On The Total Falsification Of The History Of Russia - Alternative View

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On The Total Falsification Of The History Of Russia - Alternative View
On The Total Falsification Of The History Of Russia - Alternative View

Video: On The Total Falsification Of The History Of Russia - Alternative View

Video: On The Total Falsification Of The History Of Russia - Alternative View
Video: ALTERNATE HISTORY OF RUSSIA (1815-2020) 2024, September

More than once I had to hear and read on the Internet about massive and monstrous in scale facts of falsification of the history of Russia

Many of you have probably already heard about the works of A. Fomenko and G. Nosovsky. These historians, for example, questioned the existence of the Tatar-Mongol yoke and argue that the history of ancient Russia is fundamentally wrong. Many sources confirm their correctness. There are too many inconsistencies in the official textbooks.


Photo: Credit unknown / zhukov68.ru


Photo: Credit unknown / zhukov68.ru


Photo: Credit unknown / zhukov68.ru

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Photo: Credit unknown / zhukov68.ru


Photo: Credit unknown / zhukov68.ru


Photo: Credit unknown / zhukov68.ru


Photo: Credit unknown / zhukov68.ru


Photo: Credit unknown / zhukov68.ru

Of course, I followed such discussions with interest, but anything that has no clear evidence is doomed to failure. All these discussions are nothing more than just demagoguery until they are confirmed by facts and archaeological finds. I think there will be some in the near future. Well, and the fact that the history of Russia is fundamentally falsified, I myself had a chance to see for myself. And I invite you all to be convinced of this. I found a BOMB that will leave you in no doubt. To see THIS with your own eyes, you will have to visit our northern capital - the capital city of St. Petersburg and take a walk along the Palace Square.

How many miracles have I seen in my life with my own eyes? Yes, not so much. The fingers of one hand would be more than enough to count. The biggest of them is, of course, the very alien aircraft that disappeared right before my eyes. I managed to see it in all its details because of its low flight altitude. Then I just lost the gift of speech, and the sensations were as if I had been struck by lightning. Well, another Great Wonder of the World caused me no less emotion.

How many wonders of the world have you counted? Seven seems. In my opinion, one is clearly forgotten. And to see it, you don't have to go to Egypt or Easter Island. It stands right under our noses. I figured it out, and I think that our Russian wonder of the world is in no way inferior to everyone known. Unless the foundation of the Temple of Jupiter in Baalbek and the 2000 ton megalith thrown nearby, perhaps surpass our analogue.

When I was in St. Petersburg, naturally, the first thing I did was to go to Palace Square. And he immediately began filming evidence of the era. It should be noted that the entire Palace Square is a huge monument erected by the Freemasons known under the Russian surname Romanovs, in honor of the victory of the Romans over the Slavs and the establishment in Russia of the power of Satanist Masons in the face of the notorious dynasty. I have no doubt that they themselves are, of course, non-Russian, and the surname Romanov is fictitious - just consonant with the name of the empire, where they are from. Who helped them to overthrow the Rurik dynasty, I think, is not worth explaining. Here, of course, it was not without the intervention of forces, which the Satanic Freemasons serve faithfully. Accordingly, everywhere on the Palace Square we see symbols of the triumph of Roman weapons: Roman soldiers, their armor, weapons, regalia,symbols of the power of the Roman Empire, standards and patricians. Well, over the arch and Caesar himself (Photo 2.), driving a chariot into "unwashed Russia" to turn the Slavs into slaves, imposing serfdom on them and destroy the true history of the Slavic peoples - they say, you have always been barbarians and savages. They hated the Slavs fiercely, and especially the Russians. Accordingly, Masonic signs were left on the Palace Square, including the notorious triangle with an all-seeing eye. Well, why did the Satanists need "unwashed Russia", I understood as soon as I approached the so-called Alexander Column. This is where the real shock was. For those who have not seen, I will explain: On a granite pedestal stands, as if turned on a lathe from a single piece of granite, an ideal cylinder weighing over 600 tons !!!.. When I saw it, I still did not know how much it weighs,but its dimensions shocked me. I had a feeling of unreality of everything that was happening. It is just as obvious that this top hat is not human. It is clear, however, that people could not operate with such weight and such technologies. But how have people still not noticed this? ………… Am I the only one who see the obvious things?.. Well, the media are silent. This is clear. It is known who they all work for. But don't ordinary people see anything? I tried to search the internet for what people say about this, but I couldn't find anything. Silence of the Lambs. Well the media are silent. This is clear. It is known who they all work for. But don't ordinary people see anything? I tried to search the internet for what people say about this, but I couldn't find anything. Silence of the Lambs. Well the media are silent. This is clear. It is known who they all work for. But don't ordinary people see anything? I tried to search the internet for what people say about this, but I couldn't find anything. Silence of the Lambs.

To make it easier for you to evaluate what 600 tons is, take a look at this link how the Soyuz carrier rocket is transported and lifted to the launch pad. At the time of transportation and installation, its weight does not exceed 32.9 tons !!! After refueling, the rocket weighs 311.7 tons. Here are the characteristics of the launch vehicle.

Naturally, I immediately tried to find out what official sources say about this megalith. I did not expect the truth from them. I just wondered how they could find an explanation for THIS! Well this is what a DECLARATION is needed! Each of you can enter Wikipedia and read about the "Miracle technology" that the "Miracles" were able to bring to life. It turns out that everything is simple: a certain uncle Vasya cut down a piece of granite weighing over a thousand tons and dumped it on spruce paws.

Then they cheerfully lifted it up, cheerfully carried it and cheerfully loaded it onto a ship, sailed to St. Petersburg, lifted the oar, processed it and put it on a granite pedestal. Well, it seems like they also put the scaffolding before installation on the platform itself. Brilliant. And all ingenious is simple. Real Miracle Technology! Everything is perfectly described. What's incomprehensible here? Everything point by point: Cheerfully raised, cheerfully carried, etc. …………….

Hundreds of research institutes must have worked on such work !!! Scientists all over the world racked their brains: What to do after point 1. Raised merrily. And lo and behold! Came up with point two: Cheerfully carried ……. And then years passed - a couple of hundred years and people created cranes capable of lifting such loads. Miracles and nothing more.

It is no coincidence that the city of St. Petersburg was built at the mouth of the Neva. In general, wherever the civilization of the Gods left its traces on the Earth, the Freemasons built cities to disguise these structures.

So the granite column was disguised as a monument to the victory over Napoleon. I also have doubts about the columns of St. Isaac's Cathedral. On the embankment of the Neva, a granite ball also attracted my close attention. (Photo 4.) The statues of the Sphinxes on the embankment of the Neva also look very suspicious. (Photo 3.) Where did they come from in St. Petersburg?

One example of the disguise of numerous structures of the civilization of the Gods, for example, is the city of Rome. Many structures allegedly built by the Romans actually have a completely different origin.

Now you can appreciate the scale of falsification of history if the origin of the column is easily disguised as a monument in honor of the victory over Napoleon! And nowhere - absolutely nowhere do you know the truth. All archives have been cleaned up, the works of writers and artists have passed the necessary censorship, the history textbooks have been edited by "knowledgeable" authors. Historians say what they are advised to say. The media are obedient. Everything is done freely and impudently. The architects of all this lie are sure: People will believe in any nonsense, in any nonsense, because they are not used to thinking with their own heads.

As I was able to find out, similar columns are in many cities around the world. And just like in St. Petersburg, they are disguised by Masons as monuments to victory in one war or another. For example, in the center of London, right on Trafalgar Square, there is a giant granite column weighing over 800 tons !!! (Photo 5.)

According to the official history, that is, the history invented by the Masons, it was also installed at the same time as the Alexander Column. Allegedly, this is a monument to a certain Nelson. I rummaged through Wikipedia. Imagine, there is no data even on its size and weight, not to mention the construction technology itself. But it is reported how much was paid for the work of its architects:))) And what Adolf Hitler thought of her:))) As if they were reading his thoughts. Laughter and nothing more. I managed to find out the dimensions of the column. Multiplying the density of granite by the volume of the column, it turned out to be over 800 tons! Would you like to look at the statue of the Sphinx, which, like in St. Petersburg, stands on the Thames embankment? (Photo 6.) How do you like the cute balls so lovingly disguised under a layer of plastic? (Photo 7.) I personally found them on the Thames embankment.

Similar megalithic columns stand in Paris and Rome. Also disguised. A similar giant column was destroyed in the Irish capital Dublin by IRA terrorists. I won’t understand why the terrorists were given this column? Or did the Masons run out of money to disguise this column? Well, in photo 8, a complete set of the same only in Egypt!

If you decide to find out the truth about the history of Russia and the entire human civilization, about real science, then, believe me, you have extremely few chances. Almost all channels are blocked. The only place where you can find truth is on the Internet. However, do not look for it on promoted sites. All these sites are promoted because they are controlled by those who sell us lies. Search from the other end of the list on all search engines. Well, I have already spoken for the media. Undoubtedly, the pressure on the Satanists will grow like a snowball and more and more secrets will be revealed to us. After all, the American special services have declassified the fact of finding an alien aircraft and humanoid bodies in it under Roswell.

But, however, only after the pressure put on them.

Author Evgeny Zhukov