What Is SHAYKA-LAYKA? - Alternative View

What Is SHAYKA-LAYKA? - Alternative View
What Is SHAYKA-LAYKA? - Alternative View

Video: What Is SHAYKA-LAYKA? - Alternative View

Video: What Is SHAYKA-LAYKA? - Alternative View
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Why does one word SHAYKA refer to very different concepts - a basin and a gang? What does the LEIKA have to do with it?

In colloquial speech, we use a lot of words and expressions, but often do not know how they originated. For example, we say - this is "one gang", implying a community of not very decent people. As the dictionaries of the great and mighty say, SHAYKA is a gathering of bad people. Or a group of robbers and thieves. They also say SHAYKA-LEIKA about them.

But we know that the SHAIKA is a basin or bucket with two handles. These are usually used in baths. A WATERING CAN - a container for watering the beds. What does a criminal group have to do with it? Why the bandit gang began to be called the Gang, and what does the LEIKA have to do with it?

No etymological or explanatory dictionary will answer this. Pundits have determined that the word SHAIKA is a polysemantic concept. Realizing the weakness of their knowledge, highly academic minds do not try to explain how such a double meaning of the word came about. Come on, this GANG in the BATH.

Simpler people, journalists, for example, try to come up with explanations. Well, they make up just anecdotes. For example, dashing people in a gang, like in a basin, IN A SHAIK. Well, well, what does LEIKA do? Just like that, for consonance.


Or another journalistic version about the ambiguity of the word SHAIKA. They say that earlier sea and river vessels were called gangs. And even now the German Schiff is a ship. We also call ships vessels. And so a band of sea robbers sailed on a SHAIKA and robbed other ships.

Wait, but why are only robbers called the Gang? If all ships are called GARS, then everyone who swims in them should also be called GARPS. How do you like the GUN of the aircraft carrier "Admiral Makarov"? Or a gang of the Golubye Dali tanker?

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It is believed that journalists are educated and well-read people. Therefore, in the best scientific traditions, they believe that SHAYKA is a Turkic word. According to official science, the ancient Russian people took all the words of their Russian language from neighboring peoples. Here are the Turks - they could invent words, but the Russians could not. Because the idiots since ancient times. This is a scientific thought that hit the heads of journalists.

But then please explain to me who invented the word SHAIKA? Germans or Turks? If in German Schiff is a ship, but the word itself is Turkic. How did this word get from the Turks to the Germans, or from the European Germans to the Asiatic Turks, but bypassing the Russians? For some reason, this thought did not appear in the journalist's head. Yes, and the crown question: what does LEIKA have to do with it? Answer: but simply added by consonance.

In general, you can laugh well, studying attempts to somehow explain the phrase SHAYKA-LEIKA. In fact, everything is very simple. For this there is the Institute of the Russian Language Yasna, which deals with such words.

The fact is that earlier parts of the body, in addition to the names we are accustomed to, such as leg, hand, finger, had other, additional names. The belly, as the largest container, was called the LHC. Below is the TAZ - we still call it that way. Then there are BUCKETS-HIGHS. Below the knee - GLASS BOTTLES. Then STOPS-STOPS.


We use some of these names to this day, and the other part has been lost, so the general system and order are not visible. The word TAZ remained in colloquial speech and even in medical terms. The PUCK was previously called the female pelvis. Therefore, the expression "they are from the same gang" means "they are children of the same mother."


Surely you sometimes hear or read the news that law enforcement agencies have detained a gang of two or three brothers. And if it happens in the south of our country, then there are even more family gangs. Since the robbers are children of the same mother, they are from the same Gang.

Gangs not made up of relatives also began to be called gangs. Since a gangster brotherhood was formed, it was necessary for effective fishing. Everyone must fulfill their role, otherwise they will be caught and imprisoned. Income was also distributed. It turns out a criminal family, whose members are like brothers to each other, as if they really are from the same Gang.

That is why the word SHAIKA in modern language has two meanings: pelvis and gang. But initially everything went from the female pelvis - SHAIKI. This is how it is simply explained.

But even academicians with advanced degrees do not know this, and journalists are inventing clumsy explanations. So if you talk to scientific men, explain to them about the SHAIKA, let them learn Russian at least a little.

Oh yeah, we almost forgot another important question that is spinning on your tongue. And which professors and academics are afraid of, on which journalists pierce. What does the LEIKA have to do with it?

A LEIKO was a basin with a spout, from which it was convenient to pour water. And if the SHAIKA is a woman's pelvis, then a LEIKA is whose part of the body? Surely you have already guessed that LEIKA is a male pelvis.

Thus, the SHAIKA-LEIKA was the name for the children of the same parents. SHAIKA-LEIKA are children of one mother from one father. That is, the family.


What's funny is that this expression disappeared from ordinary everyday life and remained in the criminal world, where SHAYKA-LEYKA is a criminal family.

By the way, both of these vessels, SHAYKA and LAYKA, were used in the bath.

Now, dear viewers, you all know about the SHAIKA and the WATERING CAN, which parts of the body are, and what this expression means children from the same parents. Learn the great and mighty, and most importantly, natural Russian.

Author: Artyom Voitenkov