The Law On Domestic Violence Is A War Of Every Russian Person - Alternative View

The Law On Domestic Violence Is A War Of Every Russian Person - Alternative View
The Law On Domestic Violence Is A War Of Every Russian Person - Alternative View

I have never played the game "Mafia", which literally overwhelmed our youth just a few years ago. I didn't play, but a couple of times I witnessed this event, in which my friends took part.

I still did not grasp the meaning of this game, I confess, I was just not interested, but I remembered the phrase about the sleeping city and the mafia that goes out hunting because every time the presenter, pronouncing it, as a rule, in a conspiratorial tone, tried to put in this set of words a certain sacred meaning.

At that moment, being not involved in the gameplay and having the opportunity to reflect on what was happening, I realized that the mafia plays up its dirty deeds exclusively while the city is sleeping. He sleeps both in the literal and figurative sense of the word, simply not paying attention to certain processes that take place in our society, and affect the interests of everyone.

Observing the processes that have swept our society, I sometimes catch myself thinking that somewhere deep in my soul I suspect that the dream, in which most of our population is serenely staying, has long turned into lethargic. Foreign policy, domestic policy, legislative initiatives, elections to regional and federal authorities - all this passes by the ordinary man in the street, who, having forgotten in a sweet dream, believes that this does not concern him, and, therefore, he should not waste time on this. There are also those who believe that nothing depends on the ordinary citizen, and that everything has already been decided for him. But that's another story. More precisely, the diagnosis.

What happens when the city sleeps? That's right, the mafia is waking up! She wakes up not at all in order to protect the peace of sleeping citizens, but in order to realize her criminal plans at a time when no one can interfere with her.


This article is not about the mafia, since I have neither moral nor legal right to call a group of deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, senators, members of the Federation Council, human rights defenders and public figures a mafia. I want to talk about people with a very strong resource base who, taking advantage of the fact that we sleep deeply asleep, are trying to take away our country, our usual habitat, by destroying our culture and traditions.

What is a family for a Russian person? What is a family for a representative of any of the nations inhabiting the Russian Federation? I will not cite the conceptual framework here, since I do not set myself the goal of conducting a kind of educational program for my readers. Everything is pretty simple here. The family, for each of us, is a kind of microcosm, something sacred, closed from external interference, that living space that we form on our own, and which exists according to our and only according to our rules. We exclusively independently build the family hierarchy, independently and voluntarily, form a certain set of rules that all family members, without exception, absolutely consciously accept, and even develop our own ideology, which may even differ from the ideology that the current government broadcasts to the masses. We have the right to do sofor the family is that sphere of social relations for which we are wholly and completely individually responsible. Considering that the family, as a unit of society, is precisely the “ecosystem” that educates citizens and participates in the formation of society in its global understanding, the state, represented by the current government, has repeatedly attempted to take maximum control of this sphere of social relations, so how by controlling each family separately, the government will control the entire population as a whole. But every interference in the personal space of citizens, every attempt to take control of what should not be controlled ended in an outright failure, followed by a decision to temporarily curtail such "programs" and not provoke the population into open confrontation with the current government.

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In my opinion, it will not be an exaggeration if I say that Russia took shape as a state precisely because its multinational people to this day are the bearers of those traditions and the culture bequeathed to them by their ancestors. Including family traditions.

A modern person in everyday life is controlled almost everywhere. Total control at work, in public places, in transport, in places of rest. The state controls his bank accounts, expenses and income, telephone conversations, correspondence in instant messengers and movement by personal transport. And only the family remained and remains that “territory”, falling into which a person gains some kind of freedom, which helps him not only to disconnect from external problems and restore wasted forces, but also to develop his potential, including creative. And this freedom, the freedom to raise our children and build relationships with other family members, is by no means a privilege given to us from above, but a kind of payment for the responsibility that we bear to the state for our family in general and for ourselves in particular.

If you trace the chronology of queries in search engines that contain the words "family" and "family", then some time ago the most popular phrases were the expressions "family values" and "family relationships". But just recently, within a few months, the situation began to change dramatically. Today, pronouncing the word "family", almost everyone remembers that the most relevant phrase "for the autumn-winter period of 2019" is the phrase "family violence". Or “domestic violence”, which is essentially the same thing. Even a corresponding bill has been developed, which is designed to protect us from this pernicious phenomenon, the presence of which in our life we have not yet suspected. And all this happened at the moment when the city was asleep …

Having picked up this bill, which, due to its ambiguity, was nevertheless brought up for discussion by the “broad strata of the population,” I, frankly, felt like a victim of some kind of joke, which authoritative senators and deputies, tired of routine legislative activity, decided to turn. Judge for yourself.

“Domestic violence is a deliberate act that causes or contains a threat of causing physical and (or) mental suffering and (or) property harm, which does not contain signs of an administrative offense or a criminal offense” - literally, a quote taken from the website of the Federation Council.

In short, we are offered to adopt a bill that implies punishment, namely punishment, for those acts that in their essence are not offenses either from the point of view of the Criminal Code or from the point of view of the Administrative Code. Punishment for something that cannot be punished in principle.

I will not focus your attention on the fact that this "opus", allegedly from the pen of Oksana Pushkina and her associates - Irina Rodnina, Olga Savastyanova, human rights activist Alena Popova and lawyers Mari Davtyan and Alexey Parshin, directly contradicts the Constitution of the Russian Federation, contradicts principles of family law, abolishes the presumption of innocence and reinforces the presumption of guilt, and also violates other basic principles of law. You will understand this yourself after reading this draft law, which, I repeat, is posted on the website of the Federation Council and is freely available. But, damn it, it even contradicts common sense! If we follow the logic of Pushkina and Co., in order to prevent terrible accidents, it is possible to punish every driver who, again, according to other drivers, is a supporter of an aggressive driving style. You don't need to prove anything. Just punish, just in case, to avoid trouble in the future. With the same ease, you can punish any citizen who lustfully looks in the store at those goods that he cannot afford a priori. Why not prevent theft?

Probably, it is difficult for you to understand why people so loaded with responsible work wasted their precious time on creating an openly delusional document, and you certainly cannot logically explain the fact that this initiative was very warmly supported by the Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko and the human rights ombudsman in RF Tatiana Moskalkova?

Everything is very simple. This bill, if adopted, will enable the state to unceremoniously and declaratively burst into the holy of holies, into your family, into your personal and inviolable space at any time of the day. Break in when he wants to. And not just to break in, but at your own discretion, significantly limit your rights, even though you did not commit a criminal offense or administrative offense. Especially for prevention. Just in case.

Have a fight with your neighbor? Get ready, tomorrow your district police officer may find out that you are putting psychological pressure on your child, for example, forcing him to do his homework, and at the same time he is experiencing psychological discomfort. Do you think you can prove that this is not so? Do not fantasize, even no one will listen to you, explanations are not provided by the law! Pure presumption of guilt! Argued with your mother-in-law? Do you want to leave with your ex-wife, with whom you live on the territory of a jointly acquired apartment? Didn't buy your son a new expensive smartphone? Get ready, we are coming to you!

The official reason that prompted this "group" to write a law on the prevention of domestic violence was the story of the Khachaturian sisters, whose interests were represented by one of the authors of the legislative initiative, lawyer Alexei Parshin. The sisters were abused by their father, and this is what later served as the reason that they went to commit a particularly grave crime - the murder of a domestic tyrant. Allegedly, this incident was the reason that our "lawmakers" sat down to write a document that would allow avoiding similar incidents in the future. Rave? No, it's much worse. This is an outright lie. Returning to the text of the document in question, we see that the law is intended to prevent domestic violence, which is qualified as “an intentional act,inflicting or containing a threat of causing physical and (or) mental suffering and (or) property damage, which does not contain signs of an administrative offense or a criminal offense”. Given that the Khachaturian sisters, as proved during the investigation, were subjected to sexual violence, which in turn is a criminal offense, this law is not intended to protect those who find themselves in a similar situation. And lawyer Parshin cannot fail to understand this!And lawyer Parshin cannot fail to understand this!And lawyer Parshin cannot fail to understand this!

Much, very much in this story is literally far-fetched by those who "reproduced" this law. Starting from the history of the Khachaturian sisters, ending with the statistics recording the number of women who died from domestic violence over the past year, which is "exaggerated" by almost 70 times. Someone really needs to create a toolkit that at any moment can destroy the institution of the family as such. To create and systematically put it into operation, destroying those foundations and traditions, thanks to which Russia took shape as a strong and distinctive state.

If you have not yet realized that this bill hits precisely the institution of the family, also hitting the demographic situation, ask yourself the question of how much will decrease the number of people who decide to tie the knot, as well as people who decide to reproduce offspring. after the adoption of this preventive-punitive initiative?

Personally, I consider this draft law not only inappropriate and absurd, I consider it, above all, destructive and fraught with a threat to the national security of the Russian Federation. And that is why I am struggling in every way with this initiative, which citizens are so stubbornly trying to push through the State Duma, who even with a big stretch cannot be called patriots of our country.


Today the public is consolidating, uniting its efforts in order to defend its right to family inviolability, to protection from trampling on its personal space. But this is not enough, because the city is still asleep. I want you to wake up. I want you to realize that this law will affect everyone and everyone. After its adoption, no one will be able to say that it is safe and sufficiently well protected from any biased attacks from the authorities. Your home will no longer be your fortress. The time has come to realize this.

You grumbled when you raised taxes, when you "dragged through" the pension reform, which was adopted even though the overwhelming majority of citizens were against it. Yes, we lost this battle, but now we are faced with the prospect of losing the war. A war for Russia, a war for the future of our children. Are you ready to hand over to the authorities the right at any time, at their discretion, to interfere with your family and punish you for something that you have not yet done, but purely hypothetically could have done? Are you ready to live in fear from the realization that at any moment there will be a knock on your door and you will be punished for allegedly causing someone “mental suffering” by your actions or inaction? I am not ready, and that is why I urge you to wake up and unite in order not to allow someone to take away from youwhat is so dear to you and what should remain intact. I want the house of each of you to turn into the legendary “Pavlov's House”, which was heroically defended by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers in the distant years of the Great Patriotic War for 58 days. They defended them without retreating a single step. In general, the city can no longer sleep …

Author: Alexey Zotiev