About The Unenviable Fate Of The Freemasons - Alternative View

About The Unenviable Fate Of The Freemasons - Alternative View
About The Unenviable Fate Of The Freemasons - Alternative View

Video: About The Unenviable Fate Of The Freemasons - Alternative View

Video: About The Unenviable Fate Of The Freemasons - Alternative View
Video: Q&A: "Are the Freemasons & illuminati the Opposite to Sufi Tarikats?" 2024, September

Despite an active propaganda campaign designed to instill a pseudo-skeptical attitude towards the existence of various secret orders and organizations of various occult persuasions, they themselves do not really hide their presence, apparently, relying on the completely "brainwashed" of the common people. But even many of the simple members of these societies, who have not yet reached the highest levels in their hierarchy, do not even know who they actually serve, who and for what purpose created all these societies, who uses them by deception in their ingenious "game" and what are its ultimate goals?

Answers to all these questions are given by the Russian traveler, biologist and anthropologist G. Sidorov in his book "The Radiance of the Supreme Gods and the Crackers." Here is his dialogue with two Siberian hermits there you can read:

- So you want to say, - I turned the conversation to another topic. - That Satan himself is hiding under the high-frequency global screen?

- That's right! Under the dome, he feels confident, because he feels the support of those who created him.

- Lizardheads? And I thought it was a sinful thing that they were the Devil?

- The creatures in question are below their invention.

- How much lower ?!

“The fall, like the rise, is endless, my friend. They created their own egregor on Earth and they skillfully conduct it.

Promotional video:

- Out of the ground?

- Partly, out of the ground, partly, with the help of their genetic henchmen, the so-called Illuminati - crafters. Reptiles in the form of a man. For more than a dozen years, lizardheads have been working on the creation of the latter. This is true, by the way. The Illuminati, in turn, rely on a network of Masonic lodges. But you should know that not all Masonic lodges are pivotal. Those through which the direct control of the planet goes. Most of them are camouflage or decoys. These are the ones that are made up of Europeans, Asians or Latinos. Only Jewish lodges are core. But they also have their own hierarchy, where the main lodges are considered, consisting of Asian and African "God's chosen", those who have genes in their chromosomes of their masters - the Anunnaki. In the future, according to their plan, it is these, real Jews,they are also called Sephardic, and not European, must come to power over the goyim of the planet.

- Tell him everything about their plans. Do not be limited to general phrases, - the owner of the skete moved to the edge of the furnace. - He must know everything. The milestone has long been passed.

- Yes, I know, don't worry, Dadonych. I'll tell him everything, in order, just don't bother me. About Masonic lodges, you should know this: pivotal, those through which there is a direct influence on the power structures, it is from them that the especially proven ones move up. So in all countries, everywhere and everywhere.

“Wherever they can,” Dadonych added from his rostrum.

- The rest of the Masonic lodges are listed among the core ones, as if in reserve. They are relied on as a last resort. For example, if a Jewish protégé was identified and he urgently needs to be replaced not by a Jew, but by his own. At the same time, the Masons from the camouflage corps are a kind of cover. If the persecution of the Freemasons begins, they are framed, they hide behind. Everything is done to save the network of core lodges. For the salvation of the Sephardic Masons.

- From what you told me, I understood that the Masons from non-Jewish lodges are unaware of their true destiny?

“Of course they don’t suspect. Otherwise, they would have raised a riot, and the Masonic project would have turned to dust. The exposure of the core Jewish lodges would immediately lead to their death. Why? Yes, because this is an obvious undisguised racism, where a small, energetic and cohesive ethnos, hiding behind “God's chosenness”, mind you, which no one has yet proved, is trying to impose its will on all of humanity. And now I'll tell you the most important thing. What I asked for

Dadonych. Have you heard the myth of the "golden billion"?

- I've heard it more than once.

- So, there will be no “golden billion”. Let the Anglo-Saxons not flatter themselves. According to the plan of the Illuminati, after the death, or rather the dissolution of the white race in the ocean of colored hybrids, the systematic destruction of the latter will begin, all to one. You see, everyone: blacks, and Papuans, and Arabs, and wild Australians, and Indians, and Hispanics, and hybrid Europeans … All at the root! For this, all types of weapons will be used: from viral-bacteriological to genetic. Each race and even each ethnic group has its own death. These deaths are already being worked out. This is done in secret specialized institutions that finance well-known Illuminati banking houses. There is no need to create any illusions about the "golden billion". This is another sneaky deception. Deception of the entire civilization of people.

- Some kind of nightmare! - I could not resist. - Who will remain on Earth then? Reptilians and their allies alone?

- The Illuminati will remain, the same reptiles only in the form of a man and Sephardi Jews from the core Masonic lodges. In both, the Annunaki genes are concentrated in the nuclei of cells. Only the former have more of them, while the latter have somewhat less.

- And what will happen to camouflage masons and European Jews?

- When the deed is done, the Anglo-Saxon, Russian, German, French, in a word, all non-Jewish Masons will be immediately destroyed. They will no longer be needed. Only the Ashkinazi Jews of Khazar origin will be left alive. Although they are Jews, there is no "noble" reptilian blood in their blood, it was decided to convert such into slaves. According to the calculations of the Illuminati and their owners, there will be no more than six hundred thousand Jews on Earth. Those who have the blood of conquerors in their veins. Five times more will remain in slaves. All of them will be chipped and connected to a special computer.

- Than to live like that, it is better to die! I remarked.

“You’re right, death is better than feeling like an electronic appendage of the reptilian civilization,” Svetozar said with a constellation."

Thus, one can clearly see what fate the lizardheads and their servants from the world "elite" are preparing us for and what fate many representatives of secret societies and special services serving these non-humans are preparing for themselves. It's time for people to open their eyes to the essence of the processes taking place all over the world. The plans of the lizardheads do not envisage keeping alive those in whom there are no reptilian genes, and therefore - people. That is why we are poisoned with GMOs and chemtrails, forced to do vaccinations that kill our immunity, and under any pretext, they are being stuffed with vaccines that lead to infertility. And this is all not counting the imposition of homosexuality, drug addiction, alcoholism and other "gifts" from the "new world order". And the chipping processes are already visible to the naked eye. And if people do not "wake up" and do not try to destroy the anti-human plans of the deceit,then after a while there will be no people on our planet.

G. Sidorov