The Ball Of The Soul Or How The French Researcher Studied The Phenomenon Of Phantom-twins - Alternative View

The Ball Of The Soul Or How The French Researcher Studied The Phenomenon Of Phantom-twins - Alternative View
The Ball Of The Soul Or How The French Researcher Studied The Phenomenon Of Phantom-twins - Alternative View

Video: The Ball Of The Soul Or How The French Researcher Studied The Phenomenon Of Phantom-twins - Alternative View

Video: The Ball Of The Soul Or How The French Researcher Studied The Phenomenon Of Phantom-twins - Alternative View
Video: "Science and the taboo of psi" with Dean Radin 2024, September

The French specialist in hypnosis and researcher of various psychic phenomena Hector Durville (1849-1923) became famous at the beginning of the twentieth century for the fact that he managed, in the course of a large series of experiments, to explain the nature of human phantom-twins.

Durville has written and published a book about his unique pioneering research in this area. The book was soon translated into Russian and appeared on the book shelves in Russia in 1915.

"Cases of the" bifurcation "of a person, - writes Durville in it, - are extremely numerous for all times and among all peoples, and stories about them are intertwined with stories about ghosts, ghosts and the dead."

Having become interested in the phenomenon of "bifurcation", the French researcher undertook an extraordinary study of the phenomenon. Durville himself summed up the results of his research efforts in the following words: “From the psychic point of view, the visible body is only an instrument of the invisible body. The latter revives the former; it contains consciousness. These two elements of our individuality can be separated during a person's life and studied even at a distance, independently of each other."

G. Durville conducted experiments with mediums, that is, with people with pronounced paranormal abilities. Today such people are called psychics of the highest category.

He immersed the medium, one or another, into hypnosis, and then asked the hypnotized to release his double from the body, but not to interrupt his connection with him. Following this, the medium, floating in a hypnotic trance, was asked questions about what he senses, sees and hears.

Without exception, all hypnotized mediums outlined the same picture, which they perceived with their inner mediumistic gaze.

Two transparent luminous columns appeared behind the medium. After a while, they came into motion, approached and then merged with each other into one common column.

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After some time, a process began inside the column, which G. Durville called "thickening". The shimmering clouds that floated in clubs in the column darkened, thickened, and the column soon transformed into a ghost - an exact copy of the hypnotized medium's double.

The double was always connected to the medium's body by a translucent shimmery cord of silvery color. This cord, very thick at the beginning of the twinning process, was made by the end of the process as thick as the little finger.


We emphasize that the phantom was observed only by a clairvoyant medium floating in a trance. He was invisible to all other people. However, it soon became clear that the location of the ghost, invisible to all other people, can be determined using instruments.

Having determined the place where the double was, G. Durville or one of his assistants struck with a fist a blow on the "void" - approximately in the hip area of the invisible double of the medium. Almost immediately, a bruise appeared on the hip of the medium, who was groaning painfully, exactly where his double received a fist blow. If the double was pricked with a needle, a puncture on the skin appeared immediately in the appropriate place on the body of the medium.

The experiments were somewhat complicated. Two mediums at once participated in each of them. One was immersed in hypnosis, and he gave his testimony in a trance about what was happening. And the second clairvoyant, a medium in clear consciousness, meanwhile, "turning on" his inner vision, also reported, in turn, about his own observations.

Both of the mediums involved in the experiments reported, in particular, one of their joint, extremely interesting observation. They saw above the shining head of the ghost double "like a brilliant ball of bright color, throwing rays in all directions."

- What is this ball? Durville asked the clairvoyant Madame François, who was in a hypnotic trance.

The clairvoyant replied without the slightest hesitation:

- This is the abode of thought and will. It is sometimes called the “crystal of the human soul”.

The ball was connected to the twin's head by a shiny cord, thin and silvery.

Another clairvoyant Mrs. Lembert during one of the experiments, like Mrs. Francois, saw that "a large shiny ball hovers over the head of a ghost."

“It is connected to a ghost,” she added, “by a very shiny cord of fluid matter.

Durville immediately inquired:

- What is the purpose of this ball in the everyday life of a person?

“This is the abode of the will,” Madame Lember said in response.

So, two definitions are given to the mysterious ball - "the abode of thought and will" and "the abode of the will." Both definitions are rather vague, vague, and they can be interpreted in any way.

But now the psychiatrist G. Durville and his assistants are conducting a new experiment with the new clairvoyant Mrs. Edme. And - a sensation! The mystery of the mysterious ball is partly no longer a mystery. Mrs. Edme gives a detailed, although, unfortunately, not at all exhaustive information about the nature of the ball, and not only about it. The statement made by Madame Edme under hypnosis seems to me to be so fundamental in nature that I will quote it here in full.

“The physical body is not important,” says Mrs. Edme. - It's nothing. And the ghost is everything. But this is not an easy thing. There is a very shiny ball in it, inside it, which gives off rays. The ball and the ghost are independent of each other and can be separated. The ball has the same color as the ghost, but incomparably more beautiful.


G. Durville asks Madame Edme, swimming in a deep hypnotic trance:

- Where is this ball? In the head, chest, or belly of a ghost?

- He's in the stomach.

- What happens when we die? - the researcher asks a new question.

- But we are not dying!

- And what happens with physical death?

- The ghost separates from the body and leaves it. However, after a while, it disintegrates. But the ball remains …

In another session of hypnosis, Durville asked the clairvoyant Madame Francois:

- How long does this ball exist after the death of the physical body?

- He always lives, - answered the clairvoyant …

The conclusion from all that has been told suggests itself. The electromagnetic twin of a person secretly for the latter lives in his physical body throughout the life of this very person. On the one hand, according to my guess, it serves as a bioenergetic "frame" of the physical body, along the "strings", "channels", "tubes" of which, as I understand it, the main bioenergetic processes in the human body proceed.

On the other hand, he is at the same time a "spacesuit" for a "very shiny ball", this kind of "control center" of each human individual. The ball is located inside the "spacesuit" in the stomach area.

After a person's physical death, his bioenergetic "frame", or double, loses its functional significance. The need for it disappears, because the physical body exhausts its resources and, having exhausted them, dies. The bioenergetic "frame", which has become an unnecessary thing in nature, soon falls apart and melts in the air. But the ball, in contrast to it, rushes away somewhere. And - the most important clarification made by Mrs. Edme: "He always lives."

At Durville's request, clairvoyant mediums sent their ghost counterparts to neighboring rooms, to neighboring houses, and even to travel around the city. What their counterparts saw during such travels was told during hypnosis sessions by female mediums.

Further, sometimes difficult checks showed that the verbal descriptions corresponded to reality. As it turned out, the ghost-double could move away from the medium for an almost unlimited distance, but the silvery cord that connected it with the medium never broke.