Who Rules The Parasitic Civilization? - Alternative View

Who Rules The Parasitic Civilization? - Alternative View
Who Rules The Parasitic Civilization? - Alternative View

Video: Who Rules The Parasitic Civilization? - Alternative View

Video: Who Rules The Parasitic Civilization? - Alternative View
Video: Alternative Views: Who Rules America? Part 1 2024, September

The so-called "world elite" is the 300 richest families and clans of the Earth, which control most of the world's property and rule the planet by manipulating politicians and leaders of most states. This is the so-called "world government", imposing a "new world order" on humanity with the help of its servants. However, in fact, they are not ruling the planet, for they themselves are just managers, who, in turn, are ruled by a certain "third force" located outside of humanity.

Here, for example, what one of the Siberian hermits described in his books by the Russian traveler, biologist, anthropologist G. Sidorov under the name "Cherdyntsev" told about this force, which created the world parasitic satanic system on Earth. I present below the dialogue described in the book by G. Sidorov "The Legacy of the White Gods":

It turns out that our civilization is under some kind of “external control” and the “third force” that controls it uses our planet as a global “mine”, and humanity - as the personnel of this “mine”.

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