Native Language - It Is Much More Than A Means Of Communication - Alternative View

Native Language - It Is Much More Than A Means Of Communication - Alternative View
Native Language - It Is Much More Than A Means Of Communication - Alternative View

Video: Native Language - It Is Much More Than A Means Of Communication - Alternative View

Video: Native Language - It Is Much More Than A Means Of Communication - Alternative View

It is the basis of physical health, mental abilities, correct worldview, success in life. And the endless reforms of the Russian language are destroying this foundation of national security.

Tatiana MIRONOVA, a well-known specialist in the history of the language, chief researcher of the Central State Library (formerly "Leninka"), Doctor of Philology, Professor, came to such surprising conclusions.

“In my scientific works and public lectures, I prove,” says Tatyana Leonidovna, “that every person has a linguistic genetic memory. And a child - he does not just grab words out of thin air, he kind of remembers them. Here I have all three children at a certain age, somewhere from two to three years old, "extracted from themselves" ancient linguistic forms. For example, for a month and a half or two they talked to "yaty". (I could hear it well, because I am a language historian.) That is, they kind of recalled the ancient language. The most mysterious thing was where the child was typing words that he had never heard anywhere: they are not in the speech of their parents, he does not go to kindergarten, we do not turn on the TV and radio for him. And suddenly - from him comes a whole stream of words that he seemed to remember.

- Who remembered them?

- The ancestors remembered. In the linguistic genetic memory of each person, the basic concepts of self-awareness of previous generations are recorded. Let's start with the main thing: in the genetic code of the Russian person there is a key concept of "conscience". It is laid in us by the millennial Orthodox consciousness and the entire linguistic culture of the Russian people. The same can be said about other concepts of our self-awareness. When they are "remembered", supported, developed, a person lives according to the laws of their ancestors, fulfills his purpose on earth and transfers his experience to descendants in the form of wave hereditary memory. And vice versa, if he tries to drown out this memory with an unnatural way of life for a Russian person, then his abilities collapse, he begins to degrade, becomes a burden to himself and others, worsens hereditary programs of a kind.

Now this danger threatens very many compatriots. Indeed, in Russia, some "wise men" through the media are trying to deprive the people of the fundamental concepts that are stored in the memory of their ancestors, thereby dooming them to degeneration and assimilation. The concepts of “conscience”, “feat”, “sacrifice”, “service” and so on were removed from the media. As a result, the older generation found itself in a foreign language environment, in a foreign society. People of this generation live in constant conflict with the surrounding reality and with themselves: one thing is laid in them, and a completely different thing happens around, to which they cannot adapt. Equally stressful is the fact that they do not recognize themselves in their offspring. Such a conflict undermines people's health, provokes their illness and premature death. Professor Gundarov showed this very convincingly in his works:the main reason for the extinction of our people is not physical extermination, but a moral crisis.

“But people of the younger generation are also experiencing this conflict. After all, their genetic memory contains concepts that make up the spiritual core of our people, but this memory of their ancestors has been suppressed by means of mass fooling.

- Quite right. You cannot betray your ancestors with impunity: from this drug addiction, alcoholism, and suicide.

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Moreover, studies of ethnopsychologists have shown that the alien environment has a depressing effect on all the child's abilities, even on physiological development. If, for example, a ten-year-old Chinese is placed in the Russian environment, he will become more stupid and will get sick more often. And vice versa, if a Russian child is placed in a Chinese environment, he will wither there.

- And in our country, Russian children are immersed in an English-speaking environment right at home: almost all songs on radio and television are in English, most of the media propagandize American values. The school began to teach English from the first grade. By assimilating a foreign culture, do young people doom themselves to degeneration?

- This phenomenon is new and not fully understood. But it seems that ethnopsychologists are right.

That is, a foreign environment is a dangerous thing. And not only for the child. If we had studied properly the fruits of upbringing in emigration, we would have discovered many instructive things. After all, it is known that in the first generation of Russian emigrants there were many talented and even brilliant people who glorified their name. But these were people who formed in Russia, who preserved the faith and traditions of their ancestors abroad. And in the second and third generations, who assimilated a foreign culture and forgot their own, there are very few famous people. It can be seen that the clan of Russian emigrants is degrading and, as it were, dissolving in another ethnic group.

- It turns out that betrayal of faith, traditions, memory of ancestors inevitably makes a person stupid, sickly, faint-hearted, turns him into insignificance? And vice versa, is following the precepts of the ancestors good for health, mind and soul?

- This has been known for thousands of years. This is the basis of any nationalism: honor your parents, who honored your own, and so on - then you will have all the benefits, including health.