The History Of The Sumerian Civilization - Alternative View

The History Of The Sumerian Civilization - Alternative View
The History Of The Sumerian Civilization - Alternative View

Video: The History Of The Sumerian Civilization - Alternative View

Video: The History Of The Sumerian Civilization - Alternative View
Video: How Did it Begin? Totally Odd Sumerian Genesis | Surprising Result Shows Another History is At Play 2024, September

It arose out of nowhere, and to this day, little can be said about the Sumerians. The Sumerians have invented many valuable inventions for the whole world. Writing, various agricultural implements, brewing, and the wheel are considered the inventions of the Sumerians.

The amazing thing is how the Sumerians were able to do all this many millennia ago. The Sumerian civilization is the most ancient civilization and undoubtedly amazing. There is even a hypothesis that they met with an extraterrestrial civilization.

Their knowledge today puzzles scientists - the Sumerians used a ternary computation system, had incredible knowledge of chemistry, physics, astronomy and knew the Fibonacci numbers. Their knowledge was really great. It is believed that the Sumerians knew about the existence of Pluto, Uranus, and that their knowledge of mathematics could go beyond even the knowledge that we have today.

They had choices by which they chose who would rule them, they even had a jury. The Sumerians were protected because they had rights.

Their first settlements appeared 4 thousand years BC, developed rapidly and managed to turn into city-states, independent of each other.


They start to fight each other. The main Sumerian cities were Nipur, Eridu, Kish, Lagash, Ur. At the head of each major city was a ruler or ruler - a priest or a king and a deity. The Sumerians traded a lot among themselves, as well as with India and Egypt. The Sumerian civilization was rich and for this reason they were often attacked by the Persian tribes.

King Uruk Ur gains power in Sumer around 2600 BC, and Lugalanemund, who is the next ruler, manages to add Sumerian lands from the Mediterranean to Iran, and King Uma - Lugalzagessi also manages to reach the Persian Gulf.

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Sargon the Great created the world's first empire. He conquered most of Sumer in the middle of the 3rd millennium BC.

Sumer was finally conquered in the second millennium BC by the Babylonian Empire, which grew and gained strength very quickly.