Bears And Medicine - Alternative View

Bears And Medicine - Alternative View
Bears And Medicine - Alternative View

Video: Bears And Medicine - Alternative View

Video: Bears And Medicine - Alternative View
Video: Unedited Footage of a Bear | Infomercials | Adult Swim 2024, September

People have long understood what the word "Bear" means - in charge of honey. In Ukraine, in principle, it is called WEDMED, which is much more obvious.

Bears have many names and almost all of them are nicknames. Dahl in his explanatory dictionary gives the following names: “biryuk (more often the wolf is called that), ayu (Simbirskoe), aev (Tatar), beast, black beast, pawed beast, forester, ramen (ramenie is a dark-dark dense spruce forest), Urmanny (Tatar), lomaka, lomyga, chiropractor, Mikhailo Ivanovich Toptygin, clubfoot, scanty, kutsyk, shaggy, kosmach, shaggy, mohnach, leshak, goblin, forest devil, black sickness, bear, bear, potapych, sergatsky arkhimandrite, forest archimandrite"

But this image of "Bear loves honey very much" is a little naive, because honey is NOT the basis of the Bear's diet. It is a fact. The clubfoot is omnivorous. He is said to be 90% vegetarian. Leaves, berries, roots, stems - everything goes for the future. Despite this, the bear can just as easily devour a large animal. “A bear eats a cow, but it happens to be hungry,” people say. Or "The Bear Broke the Cow" - from the same opera.

From the site

They love honey and identify it by its smell. But, most likely, there are many bears in the world who have never eaten honey at all.

If we proceed from the logic that the BEAR was nicknamed so only because he allegedly "knows honey", then it was not easier to call the Bees "Bears" ?! No, seriously … They really know them!

In Russia, honey is more than just a sweet dish. Honey drinks have been infused for decades and were of great value. As a result, any intoxicating drink became "honey". And any such drink was a product of herbs and fruits.

They are also used in traditional medicine. Herbs, roots, leaves, flowers, dew, honey are the basis of quackery. Honey is the embodiment of all these means. Honey is an IMAGE of traditional medicine and a universal additive to any remedy. Honey was added everywhere in the treatment. This is its main value.

Promotional video:

It is believed that the word Medicine is not Russian, it comes from the old French “MEDECINE”, which in turn is from the Latin “MEDICINA” (treatment) with the root “MEDICUS” (doctor). But why not assume that this word is based on the root "Honey" (mead, medu, mjöðr, mjød, mede, metu, met, miód, mjod, medùs). The second root is "rank", which is in both "man-rank" and "woman", and is generally responsible for "beginnings" (from the Greek "gen" - genus). That is, “medicine” is like “honey beginning” or, more simply, “from honey”.

Accordingly, a bear who is in charge of Honey is in fact in charge of both herbs and plants, which is evident from its diet.

And this is confirmed by Indian beliefs. Here are some of them:

Here's a bear. Medic! Witch Doctor! It is not for nothing that Siberian shamans have a bear's paw or claw as a valuable attribute in treating a patient.
