UFOs, Aliens And .. Sun (individual Matches) - Alternative View

UFOs, Aliens And .. Sun (individual Matches) - Alternative View
UFOs, Aliens And .. Sun (individual Matches) - Alternative View

Video: UFOs, Aliens And .. Sun (individual Matches) - Alternative View

Video: UFOs, Aliens And .. Sun (individual Matches) - Alternative View
Video: Top Secret UFO Projects: Declassified | Official Trailer | Netflix 2024, September

I'll start with a message posted on the forum:

The image has a symbol of either the Sun or the stars. If the sun is depicted, then perhaps the creature is associated with the cult of the sun god. A figurine depicting a strange creature.

One may think that the indicated coincidences have quite material, real reasons.

Since the increase in the number of various UFOs sometimes coincides with the increase in the activity of the Sun, that is, it follows with a frequency of approximately 11 years.

First, it follows from the description of the number of observations of various UFOs from 1935 to 2011 according to the "Cosmopoisk" data.


Secondly, according to Vladimir Azhazhi, the years of the highest activity of flying saucers in the USSR fell on 1967-1968, 1976-1978 and 1989 [1] (list of references below). We look: 1989 -1978 = 11; 1978 -1967 = 11.

Third, there is a revelation of the military geophysicist Alexander Plaksin:

“As a military geophysicist, 15 years dealing with anomalous phenomena, I responsibly declare that 80 percent of all UFOs are natural plasma formations. Using a specially developed technique, we compared the state of the Sun and the time of UFO appearance. It was found that under certain conditions, the flow of solar radiation breaks through the protective magnetic field of the Earth and takes on a variety of forms, affecting devices and people. This is how unidentified objects appear. " [2].

Fourth, surprisingly, the same can be seen in the statistics of Larry Hutch (USA), which was published by Mikhail Gershtein - "Russian UFO Digest" # 30, February 2002!

Promotional video:


If we compare the number of statements about the observation of "aliens" (UFO pilots?) Over decades according to Larry Hutch's data (N) with the change in the number of groups of "dark spots" on the Sun (Rg) according to the data of MEPhI professor Boris Luchkov (Science and Life No. 3, 2006, p. 61).

For example, it can be seen that the largest number of sunspot groups in 1960, Rg = 190, corresponds to the record number of reports of the invasion of "humanoids" by 1960 N = 669 (table and diagram above).

To the “aliens” that had become “reconciled” by 1970 in the amount of N = 377, there was a decrease in the number of sunspot groups in 1970 to Rg = 110.

Further, by 1980 and 2000, the number of sunspot groups equalized Rg = 160. In the same period, the number of "humanoids" with UFOs was also practically "exactly": N = 178 and 187.

It is clear that Professor Boris Luchkov was not interested in aliens at all, but in the dependence of the change in the strength of hurricanes on the number of sunspots he discovered. This means that sightings of aliens on UFOs (read: aliens, gods, demons) could be closely related to climate change! What was a vital observation for the ancient agrarians: many ancient civilizations degraded precisely because of the onset of drought.

Moreover, the indicated 11-year interval is also a historiometric period in the teachings of the brilliant biophysicist, Academician Alexander Chizhevsky! That is, the observation of aliens is organically woven into the history of the Earth.


1. Azhazha V. "Earth is a reservation of aliens" // "Arguments and facts" No. 28, July 10, 2002. - [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.aif.ru/archive/1627632 (public access 20.012019).

2. “UFOs helped the Americans create a superweapon” (interview with A. Plaksin) // “Komsomolskaya Pravda” May 31, 2002. - [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.kp.by/daily/22560/17837/ (public access 2019-20-01).
