Management Of Freemasons From Agartha And Shambhala. The Secret Government Of The Earth - Alternative View

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Management Of Freemasons From Agartha And Shambhala. The Secret Government Of The Earth - Alternative View
Management Of Freemasons From Agartha And Shambhala. The Secret Government Of The Earth - Alternative View

Video: Management Of Freemasons From Agartha And Shambhala. The Secret Government Of The Earth - Alternative View

Video: Management Of Freemasons From Agartha And Shambhala. The Secret Government Of The Earth - Alternative View
Video: Drones Take You Inside Hidden World Live 2024, September

Masonic symbolism is the symbolism of the solar gods, and reflects monotheism. She personifies the Supreme Reason (as the ideology of the solar gods).

In the book "Battles of the Ancient Gods" and the work "The Exodus of the White Gods. From Hyperborea to Easter Island "I showed that after the Eocene-Oligocene catastrophe (34 million years ago), which completely changed the world and reshaped the contours of the continents and oceans, the white - they are also solar or heavenly - gods founded the" high gobi civilization "on White island. The "High Gobi Civilization" founded the Immortal Center and the repository of knowledge for the chosen possessors of knowledge - a "time capsule" in an artificial cave system on the White Island. Subsequently, these direct heirs of the "solar dynasty" became the progenitors of all people living in the current era *.

The solar dynasty (Syrya-vanca = Suryavansha) is a semi-mythical Indian dynasty, from which some modern princely families of India originate. The founder of the dynasty was Ikhshvaku (Ikhshw in ku), who reigned in fabulous times (at the beginning of the second yuga) in Ayodhya (in the Ramayana she is compared with Amaravati). Ikhshvaku was the son of Manu Vivasvat, whose father was the Sun itself - Vivasvat. Of the 100 sons of Ikhshvaku, the eldest, Vikuksi, founded the Solar Dynasty, the Ayodhya Dynasty, and the other son, Nimi, the Solar Dynasty of Mithile. The Vishnu Purana gives a complete list of the rulers of these two branches of the Solar Dynasty. The first of them (branch of Ayodhya) belonged to the famous Indian hero Rama - the earthly embodiment of the god Vishnu (Encyclopedia of Brockhaus F. A. and Efron I. A. 1890 - 1916)

According to Sergei Volkov, who collected rich folklore material during his travels in Mongolia and China, the keepers of the White Island's knowledge remained in complete isolation for a long time, and fought alone for the survival and preservation of humanity on our planet. Over time, they split into two communities, which chose different paths for further development. These communities founded two different kingdoms: the terrestrial kingdom of Shambhala (the path of the left hand - material development, control of the elements and humanity) and the underground country of Agartha (the path of the right hand - contemplation, spiritual development and non-interference in the affairs of humanity).

You must have already guessed what I am getting at. Many works on Freemasonry, written by both Masonic and anti-Masonic or Order-neutral authors, say that the ideology of the Freemasons is based on the secret teachings of the mystics and magicians of Shambhala, Agharti or the White Brotherhood. And the management of the Freemasons is carried out from Shambhala or Agharti, in which higher beings live, initiated into the highest secrets of this order. Perhaps everything happens exactly as Ferdinand Ossendowski wrote in the book "And animals, and people, and gods" (chapter "The Mystery of Secrets - King of the World").


According to this work, in Altai or Mongolia earlier it was possible to get into the underground kingdom of Agharti, which is ruled by the King of the World.

“The Galun Lama, the favorite of Prince Chultun Bailey, gave me a general idea of the underworld.

In our mortal world, - said the Galun, - everything is constantly changing - peoples, sciences, religions, laws and customs. How many of the greatest empires have sunk into oblivion, what cultures have died out! Only Evil - the instrument of evil spirits - remains unchanged…. Many have visited the underworld … Nowadays, no one knows where this kingdom is. Some are talking in Afghanistan, some in India. People there know no evil, there are no crimes in the kingdom. The sciences are peacefully developing there, and nothing threatens destruction. The Underground People have reached extraordinary heights of knowledge. Now it is a large kingdom with a multi-million population, which is wisely ruled by the King of the World. He knows all the hidden springs of the universe, he comprehends the soul of every human being and reads the great book of destinies. He secretly controls the behavior of eight hundred million people on earth, they all fulfill his will”(book F. Ossendowski was first published in 1922, when 800 million people lived on Earth. Over the past 88 years, the world's population has grown more than 8 times).

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“To what was said, Prince Chultun Bailey added on his own behalf: - This kingdom is called Agharti. It stretches underground all over the planet. I myself heard how an enlightened Chinese lama told the bogdohan that an ancient people lived in the caves of America, who had taken refuge underground in their time. And now on the ground they find traces of their former existence among us. The rulers of these peoples are now subordinate to the King of the World, who is the ruler of all underground spaces. There is nothing extraordinary here. It is known that on the site of the two great oceans - the eastern and the western - two continents were previously located. They sank under the water, but people managed to escape to the underworld. In deep caves there is a special glow that even allows you to grow vegetables and cereals, people live there for a long time and do not know any diseases. The underworld is inhabited by many different peoples and tribes. …

- The capitals of Agharti are surrounded by settlements of clergy and scientists; it is somewhat reminiscent of Lhasa, where the Potala, the palace of the Dalai Lama, stands on a mountain built up with monasteries and temples. The throne of the King of the World is exalted above the millions of incarnate gods of the saints pandits. His palace is in the center of the ring of the palaces of the gurus who rule over all visible and invisible powers on earth, in heaven and in hell; the life and death of a person is entirely in their power. Even if a crazy mankind unleashes a war against the underground inhabitants, they can easily blow up the earth's crust, turning the planet into a desert. They are able to drain the seas, flood the land and erect mountains among the sands of the desert. At the behest of the guru, trees, grasses and bushes grow, decrepit and sick people become young and strong, and the dead rise from their deathbed. In chariots unknown to us, underground inhabitants rush along narrow crevices inside the planet. …

There, in palaces made of wondrous crystal, the invisible rulers of all pious people live - the King of the World or Brahitma, conducting conversations with God himself just as I am talking to you now, and his two assistants - Mahitma, he knows the goals of the future, and Mahin- ha, commanding the causes of events ….

All of the above could be considered a beautiful fairy tale, if in different places of the globe (South America, Egypt, Central Asia, India, Easter Island, etc.) there really were no giant labyrinths of very ancient underground galleries (some of them I date it to the early Miocene, 24-17 million years ago) with a length of many thousands of kilometers. In the book "Earth before the Flood - the world of sorcerers and werewolves" I have cited many stories about visits to ancient underground passages by different people, about encounters with unknown machines rushing along them with "frantic" speed, about the fact that these underground tunnels stretch under the oceans between different continents …

And recently I came across one very interesting article about the results of drilling the Kola superdeep well, which reached a depth of 12 meters. So, it turns out, in the sinking of the wells starting at a depth of 10 km of the drill and then fell into the underground cracks and voids - where they should not be - as a result of which he was swinging like a pendulum, and deviated from the vertical axis ….

And if we add to this the Moon, under the surface of which giant cavities have been discovered, of which for more than 300 years the inhabitants of the Earth have been observing mysterious glow … And also a huge number of eyewitness testimonies about UFOs flying out from under the Earth in Chile, Antarctica, the Urals and in many other places, and also about the rumble coming from the ground, reminiscent of the noise of running machines.

It turns out that in parallel with us, earthlings, there is a mysterious underground-underwater-lunar civilization, which consists of the former inhabitants of the Earth, called gods in legends. In the book "Battles of the Ancient Gods" I suggested that they left the surface of the Earth due to the destruction of the water-vapor shell that saved our planet from ultraviolet rays - the main sources of aging of the body, and, probably, changes in other conditions that made it impossible to continue to stay on the surface of centenarians and immortals. But the "gods" continue to watch over us, since we are most likely their descendants or, at least, the result of cloning they once carried out. And if earlier, when there were few people, the inhabitants of the underworld from time to time admitted their best representatives to themselves or themselves appeared among them, now,when the number of humanity increased significantly, the gods firmly "closed all entrances and exits" to their underworld and continue to influence the development of mankind through Masons and other secret societies. Indeed, even in the Sumerian legends about Enlil (presumably, the supreme sun god) it was said that he was annoyed by the multitude and immense fertility of people, and he escaped from them first in the underworld, and then in heaven.and then, in the sky.and then, in the sky.


With Agharti, everything is more or less clear. Well, what about Shambhala, which, according to the Tibetan texts "gZermig" and "gZibrjid", containing records of the Bonpo religion about the sacred land of Olmo Lungring (Shambhala), is inhabited by sages - Vidyadhars, who vigilantly follow the development of all mankind.

In the Puranas, this sacred country is called the "Land of Vidyadharas on the other side of the Himalayas." The inhabitants inhabiting it belong to the secret brotherhood of enlightened beings who possess great knowledge, strength and keep the Ancient Wisdom, manifested at the very beginning of the existence of the human race. The life span of Vidyadharas is measured in millions of years, and this Wisdom was originally brought from distant stars.

Many beautiful legends are associated with Shambala, the Roerich family, the occult society "Thule" from Nazi Germany, the NKVD during the formation of Soviet power, countless people who cannot be enumerated were looking for it. There are stories about visits to this mysterious country by individual historical figures, the reliability of which is now impossible to verify. In one such story - about a visit to Shambhala by the philosopher of the Pythagorean school Apollonius of Tiana (1st century AD), it is said that he was shown various miracles that no person living outside this country could guess about.

Philostratus (170-250) reported in the biography of Apollonius * that the inhabitants of that country perfectly mastered levitation, and when they sat down to eat, perfect machines prepared food and drinks for them. Glowing stones provided constant light, and majestic columns of light filled the sky.

Much more widespread is the motive that Shambhala remains hidden from most researchers. It can only be entered by light, realized personalities who have a clear vision and who have opened the eye of wisdom, or at the invitation of the inhabitants of Shambhala themselves. And for the rest, this country remains invisible or hidden by a mystical fog.

Recently, few people have even managed to get close to Shambhala. Probably, because of this, a legend was born that Shambhala is a special country that is simultaneously on earth and heaven, in our and another dimension. Although, in my opinion, everything can be explained much more simply by remembering the superhuman abilities of the inhabitants of the “golden age”, and first of all, the solar gods. They could change shape, leave the body, become invisible, transform various objects. Their spaceships could also become invisible. But the most important thing is that the solar gods perfectly mastered maya or the power of illusion and could create all kinds of illusory forms. So, it seems that it is not difficult for them to hide from prying eyes some part of the earth's surface - even from planes and satellites.


Are Agharti and Shambhala two kingdoms ruled by different “gods,” as the ancient legends say? Do mysterious underwater objects (stationary at the bottom of the oceans and moving NGOs), which from time to time manifest themselves in different parts of the oceans, belong to them? Does the civilization of the "gods" living in them extend to the Moon and can we really talk about the existence of a global underground-underwater-lunar civilization watching over people (like shepherds over a flock)? Does this civilization consist of only solar gods or does it also include lunar or earthly gods - different types of serpent-people, multi-armed creatures and those "old" people who have the appearance of Lucifer, Baphomet, Beelzebub, Baal Zebub, …

One can only guess about all this. Although, on account of the latter, I will express my opinion a little later. Now let me consider two more topical issues related to Freemasonry, the solar gods, Shambhala, the struggle of worldviews, religion, in particular Christianity, and ecology.

A. V. Koltypin
