People-"fish" In Indonesia - Alternative View

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People-"fish" In Indonesia - Alternative View
People-"fish" In Indonesia - Alternative View

Video: People-"fish" In Indonesia - Alternative View

Video: People-
Video: The first Trap Can Catch Alot of fish & Crabs And Eels By 5 Bambo With deep Hole 2024, October

According to the legends of the Bajo tribe (Indonesia), for hundreds of years, their ancestors lived in floating houses in the seas of South Asia. Their main occupation was fishing, and fishermen with spears dived into the water to great depths.


The fantastic abilities of the Baggio fishermen

The Indonesian tribe has developed phenomenal abilities that are completely different from the common man. Diving to a depth of 60 m, the fisherman holds his breath for 13-15 minutes. There are divers who can dive 70 meters into the sea with a lead and an eye mask.


When studying this fantastic achievement of fishermen, it was possible to determine that the spleen plays a major role in the diving process. It is she who switches the entire body to another mode.

As a result, in such a short period of time on the scale of the Universe, the spleen of local residents has increased in size by 50%. This is the only example in the world of the perfect adaptation of the human body to diving in such a short time. These fishermen-divers are rightly called “fish” people.

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Moreover, island neighbors in Indonesia do not have such a spleen size. And living on land, for example, in the Saluan tribe, all the organs are the same as in all people.

What do scientists think about phenomenal adaptation?

Scientists at the University of Cambridge suggest that the Weddell seals may have had a similar scenario. Only they have enlarged spleens. It is incomprehensible how a person could evolve quickly and efficiently in order to transfer the body to different modes: on land and in the sea.

The Baggio tribe have never held competitions among themselves during diving, so one can only guess about the time of the best divers, if everyone can stay at a depth of 13-15 minutes.


After research in Jaya Bakti (Indonesia), when collecting genetic samples, they found that people in the Bagjo tribe have the PDE10A gene. In other tribes it is not.

Houses of the Bajo sea gypsies
Houses of the Bajo sea gypsies

Houses of the Bajo sea gypsies.

It is believed that it is this gene that regulates the level of hormones secreted by the thyroid gland, and is responsible for the size of the spleen.

These studies were published in the journal Cell, which caused a lot of controversy. Scientists are going to continue their research.

Zhanna Lyubarskaya