The Pentagon Has Admitted The Existence Of A Secret Superplane RS-85 Aurora - Alternative View

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The Pentagon Has Admitted The Existence Of A Secret Superplane RS-85 Aurora - Alternative View
The Pentagon Has Admitted The Existence Of A Secret Superplane RS-85 Aurora - Alternative View

Video: The Pentagon Has Admitted The Existence Of A Secret Superplane RS-85 Aurora - Alternative View

Video: The Pentagon Has Admitted The Existence Of A Secret Superplane RS-85 Aurora - Alternative View
Video: Russian spy plane flies over sensitive U.S. military sites 2024, September

A press release issued today by the Department of Defense states that the US Air Force operated the RS-85 Aurora "manned strategic reconnaissance aircraft" under the strictest secrecy from 1993 to 2018.

In aerospace journalism circles, there have long been rumors about the existence of a similar aircraft at the Pentagon. And only now all the secret has become clear - the existence of the RS-85 Aurora has been officially confirmed.

In today's press release, the aircraft is described as "a manned strategic reconnaissance aircraft equipped with a ramjet engine capable of operating at speeds and altitudes unavailable to other aircraft."

The DoD issue also notes that “the aircraft had a top speed exceeding Mach 6 and used improved sensors. The aircraft also used the technology of the visual and infrared light spectrum with a low degree of observability. That is, in other words, the RS-85 Aurora was invisible to the human eye, even if it hung directly over their heads.

According to Pentagon spokesman Luc Mentira, “This type was known as the RS-85, which grew out of the DOLOS project in the early 1980s. Its declassification follows its decommissioning. Most likely this week there will be a farewell public presentation of the aircraft."

According to longtime aviation researcher and black projects expert Bob Valet, “this is the most exciting aerospace news I've ever heard! To keep such a plane a secret for 30 years !? This is overwhelming. Moreover, the technologies mentioned are far ahead of everything we expected. I'm really amazed."

Thus, it appears that in the 1990s the RS-85 Aurora replaced the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird, an aircraft capable of three times the speed of sound and practically out of service.


Promotional video:

Until now, there has been no official recognition of the existence of the RS-85 DOLOS. It is believed that Project DOLOS was a continuation of the secret Aurora project, a 1980s military program that was accidentally mentioned in the budget report, leading to speculations (which have now proven to be true) that the Pentagon had a hypersonic spy plane.

It is estimated that at least one in five retired aircraft will be sent to the National Museum of the United States Air Force in Dayton, Ohio.

Editorial comment

Aviation experts have no doubt for many years that the Pentagon has a successor to the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird, since an aircraft of this design was repeatedly observed back in the 1990s. The glider itself was not visible, but numerous witnesses photographed and filmed very strange jet exhaust left by an incomprehensible object, analyzing which it was possible to say something about the characteristics of the new aircraft.

However, as perfect as the RS-85 Aurora was, it was hardly a full-fledged aircraft put into service. Lockheed SR-71, despite the enormous cost at that time, despite the numerous unresolved problems, was produced in an amount of 32 pieces. At the same time, its kind of successor exists in the amount of 5 copies, so we are most likely talking about an experimental model. And in fact, there is much, much more hidden behind this project.

So, if the Pentagon was able to keep an aircraft flying at Mach 6 in secret for almost 30 years, then what kind of secrecy should surround TR-3B vehicles capable of flying at Mach 50-70 !? Moreover, judging by the few eyewitness accounts, they are able to pick up such speed from a standstill.

The only thing that puzzles everyone is the DoD release date, that is, April 1, 2019. April 1 is a special day when newspapers can easily report on the alien landing. However, the Pentagon is not a tabloid newspaper. If, for example, on April 1, the US Air Force decides to "imitate" a missile attack on China or Russia, April 2 will not be a fun day, but a very sad day, so any "jokes" from the Pentagon are excluded. Rather, it is about something else.

Today everyone can see how aggravated the situation around North Korea, Venezuela and Syria, where the United States recognized Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights. All opponents of the Pentagon are now rattling hypersounds and flexing other military muscles. In this situation, the Pentagon also decided to strain something, demonstrating a superplane, which no one has, but which, nevertheless, the Pentagon wrote off as "morally obsolete." This will surely make US opponents think about what the Pentagon still has up its sleeve, and then think about the prospect of meeting Comrade Xi Jinping's Falcons with TR-3B in the skies over Taiwan.

That is, the Pentagon is giving everyone a threatening and warning sign. At the same time, the sign was given on April 1, and therefore the United States has a kind of room for maneuver. That is, although the sign is given, nevertheless, you can always tell that it was an April Fool's joke and that the United States does not seem to have any RS-85 Aurora (especially TR-3B!).