America. Surrealism. New World Order - Alternative View

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America. Surrealism. New World Order - Alternative View
America. Surrealism. New World Order - Alternative View

Video: America. Surrealism. New World Order - Alternative View

Video: America. Surrealism. New World Order - Alternative View
Video: Namibia. The Africa you have to see! 2024, September

Altered reality

I see cute and funny pictures every morning, tearing my eyes and diving headlong into the abyss of the Internet.

Severe and brutal American cops thoroughly and with genuine enthusiasm wash the feet of blacks - I'm not lying, it was! In Athens, Greek protesters are demanding that their government repent for the slavery of American blacks.

In Seattle, pitch black passionaries created their empire of three quarters and now collect taxes from bakeries, taxi drivers and shoe shops there, figuring out how to quickly achieve recognition of their independence in the UN. And in the dim light of the current realities, their hopes have every chance of resounding success.

The petty black swindler who was killed during the arrest is pompous, with an orchestra and with a live broadcast on all television channels, is buried in a golden coffin. Senators and policemen are kneeling before this mournful caricature procession.

Such an old and kind surrealism dear to my heart. A kind of Salvador Dali who broke into reality. Although the one with his elephants on cockroach legs and hours flowing down the tables looks even more realistic. Here is a complete violation of formal and dialectical logic for the sake of vague subconscious images from the deepest depths of the mind.

Yes, it's interesting to wake up in the morning now. In a dream, one cannot see such revelry and destruction of the logical foundations of the Universe. There is somehow more and more mundane and visible.

So what are we seeing in this strange new world? For me, the whole essence of the current historical moment is the total replacement of realities. Such a strange historical period now. Turning point. Information bends matter under itself.

Promotional video:

What is the West today in terms of historical development? An extremely snickering society, devoid of the fear of hunger that has always persecuted humanity, littered with clothes and gadgets. We have never lived so well and in such abundance. Without a struggle for existence, people readily plunge into the information layers of being and surrender to the power of ideas. Moreover, these ideas are mostly stupid and painful, as it should be in a completely sick and unjust world.

So now it is not love and hunger that rule the world, but information bubbles. The so-called civilized world, that is, the decrepit Western civilization, is now overcrowded, like a village toilet, where yeast was thrown, with ideological absurd phantoms and malicious information viruses.

The Western layman today is replacing a reliable material reality with a surreal one, where gays are not sick people, but funny guys and the highest stage of human development. Where the feminines are not at all crazy shy chicks who hate men, but fighters for universal female justice, ready to kill all chauvinists in trousers for this business. Where the bombing is exclusively humanitarian. Where genocide is solely for the good of the one who is being genocide. And above all this, a new idol named "Tolerance" looks at the world from the height of a mountain peak. By the way, the term in microbiology means the body's inability to fight pathogenic cultures.

The sleep of reason gives rise to monsters - a well-known phrase. And as relevant as ever. Today, the dream of reason gives rise to a monstrous surreal reality, in which gradually there is no place for anything human - neither mind nor feelings. Only extremely distorted meanings. But the layman likes it there.

One of the most absurd and funny pictures in this surreal gallery - unwound today wine white to black, and repentance for the terrible slavery, plantation, Uncle Tom's Cabin, the Ku Klux Klan, plaques "Nigeria is vospreschon" and other pleasures of the most democratic countries in the world … From the point of view of human logic, there is no logic here at all. But in the altered state of consciousness in which people in the West are today, it all looks very lyrical and organic.

The negroes realized that two hundred years ago they were pulled out of Africa and they worked on plantations. Therefore, now they are unhappy, destitute and destitute. If logically, a lot of time has passed, and ninety percent of Americans are not slave owners, but come in large numbers after the abolition of slavery, what is their historical fault? And there is nothing left from those times, except for museums and blockbusters. And today the descendants of black slaves themselves are more reminiscent of slave owners - they mess around and prod the muffled whites so that they can pile up more benefits and welfare, and so that in every blockbuster there is a cool black hero and a kicked white nonentity.

In fact, their claims are completely divorced from reality, this is an information bubble. There are no questions of survival and hunger in them. Some abstraction and surrealism from snickering drones.

Negroes can be understood somewhere. From their difficult history, they today extract considerable gesheft, comfortably sitting on the neck of their fellow citizens, from whom they differ only in skin color. In some families, for three generations, they had not worked for a day - everyone grieved about the unfortunate fate of their ancestors and counted the grandmother for the historical guilt of whites. At the same time, this approach has turned this national minority into a dense layer of professional parasites, incapable of any development.

This is such a sociocultural phenomenon. It's not about race at all. A friend from Germany once said that Arabs are deranged, arrogant, like crows, unruly sociopaths, who believe that they have conquered Europe. And they can't get enough of blacks from Africa - hardworking, polite, striving to socialize, get an education. And in America - a criminal swamp with eternal grievances that they are not allowed to trade drugs freely. Although, of course, not all of them are like that, there are a lot of normal people there, and they have double respect for being able to break out of the framework of national stereotypes and make themselves. But the total ideological message is to rob the white!

On this basis, a terribly criminalized African American culture has grown, which, with such a sweet munching, is already being devoured by whites, even in our country. Rap, all these chants, gangsta. Noble and sad, at the same time optimistic jazz has long been in the past. Today thunders from the speakers:

“I shot a white man, but only one.

We should have flunked his friend too!"

The inflated phantom of national oppression is constantly bursting with black riots. Blacks in their surreal cultural space are firmly convinced that they have the right to rob shops, because this is not robbery, but compensation for the historical guilt of whites. Moreover, for some reason, black shops are also robbed. Although, as experts say, there has never been such a widespread revolt as now. I met here in the comments: "they buried a negro, they broke seventeen states."

In the material and logical world, the President of the States should have declared long ago: “fellow citizens, everything that was has grown into the past. Now we are all equal citizens of the United States and we will evaluate everyone according to their actions. But that doesn't work in a surreal space. Here, some citizens owe others for their ancient sins.

By the way, if logically, why don't the Irish demand from the United States to pay and repent? They were caught by the British as blacks, enslaved and sent to plantations. So today they have every reason to rebel. But the Irish for some reason have not counted offenses for two hundred years, but have worked, and today they are the pillars of American society, respected businessmen, politicians, and doctors. Is it somehow illogical?

In general, logic and historical experience are terribly intolerant things, and for today's surrealism they are also harmful. Because judging by logic, the more you give to the backbone and curry favor with him, the more he sits on your neck. Until he takes everything from you, after which he smashes both the hut and the yard and will be offended: "Why did they stop feeding this and starvation stands next to the scythe?" "Offended" bum, who is given everything - he, like a virus, will sooner or later devour the carrier. And in surrealism, one can sincerely hope to appease the parasite.

It has long been known that ideas rule the world. But today an addition has appeared - the world is ruled by idiotic ideas that are ready to move even capitalist greed and calculation. What we observe …

Puppeteers and dolls

I get distracted from the Internet, turn on the TV. It's still more perky there.

Probably the most classic literary work in the United States, "Gone with the Wind" will be withdrawn for racism. Mark Twain with his Huckleberry Finn and Negro Jim fell under the distribution. Racists, you see, did not fight against slavery.

The rebels drowned a monument to Columbus in a pond, on whose merits today's America exists. At the same time, a commission was created to rename streets.

Something from this breathed nostalgic and dear. “Restructuring. Gorbachev. Yeltsin, White House, Freedom! Glory to Ukraine …

It's funny when the main supporters of the world, the creators of the orange revolutions, bend down on their own today. At the same time, it is naive to believe that the situation is under their complete control. Just like not at night, the aforementioned Gorbachev - he also believed that he was manipulating everything skillfully and with apparatus cunning, until he was locked in Foros.

Today, the "surrealist artists" in the United States have thrown onto the game table one of the most powerful trump cards with which they have rammed the whole world for many years. This is a historical fault. They threw it dashingly, not thinking about what would happen next.


And practice shows that when the state begins to redeem its historical guilt, this very state quickly ends. Because the resources of the state are finite, and historical claims and grievances are endless.

But these are conclusions within the framework of logic. Within the framework of surrealism, this is the path to unity and universal joy when people embrace and cry. The price of the issue is only a million bucks for every black man, including babies.

In this perspective, why would Sobyanin not demand compensation from Kazan for the Tatar-Mongol yoke? From each Tatar a thousand bucks for the burning of Moscow. Why didn't it happen? There was no historical grudge? How offended! Well, at the same time, bend Mongolia - how many yoke of denyuzhek has dripped there in two hundred years. And, of course, put them on their knees. To exclaim: "Forgive us, Uruses, for our fierce and intolerant ancestors." But we are in no hurry to do this. Because we are still in the real world, only slightly moved towards surrealism, but not fatally.

Having gone into a rage of manipulations, having torn a shirt on their chest, American nibbers on their land do such things, after which the state will never be the same due to the complete loss of its own dignity. But it doesn't matter to them. The main thing for them is to knock out a competitor in the elections, and then at least the grass will not grow. Meanwhile, the loss of moral guidelines and a sense of shame is fatal for any society.

The senator crawls on her knees in front of the negroes and asks for forgiveness from them for the epic events of the gray times. At the same time, hypocrisy is written on her face. It is evident that she had a desire to take this "niggas", but in shackles and the gallows. But the card didn't go like that. And she is forced to take a kneeling position, cursing her high stiletto heels and the ancient age when problems with the spine do not allow bending so easily. She is obliged to crawl on her knees and beat her forehead on the asphalt, because this is a party assignment. Because it's politics. And that the grandchildren in a couple of years will ask: "Granny, why were you kneeling before the criminals?" Well, it doesn't matter. The shame has long been lost. And the grandchildren, probably, were also brought up accordingly, in the paradigm of the overwhelming superiority of pragmatism, political and financial gain over the pitiful rudiments of conscience and shame.

I am sincerely sorry for this absurd ugliness of the cops. People who honestly fulfill their duty and keep the bandit Pindostan from slipping into anarchy and chaos, risking their lives, kneel before the criminal rabble. Are they ashamed? For sure. But it is not the same to lose a pension a year before seniority, and even social benefits, reliable work in insane unemployment. Let the shame recede a little, and the honor be silent. Boom - on your knees. And only the police trade union leader from New York did not say too confidently - they say, you are too harsh towards us, the public, we are good.

But the bulk has merged. And it's not even just a matter of retirement. Cops, who are smarter, smell the breath of new times with the scruff of their necks, when the state sells them, and the extreme stubborn will be handed over to be torn apart by marginalized and shameless politicians who are raging with blood and impunity. The police are not ready to lay down their well-being for ideals that are being trampled under our eyes. Therefore, brave policemen obediently kneel before inveterate criminals! In front of those who were kept at gunpoint yesterday and thrown into cells for robbery and drugs. "Glory to Ukraine" … That is, "Good Buy America!"

Yes, the policemen were simply stupidly framed for the distribution, like their colleagues in many orange revolutions. Everything is thrown into the fire of the struggle between Republicans and Democrats. They are ready for anything, just to devour each other, the country's interests are in last place here. Why not a bulldog fight between Gorbachev and Yeltsin? The results are known. In general, I am for sovereign Texas, they say that the guys there are normal and not creatures in life …

And I remember Dagestan, a boy policeman who, before his execution, did not beg for life from the bandits, but urged his brothers to crush this evil. Another mentality. Other concepts. A world of honor and harsh reality versus a world of distorted meanings.

Meanwhile in the USA the bacchanalia continues. Weak appeals to reason are drowned in indignant cries: "Slave owners, satraps, you give freedom to robbery and robbery for the blacks!" It is interesting that a common man in the street supports the robbers in word and deed, who will come to rob him tomorrow and rape his daughters, but in surrealism this is normal. And the US is gradually approaching the point of no return. Puppeteers in the long run will no longer curb their dolls. Dolls today learn to walk on their own.

The fact is that information phantoms have always been most actively and skillfully cheated by politicians, ideologists, and intelligence officers of the "Empire of Good". And the hour has come when these ghosts have escaped from under mental control and threaten to sweep away their authors. Let not today - in tactical terms, these convulsive gestures can be a political gesheft. But with this sledgehammer they hit the building of statehood. The cracks will be painted over, but they will go further, and sooner or later the building will collapse.

Phantoms have become a separate information entity that lives by its own laws. Such egregors, drawing in the energy of the masses and filling the world with destructive power. Now you can't just say: "We here decided that homosexuals are bad, and blacks should not be allowed to rebel." This new reality will not allow this to be created, it will trample and ram the dissenters, be they powerful manipulators. So in their surrealism, twitch, do not twitch, and the homosexual will henceforth always be a sacred cow, and blacks - unhappy, offended and with the right of self-expression through robbery and murder.

Altered reality is a monstrously effective tool for manipulating the material world. But only for the time being. But the moment comes when the Phantoms completely fill all the space around, explode and devour factories, cities, factories. Hello Middle Ages. You are going the right way, Americans!..

How not to get involved

The murdered rogue was modestly named Jesus of the twenty-first century. There are cries of regret that Nobel Peace Prizes cannot be awarded posthumously. "The Sabbat was hot and bald, sweat poured hot."

This unbridled victory of surrealism over reason and orderliness of life with an ironic squint is watched by disciplined China, which has demonstrated the ability to solve any organizational problems and with one click crushed both the coronavirus and Uyghur terrorism. There, the CCP firmly holds the people on a sinful land, preventing ideological phantoms from replacing the rough reality of world confrontation.

Our Russia, once already destroyed by information bacilli, is glancing sidelong and apprehensively at this booth. And our people are worried that the liberal Ebola fever, under the pressure of events in the West, will not return to us again.

We experienced our replaced reality during the collapse of the USSR, when the space around us was filled with the filing of Ogonyok and Mosfilm with evil commies, bloody KGB officers, oppressed by national minorities and Russia's historical guilt before the civilized West. We lived in this puppet theater. And they lived to see the collapse of the country and unprecedented disasters, from which we still cannot move away.

And so far, that reality is still trying to format us for itself. And now the infectious bacilli in the body of our country squealed: "And in Russia the OMON offended a Negro, therefore there are no amendments to the Constitution!"

But it won't work with black. No one will force us to repent before the blacks for slavery, since this is not ours at all, we don't need to figure it out. The USSR generally fed half of Africa.


And the very word "Negro" evokes not a desire to sprinkle ashes on the head in remorse, not even racist anger, but an ironic kind smile - you, brother, are tanned. And to lamentations about the historical guilt of whites before blacks, we have one answer:

- You were removed from the vines, on which you were hanging out. I don't like it - a ticket to Liberia, and eat bananas there.

Well, we have neither piety nor anger before the blacks. People and people with their cockroaches. Will act - get it in the eye. He will come to us kindly - they will find a place at the table, give him something to drink, and feed him.

Moreover, we have our own domestic restless "blacks" who were "terribly oppressed", full. These are liberals, creative intelligentsia and national minorities who love to inflate information balloons. Moreover, in terms of looting, African Americans need to learn from them - our methods are more subtle. They would not be released from the bridle until they once again gouged the country with their hysterics.

In general, purely ideologically, it's high time for us to announce: “Guys, the West has gone mad and is in the grip of bloody surrealism. We are not on the road with them. We acknowledge their accomplishments but despise their new reality. Whoever considers them to be lights, let him bring down there - wash the blacks' feet. And we will develop our real reality, and make the country powerful again”.