3 Reasons For The Existence Of An Ancient Advanced Civilization Long Before Our - Alternative View

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3 Reasons For The Existence Of An Ancient Advanced Civilization Long Before Our - Alternative View
3 Reasons For The Existence Of An Ancient Advanced Civilization Long Before Our - Alternative View

Video: 3 Reasons For The Existence Of An Ancient Advanced Civilization Long Before Our - Alternative View

Video: 3 Reasons For The Existence Of An Ancient Advanced Civilization Long Before Our - Alternative View
Video: Was There An Advanced Civilization Before Humans? | Answers With Joe 2024, September

These arguments will only serve as facts that I cannot explain otherwise than as an ancient highly developed civilization. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that we are talking about a high level of development of civilization, comparable to the modern one or higher.

1. Mysterious megalithic buildings around the world

This point is the simplest and does not require a lot of clarification. All over the Earth, you can find a couple of tens or hundreds of mysterious megalithic structures, the existence of which no one can really explain.

Most interestingly, they contradict Occam's razor, which historians often like to refer to. Why cut out huge blocks of 100-1500 tons when you can make them from smaller pieces?

For example, the Romans made a wonderful colosseum from small blocks, but according to the official version, the temple of Jupiter in Baalbek was cut from blocks of 800-1300 tons. The logic in this place just breaks.


Pay attention to the level of wall technology near the blocks themselves. They look much worse than the huge blocks in the quarry.

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Well, let's show for clarity a couple of interesting photos from Egypt, Peru, China and Japan.

Osirion from Egypt
Osirion from Egypt

Osirion from Egypt.

Here are some interesting photos from Peru. Here, for example, the blocks are very well connected to the rock. What technologies did the Incas need to have to do this?


Well, or just mysterious huge megaliths with an unknown purpose and construction technology.


You can't say much about the Chinese and Japanese megaliths, because their purpose and technologies remain a mystery to everyone.

Yanshan plate from China
Yanshan plate from China

Yanshan plate from China.

Ishi-no-Hoden from Japan
Ishi-no-Hoden from Japan

Ishi-no-Hoden from Japan.

This is the simplest and most popular argument in favor of the theory of ancient advanced civilizations; further I will give more interesting facts.

2. The same side effect of technologies on megalithic structures

With this fact, you can safely go to historians or archaeologists, because no one can logically explain them without deviating from the official versions of history. Painfully interesting picture turns out here.

Most of the ancient megalithic or mysterious structures show the same technological feature. It consists in the presence of some convex elements on the blocks.

Here is an example from an early article with photographs from Peru, Egypt, China and India. To be honest, China is generally amazing, because there blocks weigh not even hundreds of tons, but at least 5 thousand.

Blocks from Peru
Blocks from Peru

Blocks from Peru.

The wall of some temple in India
The wall of some temple in India

The wall of some temple in India.

Pyramid of Mikerin from Egypt
Pyramid of Mikerin from Egypt

Pyramid of Mikerin from Egypt.

Huge block from China
Huge block from China

Huge block from China.

The most interesting thing is that these bulges are somewhere less pronounced, somewhere stronger, but there are also quite amazing examples. For example, in Peru there are several blocks in the walls where they stick out too much.



Whichever side you look at, such a unique feature cannot be the same in the most mysterious buildings around the world. Here at least the same construction technology was used.

And this means that there was a fairly developed civilization capable of moving across the entire Earth and building its structures in all corners of our planet. The most interesting thing is the absence of any ancient references to such a developed society among primitive people.

But there are more than enough legends about the ancient gods, is it really a coincidence?

3. Traces of high-tech tools in ancient megalithic structures

The point is again very easy. If you look all over the Earth, we have millions of tons of cut stones. Whatever technologies the ancient builders had, and with such a volume of work, traces of the tools used should remain.

This has long been noticed by Sklyarov, but this remark is priceless.

LAI expeditions over the past 20 years have found hundreds of such tracks. I'll just show you a couple of photos, and you can decide for yourself whether to believe the facts or try to ignore them or explain them against logic.

Below are photos from Turkey (Hattusa).


Our beloved Egypt. Pay attention to the processing of the left side of the block, this level can be achieved only with the use of a technological tool that will rotate quickly.


Micrograph of the instrument tracks is attached. I strongly doubt that the ancient Egyptians had similar ones.



In this article, I have cited only a small part of the facts and photographs testifying to the existence of a developed civilization in antiquity.

In fact, there are much more facts and photos, so you should not consider all alternatives to be storytellers and dreamers. Adequate people rely on facts and only want to know the answers to controversial questions.

And the facts just point to the most fantastic option, where in ancient times on Earth there was a place for another civilization, whose development is comparable to ours or even exceeds it.