The Pyramid And The Eye On The Dollar Or Who Is The God Of The Freemasons? - Alternative View

The Pyramid And The Eye On The Dollar Or Who Is The God Of The Freemasons? - Alternative View
The Pyramid And The Eye On The Dollar Or Who Is The God Of The Freemasons? - Alternative View

Video: The Pyramid And The Eye On The Dollar Or Who Is The God Of The Freemasons? - Alternative View

Video: The Pyramid And The Eye On The Dollar Or Who Is The God Of The Freemasons? - Alternative View
Video: What The Eye In Every Conspiracy Theory Actually Means 2024, September

In the last article "The pyramid and the eye on the dollar. What sign do the Freemasons give us?" we considered occult symbols on the dollar, settled on the "eye over the pyramid", the symbol of the supreme deity of the Freemasons, or it would be more correct to say "The Great Architect of the Universe"


This is how the Masons designate the One God - no matter what denomination you are from, if you suddenly managed to ascend at least the first stage of Freemasonry of one of the lodges, then you will call him only as "The Great Architect of the Universe." It should be noted that faith in a single creator is obligatory and indestructible - this is the foundation of the Masonic society. Also, those who believe in one God can join the ranks of the Masons: Christians, Muslims, Jews, some currents of Hinduism.

But this is only the tip of the iceberg … For the first steps of initiates.


This secret society has a very serious initiation system, so new knowledge is revealed at each degree of initiation to the Mason. But more on that in another article.

At the first stage, faith in the One Creator is obligatory, but at the subsequent stages the real faith of the Illuminati is gradually revealed for the Masons …

So, gradually replacing concepts, step by step, at one of the degree of dedication, it is revealed to the Mason that God (Elohim, Adonai, Yahweh), revered in all Abrahamic scriptures (Bible, Koran, Torah), is the "god of evil." And the well-known "Angel of Light", i.e. Lucifer (Lucifer "luminiferous", from lux "light" + fero "carry") is the "god of good".

Promotional video:

Lucifer, King of Hell, illustration by Gustave Dore for Dante's Divine Comedy
Lucifer, King of Hell, illustration by Gustave Dore for Dante's Divine Comedy

Lucifer, King of Hell, illustration by Gustave Dore for Dante's Divine Comedy.

Therefore, all Masons, initiated in the highest degree, worship the "Light Bringer" or otherwise Lucifer. According to the Freemasons, the Great Architect of the Universe helps humanity to find peace and brotherhood throughout the earth, that is, to create heaven on the planet, here and now, and the Freemasons, in turn, work in this direction, under the supervision of his "All-Seeing Eye".


Where the truth really is is up to you, the main thing is to see these symbols and think, then you yourself will come to the truth.
