Abracadabra - Alternative View

Abracadabra - Alternative View
Abracadabra - Alternative View

Video: Abracadabra - Alternative View

Video: Abracadabra - Alternative View
Video: Подарил ЛЕГЕНДАРНУЮ Машину Бомжу ✅ Проверил на Предательство блогера 2024, October

The Russian language, perhaps like no other, is extremely rich in so-called untranslatable expressions. In linguistics, they are called idioms. The words that make them up mean one thing, but the general meaning, which, as it were, should be formed from these words, is completely different. So, in the expression where the dog is buried, of course, we are not talking about a buried dog, but about something else. Understanding the general meaning of the Russian people is not difficult. Everyone knows that by this expression they mean the cause of the phenomenon, the motive of the act.

The question remains, what does the dog have to do with the implied meaning? The question should be addressed to specialists, that is, to philologists, first of all to Russianists. Who else but they should explain to us what is the matter. However, in vain will you wait for an answer from philologists. They are powerless. Moreover, even ordinary non-derivative words such as water, forest, honeycomb are incomprehensible entities for her. It is written in the textbooks on linguistics. No linguistics will ever answer the question of why water is called water. This is with her fright.

In fact, the question is solved simply. Any incomprehensible word or expression must be written in Arabic letters, which has turned out to be found in an explanatory Arabic dictionary and read the interpretation.

How! - philologists are surprised. This cannot be, because it can never be. Unfortunately or fortunately, this is the only argument of my opponents. Others, more intelligent, say: in order to agree with me, you have to give up everything. Well, what can you do, gentlemen, philologists, once it is necessary to abandon nonsense. Antihistoricism, - still others say, as if they brand me with a foul word. These are accustomed to sticking labels and cannot understand that science is not ritual incantations, but a search for truth (emphasis mine - BVV). Still others, like ostriches, having filled their mouths with water, hide their heads in the sand. In any case, our discussion with philologists and pseudophilologists does not go beyond the limits of the "fool himself" argument. Note that none of my colleagues are asking for an explanation. But this is a symptom. A symptom of a dreaded disease called brain dysfunction. If people are accustomed to nonsense and run away from meaning like from fire, this says a lot.

So now we know how gibberish appears.

The word abracadabra denotes an obscure speech, incomprehensible words. It is a symbol of nonsense, since no one knows what this word really means. It is only known that in the Middle Ages it served as a spell and was used to treat fever. Like other incomprehensible words, it can be deciphered using the Arabic language: abra 'a qad abra' a is an Arabic phrase, which means literally: “he healed, healed”. It turns out that medieval healers used the spell in full accordance with its meaning.

So a seemingly meaningless word becomes extremely transparent, as soon as it is correlated with the Arabic language. Likewise, Russian tormashki or Sidorov goats, as we will see below, are simply disguised Arabic expressions.

In some cases, the word, going outside, passes through the layer of the second systemic language - Russian. In this case, it bears traces of Russian grammar or is a semantic tracing paper from Russian, if it is translated into the corresponding ethnic language. For example, let's take the grammatical term interjection. This is a typical gibberish, since the meaning of "toss between", in principle, cannot reflect the meaning of the term denoting a part of speech intended to express emotions. Ask a question to specialist philologists, they will tell you: tracing paper from Western languages. Indeed, English interjection or similar-sounding terms from other Western languages mean the same as the Russian term. But, mind you, a nod to the West does not solve the problem. The Western term is the same abracadabra as Russian. The question of whether a word belongs to a particular language can be easily solved. The word belongs to the language in which it is easily explained. To explain our term, you need to write its Russian, I emphasize the Russian, version in Arabic letters. The Arabic majd means "praise" and the Arabic matt means "censure". In Arabic grammar, there is a frozen interjection group of verbs, literally called "verbs of praise and censure." The Russian term is tracing paper - moreover, Arabic - from Arabic, its versions in other languages - tracing paper from Russian.literally referred to as "verbs of praise and blame." The Russian term is tracing paper - moreover, Arabic - from Arabic, its versions in other languages - tracing paper from Russian.literally referred to as "verbs of praise and blame." The Russian term is tracing paper - moreover, Arabic - from Arabic, its versions in other languages - tracing paper from Russian.

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They will say whether the importance of words is so great. Great. After all, there are scientific concepts behind words. And if the words are confused, so are the concepts.

But what kind of lobuda are written by academicians from philology, for example, about the word honeycomb. I am citing Vasmer's etymological dictionary, now edited by Academician Trubachev (the country should know the names of its heroes).

honeycomb, genus. n.a, pl. honeycomb, Russian-tslav. ct kerion, bulg. sth, Serbo-Horv. sag, local units satu, Slovenian. sat. genus. n. sata, satu, kaik. set. Etymologized so far unsatisfactorily: as a related Old-Ind. satas “vessel”, according to Meie (E1. 302), which tries to explain ъ from p. According to Mahek (LF 55, 150), one must proceed from * septo, connected by alternating vowels with svepet “hive with wild bees”. Further, Mikkola (Ursl. Gg. 3.25) brings it closer to sero, suti (see pour). Liden (Stud. 37 et f.) Connects set with lit. semti, semiu “to scoop” (against see Meie, ibid; Trans. II, 362), while Osthof (Parerga 1.23) brings this word closer to lit. siuti "to sew", art-glory. shiti (also Mladenov 624); against see Ilyinsky (RFV 62, 239), who considers it possible to get closer to the fed. The connection with cabbage soup is also unreliable (Sobolevsky, Lectures, 119). Wed full.

And seven more lines for which I do not have the patience. We must start with the fact that verbosity is the first sign of ignorance. Instead of all this, half a line is enough: from the Arabic ST "six".

Especially for philologists, I make an explanation: the sound O is an indicator of the passive voice. Literally: "with the ears". Everyone who is not lazy can count the number of honeycomb faces. Everything else is superfluous, dear academics, no matter what authorities you refer to, and no matter how disguised with pseudoscientific terminology. The word honeycomb is not a specially chosen word that philology has stumbled upon. We can take almost any non-derivative word, even a scientific term, and every time we see the complete blindness of linguists.