Could Humans Live With Dinosaurs And Tame Them? - Alternative View

Could Humans Live With Dinosaurs And Tame Them? - Alternative View
Could Humans Live With Dinosaurs And Tame Them? - Alternative View

Video: Could Humans Live With Dinosaurs And Tame Them? - Alternative View

Video: Could Humans Live With Dinosaurs And Tame Them? - Alternative View
Video: Did Dinosaurs Ever Live Alongside Humans? 2024, October

Nowadays, dinosaurs are most likely considered one of the most incredible creatures in the past. But what if we imagine how such creatures lived with people and were even partially tamed by people.

First, it should be said that according to the official history, man appeared 2.6 million years ago, and the dinosaurs allegedly died out about 65 million years ago.

It is worth considering the existence of people. I will not write about this in detail, but if historians said that the first man appeared then, it does not mean that it was so.

For example, much proves that human civilizations have existed for tens and even hundreds of thousands of years (for example, the Sumerians, about whom I wrote recently). But in official history, the first civilization appeared no more than 7-9 thousand years ago.


If you ask yourself why did the dinosaurs disappear? Of course, there will be no definite answer. But the question is different, where did this figure of 65 million years come from?

Whether the remains and their age can be called a fact, I strongly doubt, but this is the only thing that confirms the version of the extinction of dinosaurs 65 million years ago.


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And to determine this age, archaeologists and scientists, as a rule, use the radiocarbon or comparative method. Everything is clear about the comparative method, but can you trust, for example, radiocarbon analysis?

All this I lead to the fact that the story is built on some well-thought out foundations, and much can be fundamentally wrong, for example, modern analyzes and research on age determination.


They can also determine something by means of the layers of the earth and the supposed age of one or another layer. However, possible cataclysms, for some reason, are not taken into account, because they allegedly were not in the official history.

And now, we can say about some of the finds. One of these most popular finds is the Ica stones.

The plots depicted on the stones in many ways not only violate the chronology of history, but also contradict it. For example, there you can see how people closely interacted with dinosaurs, even moved on them.


It is worth saying that the authenticity of the stones has already been repeatedly checked and found them with other ancient remains. That is, these plots were not engraved in our time.

And the ancient people could not know about the exact existence of dinosaurs either, based on the official history. They very rarely found the remains, since they did not carry out excavations, and they certainly did not have the equipment for conducting analyzes.


That is, they simply could not know in detail what the dinosaurs look like, but for some reason, on the stones they are depicted similar to the image restored in our time.

Only one conclusion emerges: Either dinosaurs existed 1-3 million years ago and modern analyzes are fundamentally wrong, which is more likely. Or, people existed much earlier, but then, it seems to me, for tens of millions of years, the stones would simply not have been found, which means that the first version sounds much more believable.

By the way, the Ica stones are not the only finds that depict people and dinosaurs together. There are rock paintings and some other finds of this kind in the world.


In general, I am leading this to the fact that people could well live with dinosaurs and tame them, and this is confirmed repeatedly by artifacts. Of course, this is the same version that does not have 100% proof, but this should not be ruled out.
