An Excerpt From The Novel By I.A. Efremova "Andromeda Nebula" - Alternative View

An Excerpt From The Novel By I.A. Efremova "Andromeda Nebula" - Alternative View
An Excerpt From The Novel By I.A. Efremova "Andromeda Nebula" - Alternative View

Video: An Excerpt From The Novel By I.A. Efremova "Andromeda Nebula" - Alternative View

Video: An Excerpt From The Novel By I.A. Efremova
Video: Iain McGilchrist- The Ways To Truth: New Book Intro Excerpt 2024, October

… Raising a new person is a delicate work with individual analysis and a very careful approach. The time has passed irrevocably when society was satisfied with somehow, accidentally brought up people, whose shortcomings were justified by heredity, the innate nature of man. Now every badly educated person is a reproach for the whole society, a painful mistake of a large group of people.

But you, who have not yet freed yourself from age-related egocentrism and revaluation of your “I”, should clearly imagine how much depends on you, how much you yourself are the creators of your freedom and the interest of your life. You have a very wide choice of paths, but this freedom of choice is at the same time full responsibility for the choice. Long gone are the dreams of an uncultured person about a return to the wild, about the freedom of primitive societies and relationships. Humanity, which united the colossal masses of people, faced a real choice: either to submit itself to social discipline, to long-term education and training, or to perish - there are no other ways to live on our planet, although its nature is rather generous, there are no! Woe-philosophers, who dreamed of returning back to primitive nature, did not understand and did not really love nature,otherwise they would have known her merciless cruelty and the inevitable destruction of everything that did not obey her laws.

The man of the new society was faced with the inevitable necessity of discipline of desires, will and thought. This way of educating the mind and will is now as obligatory for each of us as the education of the body. The study of the laws of nature and society, its economics has replaced personal desire for meaningful knowledge. When we say, "I want," we mean, "I know that this is possible."

Even thousands of years ago, the ancient Greeks said: metron is ariston, that is, the highest is measure. And we continue to say that the basis of culture is the understanding of measure in everything.

With the growth of the level of culture, the desire for the gross happiness of property, the greedy quantitative increase in possession, quickly dulls and leaves a dark dissatisfaction.

We teach you the much greater happiness of refusal, the happiness of helping others, the true joy of work that ignites the soul. We helped you to free yourself from the power of small aspirations and small things and transfer your joys and sorrows to the highest area - creativity.

Taking care of physical education, a clean, correct life of tens of generations saved you from the third terrible enemy of the human psyche - the indifference of an empty and lazy soul. Charged with energy, with a balanced, healthy psyche, in which, due to the natural balance of emotions, there is more kindness than evil, you enter the world to work. The better you are, the better and higher the whole society will be, because there is mutual dependence. You will create a high spiritual environment as the constituent particles of society, and it will elevate yourself. The social environment is the most important factor for a person's upbringing and learning. Nowadays, a person is educated and studied all his life, and the ascent of society is progressing rapidly.

Evda Nahl paused, smoothed her hair with the same gesture as Rhea, who was sitting, not taking her eyes off her, then spoke again:

Promotional video:

- Once people called the desire to know the reality of the world dreams. You will dream like this all your life and you will be joyful in learning, movement, in struggle and work. Do not pay attention to the downturns after the ups of the soul, because these are the same regular turns of the spiral of motion, as in all other matter.

The reality of freedom is harsh, but you are prepared for it by the discipline of your upbringing and teaching. Therefore, you, who are conscious of responsibility, are allowed all those changes in activity that constitute personal happiness. Dreams of the quiet inactivity of paradise have not been justified by history, for they are contrary to the nature of a human fighter. There were and remain their difficulties for each era, but the steady and rapid ascent to an ever greater height of knowledge and feelings, science and art became happiness for all mankind.
