in addition to good qualities, a person will develop negative ones. An example with an artist is far from the most difficult case of creating an idol. In the modern world there is such a layer of society as "stars". Most often these are pop, theater and cinema figures. And today they are becoming idols of youth. Let's remember the instinct of imitation. If the teenager does not find such an example in the person of the father,mother or someone from the immediate environment - he begins to imitate his beloved actor, artist, singer.


One of the striking examples of the impact of "stars" on society, especially on the younger generation, is the series "Brigade". The romanticized image of marginalized elements influenced many teenagers who also wanted an easy, fun life, quick money and eternal celebration. The images of bright and daring movie characters have become attractive to the mobile and impressionable teenage psyche. It was after the release of the series "The Brigade" that school teachers began to note that in their essays, teenagers began to write about their dreams of becoming bandits. And this is not a coincidence, this is a real impact on the human psyche.

The "stars" today have become more influential than politicians. The idols of millions set the direction of fashion and other social trends. Should one of the "stars" accidentally go out into the street in torn pants, this outfit will become a squeak of fashion tomorrow. The fanaticism of the followers reaches the point of absurdity. They copy not only the behavior of their idol, but also their appearance, without stopping before plastic surgery.

Promotional video:

"Stars": projects of transnational corporations

How can you make money with this fanaticism? Very simple. Imagine your favorite movie character or singer is promoting a product. And okay, if it is conventionally harmless mineral water. But most often the "stars" advertise not a specific product, but a way of life, a demeanor. One of the striking examples is the Soviet, supposedly patriotic film "The Fate of a Man", where the main character demonstrates "fortitude", getting drunk in front of a German officer. This is shown as heroism and patriotism. “After the first glass, I'm not used to having a snack,” the main character proudly says. All this is presented in such a pretentious form that a person writes in the subcortex: alcoholic self-poisoning is something to be proud of. And the more he drank, the better. This supposedly is the strength of the Russian spirit.

The most surprising thing is that even the strict Soviet censorship missed this scene. This suggests that even then the soldering of the people was approved at the highest level. What can we say about modern media, which are already openly serving the interests of transnational corporations. And the so-called "stars" are real business projects that, after successful promotion and gaining millions of fans, become retranslators of everything that is beneficial to those who pay for it. Such opinion leaders, both deliberately and unconsciously, broadcast a self-destructive lifestyle to the masses. Their meanness, at times, knows no boundaries.

While advertising alcohol and tobacco, some of them lead a healthy lifestyle. And this has a double effect: a person sees that his beloved idol looks quite young, healthy and beautiful, and at the same time drinks alcohol, smokes, and so on. And this at the subconscious level makes it clear that alcohol and tobacco are not only not harmful, but on the contrary, are indispensable attributes of a successful person. And everyone wants to be successful. It is only kept silent that success does not require the ability to gracefully sip cognac from a glass or blow up clouds of smoke, but rather work and make efforts. But this, of course, will not be shown.


Whether the "stars" consciously destroy the psyche of their followers is an open question. Some of them just live the way they see fit. They are mere mortals, and each has its flaws. Another thing is that such people should be aware that each of them is a public person and they take an example from them. Therefore, the degree of responsibility for their actions increases. Of course, among the “stars” there are those who fully understand this, but they are in the minority. For example, Timur Yunusov, better known as Timati, regularly demonstrates scenes of drinking alcohol in his videos, while in real life he is a teetotaler.

Following simple logical conclusions, one can understand that if a person deliberately refuses alcohol, it means that he is fully aware of its harm. And with all this, he colorfully advertises its use for a number of reasons. And Alexei Dolmatov, better known under the pseudonym Guf, was even fined by the Krasnoyarsk city court 4,500 rubles for promoting drugs in his videos. Considering the fabulous profits that Dolmatov makes, this is, of course, a drop in the bucket. However, this is a vivid example of the fact that even at the legislative level there is already an understanding that "stars" form public consciousness. What are the modern "stars" promoting? Alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, sexual promiscuity, an idle lifestyle, consumerism, immoral behavior, indifference to others. All these qualities, consciously or unconsciously, will be adopted by thousands of their fans. A person always subconsciously strives for success, and if a successful, in his opinion, person falls into his field of vision, then he naturally begins to adopt his habits, lifestyle, worldview.

In the process of forming "stars" there is a strict filter. To promote destructive concepts, the most immoral people are needed, who are ready to advertise even homosexuality or cannibalism for fees. Therefore, conscience is the main obstacle to the career of a "star". And those who are not ready to comply with modern trends that are implanted in society are labeled as “non-format”. Because the principle of copying behavior operates not only in a destructive manner, but also in a constructive one.


We can separately say about the sports stars. Unfortunately, sports are not always synonymous with a healthy lifestyle, and more often the opposite is true. For example, Lev Yashin, the legendary Soviet football player, smoked like a steam locomotive. Few people know that after the end of his sports career, Yashin's fate was tragic. As a result of smoking in incredible volumes, he was forced to amputate his left leg. But even after that, he did not stop smoking and soon died of stomach cancer. Given the fanaticism with which people today treat the "stars" of sports, such examples have an extremely detrimental effect. And most importantly, they prove that even sports and bad habits are compatible.

Thus, "stars" fully justify the term by which they are designated. Each such person is a guiding star for many. And it depends only on him where he will lead his travelers. If a public person with millions of fans leads a healthy and adequate lifestyle, he will become an example for many. And all according to the same principle of imitation, people will begin to abandon alcohol, tobacco, make a choice in favor of a more correct diet, they will begin to live consciously, without harming either themselves or others. But so far the trend has been reversed: most "stars" are promoting what they are well and generously paid for. Therefore, the only way to preserve your own individuality and not become a victim of fanaticism is to think with your own head and not create an idol for yourself.

Almost every person has a lot to learn. If you see a positive example, then you should think about how to bring it into your life. But at the same time, one should show common sense in everything. As Sigmund Freud said: “The only person with whom you have to compare yourself is you in the past. And the only person you should become better is you now. This is the way of harmonious development without falling into fanaticism.