Ancient Flying Dinosaurs Captured In Photos And Videos In The 20th Century - Alternative View

Ancient Flying Dinosaurs Captured In Photos And Videos In The 20th Century - Alternative View
Ancient Flying Dinosaurs Captured In Photos And Videos In The 20th Century - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Flying Dinosaurs Captured In Photos And Videos In The 20th Century - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Flying Dinosaurs Captured In Photos And Videos In The 20th Century - Alternative View
Video: LIVING PTEROSAUR Caught on Camera? - real or fake 2024, October

We have mentioned several times about the great ambiguity of the scientific claim that dinosaurs and humans did not exist at the same time. Even when evidence is found, it is usually refuted. However, the idea that prehistoric reptiles could have survived here and there fires the imagination from time to time.

Some people say that the stories of dragons found in almost every culture are evidence of the association of our species. Of course, man with his instruments quickly became too much of a rival for these animals.


The monsters seen here and there in the lakes provide evidence of the survival of the plesiosaurs, which are large floating reptiles, one of the largest animals in the world. The opportunity exists, but more population will be needed to ensure sufficient biodiversity.

We know stories about the African Mokele-Mbemba taken as a sauropod. Reports of this animal appear even in modern times, and the favorite scientific explanation is a mistake in classifying a large crocodile.


Among the interesting cases of dinosaurs in our time, there are cases with pterodactyls. A photograph of the supposedly shot pterodactyl is already known. The photo looks like it came from the American Civil War. At first it seems that we see a kayak there, but after a while it turns out that this is not a kayak, but a hunting trophy, but which one !!


Promotional video:

Flying reptiles were described in the 1940s in Papua New Guinea. American war veterans, who apparently saw a living pterodactyl there, speak about this. In any case, similar messages come from local residents. Some of them living on Umboy Island will report that the "flying big rat" hunts for fish in a nearby bay.


The mysterious animals from Umboi were still in high demand in the 1990s. Officially, serious scientific expeditions were organized to identify new bird species, but unofficially, this could be a search for traces of pterodactyl sites.


We know of many cases of the disappearance of organisms that miraculously reappear. Can legendary reptiles survive to this day? Until one succeeds in obtaining irrefutable evidence, this idea remains in the realm of agonization.
