Is It True That You Need To Drink 2 Liters Of Water A Day? - Alternative View

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Is It True That You Need To Drink 2 Liters Of Water A Day? - Alternative View
Is It True That You Need To Drink 2 Liters Of Water A Day? - Alternative View

Video: Is It True That You Need To Drink 2 Liters Of Water A Day? - Alternative View

Video: Is It True That You Need To Drink 2 Liters Of Water A Day? - Alternative View
Video: Drink 2 Liters Of Water A Day-This Is Not True | Dr. Vivek 2024, September

Did you know that a newly born newborn is 80% water? With age, the amount of water in the human body significantly decreases to 45 - 60%, which negatively affects the general state of health. It is believed that the norm of the liquid drunk per day is approximately 2 liters of water, but is this really so?

Why does the human body need water?

Water is a colorless liquid without any specific smell or taste. Despite its simplicity, H2O is one of the main chemical elements that support life on our planet. So, in the human body, it is water that regulates the heat balance, is responsible for proper digestion and removal of toxic substances, and also participates in the construction of muscle tissue and in the synthesis of certain body substances. In the event of an imbalance in the water balance, the cells of our body gradually lose the accumulated moisture, which is caused by such natural body processes as breathing, sweating and urination. Severe dehydration can not only disrupt vital processes in the cells, but also lead to the death of the body as a whole.

How much water should you drink per day?

Despite the fact that it is now widely accepted that the habit of drinking 2 liters of clean water per day is the key to good health, it can be quite difficult to implement such an idea in practice. The fact is that the rate of fluid intake for each person is different and directly depends on the gender, age and even the physical condition of the individual. Scientists claim that an excess of water in the body can negatively affect the performance of the heart and kidneys, causing them to overload; in addition, the presence of a large amount of fluid in the human body leads to an increase in protein breakdown and leaching of useful salts and minerals from the body.


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The existing opinion that we should consume at least two liters of clean water per day may be fundamentally wrong.

As mentioned above, the rate of consumption of clean drinking water by one person or another per day depends on a large number of factors. So, a change in the drinking regime can occur due to a change in the climate of the place of residence, the appearance of any chronic diseases, and even with a person gaining or losing weight.

The daily intake of pure water can vary depending on the weight of a person
The daily intake of pure water can vary depending on the weight of a person

The daily intake of pure water can vary depending on the weight of a person.

As you can see from the table above, the rate of water consumption varies greatly depending on the person's weight. In addition, when calculating the approximate volume of fluid required for the body, you should also take into account the level of physical activity that most often prevails in you. So, if you are engaged in physical labor or sports, the loss of fluid in your body can reach a record 10 liters per day, which indicates the need for a significant increase in the level of consumption of pure water.

Changes in climate or seasons also require you to rethink your personal drinking schedule. The onset of summer heat increases the risk of dehydration, which is especially poorly tolerated by people with cardiovascular disease. As paradoxical as it may sound, doctors may even limit the use of fluids for patients with hypertension, as well as for those suffering from liver and kidney diseases.

In any case, the benefits of water for the human body cannot be underestimated. Its reasonable use allows you to restore the cellular connections disturbed by the imbalance of fluid in the body, improve the condition of the skin and even get rid of headaches. The main thing is to listen to your body and learn to recognize its needs in a timely manner.

Daria Eletskaya