The Magnetic Pole Is Moving At An Unprecedented Speed Towards Russia - Alternative View

The Magnetic Pole Is Moving At An Unprecedented Speed Towards Russia - Alternative View
The Magnetic Pole Is Moving At An Unprecedented Speed Towards Russia - Alternative View

Video: The Magnetic Pole Is Moving At An Unprecedented Speed Towards Russia - Alternative View

Video: The Magnetic Pole Is Moving At An Unprecedented Speed Towards Russia - Alternative View
Video: How Do We Know That the Earth's Magnetic Poles Have Flipped? - Christmas Lectures with James Jackson 2024, September

The magnetic north pole is moving faster and faster from Canada towards the Russian archipelago Novaya Zemlya. Not only can this make it problematic to observe the northern lights from the coast of Canada, but it can also lead to distortions in the construction of routes.

The North Magnetic Pole, a conditional point in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth, with a speed that has never happened before, is moving towards Siberia. Scientists say the number is almost 50 kilometers per year, and since its discovery in 1831, he "ran" about 2250 kilometers. The North Magnetic Pole reached its record speed only in the 90s of the last century, and before that it was in no hurry, overcoming 15 kilometers a year.


As you can see from the graph, its "twin brother", the South Pole, maintains approximately the same speed over the period of its study. Severny, in 2001, "fled" from Canada, and in 2018 crossed the Date Line. Now he continues to move towards Russia.

Probably, these changes are associated with some processes taking place in the core of our planet, but little is known about it. Scientists report that the Earth's magnetic fields are formed by a superheated iron-nickel alloy. The molten metal, flowing and hot up to 3000 ° C, carries with it the magnetic field.


The researchers add that this speed will continue until 2025, and then the magnetic North Pole will slow down. It would be nice, because such a race has already forced scientists to urgently release an updated version of the World Magnetic Model (WMM). Typically, the model is updated every five years, and the last time it was routinely was three and a half years ago. However, in 2018 it had to be done again. All modern navigation is based on WMM - from ship management systems to Google maps in smartphones. For an ordinary citizen, possible errors are not so critical, but, for example, air and sea vessels, relying on incorrect calculations, can violate the borders of states, provoking a diplomatic scandal.


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The Earth's magnetic poles are part of our planet's magnetic (geomagnetic) field, which is generated by streams of molten iron and nickel that surround the Earth's inner core. The behavior of the Earth's magnetic field, which we are actually discussing, is explained by the flow of liquid metals at the border of the Earth's core with the mantle.


Scientists have proven that indeed the magnetic pole is shifting and shifting at an abnormal speed. Scientists have even warned of possible glitches in navigation systems. At the same time, the position of the South Pole is quite stable, it does not move more than 10 kilometers per year.

It started around the turn of the century. It was then that the North Pole began to move five times faster. He began to move nearly 50 kilometers a year. And the direction of its movement is indeed to Taimyr, to Russian Siberia. It is there that the effect of the section of the magnetic field is now increasing.


But remember this theory - the planet's magnetic poles can completely swap places. This phenomenon occurs once every several hundred thousand years, as scientific studies show, but the processes have greatly accelerated.

I do not know if it is not greatly exaggerated, but as they say and write, the movement of magnetic poles can lead to unimaginable consequences for humanity. According to many assumptions, electrical systems and satellite navigation may fail. Moreover, the weakening of the magnetic poles will attract cosmic radiation to the Earth.

And if you imagine for a second the complete disappearance of the magnetic protection, it will lead to the almost complete death of people and other living beings living on the planet.

We have already discussed how the magnetic North Pole moves from Canada to Siberia.