Project "Borghild": Aryan Sex Doll For Wehrmacht Soldiers - Alternative View

Project "Borghild": Aryan Sex Doll For Wehrmacht Soldiers - Alternative View
Project "Borghild": Aryan Sex Doll For Wehrmacht Soldiers - Alternative View

Video: Project "Borghild": Aryan Sex Doll For Wehrmacht Soldiers - Alternative View

Video: Project
Video: Borghild Project 2024, September

If you investigate the origin of the legendary Barbie, then her "grandmother" was Borghild - a sex doll specially created by order of Hitler for the soldiers of the German army.

Writer Donald Graham wrote about the Borghild project while researching the origins of the Barbie doll: he found out that the Americans Ruth and Elliot Handler created the legendary toy after visiting Germany in 1956, where they bought Borghild's daughter Lilly, which was sold in adult and night stores. clubs. Graham included a story about this in his historical collection "Bradobrai Mussolini".

Having occupied France in 1940, the Nazi soldiers, of course, did not avoid contact with local prostitutes, which led to a general epidemic of syphilis among the troops. It was unreasonable to prohibit the use of the services of "night butterflies", and Hitler instructed Himmler to develop a project to create the first artificial woman who could satisfy the sexual needs of soldiers without harm to their health.

According to journalist Norbert Lenz, the document he discovered said: “The biggest danger in Paris is the uncontrolled proliferation of corrupt women who find customers in bars, at dances and elsewhere. It is our duty to prevent the military from risking their health for short intrigues."

Franz Chackert with a mannequin
Franz Chackert with a mannequin

Franz Chackert with a mannequin.

The doll was supposed to be compact in order to fit in a soldier's backpack when folded. The developer had to pay special attention to the appearance of the doll - it had to be a true Aryan: blonde, blue-eyed, with very white skin. The doll should be 176 cm tall, and her chest and lips should be full and beautiful.

Nazi psychiatrist Rudolf Chargeheimer wrote: “The purpose of these dolls is to help our soldiers. They need to fight, not hunt foreign women and mix their blood with strangers. However, no man would prefer a doll to a living woman."

Of course, this is so, unless the doll is of high quality. To overcome the likely reluctance of soldiers to use an artificial woman, Chargeheimer called three main qualities of the doll very important:

Promotional video:

1. The skin of the "Aryan" should feel like real.

2. The doll's body should be easy to bend, flexible, with bendable legs and arms.

3. Genital organs realistic to the touch.

For the development of the doll, Franz Chackert was invited, who created a previously anatomically correct fully transparent mannequin, which was exhibited in the German Museum of Hygiene and which caused a sensation in 1930.

Kathe von Nagy
Kathe von Nagy

Kathe von Nagy.

Everything was clear with the body and its parameters, it remained to find a prototype of a woman whose face would be liked by all the soldiers, without exception. At first, the developers wanted to make a doll with the face of Kathe von Nagy, an actress and beauties of Hungarian descent. Unfortunately, she refused to be a prototype, so the development team used psychological tests to determine which facial features were most attractive to the soldiers. For this they chose 10 women faces and, as a result, formed a "fictional face of lust itself."



Borghild's hair was kept short - she was not supposed to be feminine. According to the developers, it was unnecessary. Fighting girlfriend - that's Boghild's destiny. In designing the doll's body, Chuckert used plaster casts from the bodies of living athletes - Wilhelmina von Bremen and Annette Walter. However, the casts made disappointed the craftsmen - they did not look proper. The legs were short, the back was too skinny. I had to stop at a stylized image of a woman with a good athletic figure.


For the first time the dolls were tested "in action" in the German garrison of Fr. Jersey in 1941. A large batch of such dolls was ordered for Hitler's personal guard, but a year later the project was frozen. The soldiers refused to carry these fake women in their backpacks. As a result, the idea fizzled out, and dolls were no longer supplied to Hitler's army.

Ruth and Elliot Handler
Ruth and Elliot Handler

Ruth and Elliot Handler.

Borghild became the inspiration for Lilly, a sex doll that the Americans Ruth and Elliot Handler created after visiting Germany in 1956. Lilly was launched and sold in nightclubs and American adult stores. And only then, on its basis, Barbie was created - a favorite doll of millions of girls around the world.
