The Degenerate Swedish Girl As A New Banner Of Global Insanity - Alternative View

The Degenerate Swedish Girl As A New Banner Of Global Insanity - Alternative View
The Degenerate Swedish Girl As A New Banner Of Global Insanity - Alternative View

Video: The Degenerate Swedish Girl As A New Banner Of Global Insanity - Alternative View

Video: The Degenerate Swedish Girl As A New Banner Of Global Insanity - Alternative View

Once upon a time there was a strange girl named Greta Tintin Eleanor Ernman Thunberg. When she was 11, she fell into an all-encompassing depression, stopped going to school for a while, stopped talking, stopped eating. Soon doctors diagnosed Greta and her younger sister Beata with a painterly diagnosis: Asperger's syndrome (autistic psychopathy), obsessive-compulsive disorder (an inherited mental illness characterized by obsessive thoughts, pathological fears, obsessive and tedious actions of the same type), ADHD (attention deficit disorder), selective mutism (constant inability to speak in special social situations).

Climate change has become Greta's obsession. Here, of course, the girl's observation of the activities of her parents engaged in left-liberal activism in terms of ecology (with a fixation on the topic of climate), as well as the struggle to expand immigration and the rights of mental patients, affected. A few words about parents: father - actor Svante Fritz Wilhelm Ernman Thunberg (descendant of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry-1903 Svante August Arrhenius, who played a major role in the refusal of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to approve the decision of the Nobel Committee to award the Nobel Prize and Nobel Prize 1905 Chemistry Prize-1906 to the great Russian scientist Dmitry Mendeleev), mother is an opera singer, participant of Eurovision-2009 Malena Ernman, aka Sara Magdalena Ernman.

Because of her illness, Greta can concentrate on one task for many years - and that's it, even a flood. Having heard environmental stories, she devoted herself entirely, with fanatical zeal, to this topic. Refused meat, fish, dairy products, seafood, eggs, honey, leather goods, fur, silk, wool and other materials of animal origin. Forced her family members to go vegan, install solar panels in the house, move within accessible limits exclusively on bicycles and refuse to fly on airplanes (which, of course, negatively affected my mother's musical career), since airplanes leave too much carbon footprint. And in addition, she forced the Rodakov to give the country villa as a shelter for "refugees".

On August 20, 2018, 15-year-old Greta Thunberg refused to go to school until politicians pay attention to the problem of global warming. She put up a poster with the slogan Skolstrejk For Klimate, printed out a bunch of flyers with short explanatory text, and sat on the cobblestones outside the Riksdag / Parliament building. It would seem: so what? Who cares about the freaky teenager's quirks?

But on the same day, the girl at the Riksdag was promoted by social networks. By the end of the week, dozens and dozens of the same schizos joined her. The largest Swedish media spoke about the "strike". Grete's support was expressed by many parliamentarians from the ruling Social Democratic Labor Party of Sweden, the Green Party, the Left Party, and the Center Party.


On September 8, Greta announced that she did not intend to stop, proclaimed indefinite "Fridays for the Future", called on everyone in the world to join her fight. Indeed, young activists began to hold protests everywhere near parliamentary complexes and other administrative buildings, posting reports on Instagram under the hashtags #Fridaysforfuture and #Climatestrike. British, American, German, Canadian, Dutch, Australian, Danish, Finnish, Austrian, Czech, Japanese, Swiss, New Zealand, Colombian and other schoolchildren began to skip classes and take to the streets on Fridays. A lot of students were added to them. According to Greta, due to the intensification of the climate crisis, education is becoming meaningless. Her parents hastily wrote and published a book called Scenes from the Heart, which tells abouthow mental disorders of children made them "think about the health of the planet" even more. The Swedish liberal think tank Fores included her in the expert council.

In December 2018, Thunberg made two appearances at the UN and met with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, who approved the "school climate strikes." In January 2019, she attended the Davos Forum and, to the applause of the global political and business establishment, called for decisive action: “You say that life is not black and white. But that's a lie. Either we will prevent 1.5 ° C of warming, or we will not. I want you to act as if our house is on fire. Because this is what is happening now. " In February 2019, the young environmentalist spoke at a conference of the European Socio-Economic Committee.

Promotional video:


Her endeavor spreads like a virus. On March 15, 2019, within the framework of the next “school strike for climate”, about 2 thousand actions were held in 123 countries; the number of participants was 1.6 million. German Chancellor Angela Merkel called these events "a very good initiative." Former US President Barack Obama wrote a laudatory tweet about "courageous, dedicated young leaders like 16-year-old Greta Thunberg, whose protests outside the Swedish parliament led to the creation of the movement."

On March 29-31, 2019, she visited Berlin, where she performed in front of a crowd of 25,000 gathered in front of the Brandenburg Gate. Received a special prize at the Golden Camera German Film and Television Awards. In early April, it made a splash in the British House of Commons, after which Michael Gove (Minister of Environment, Food and Social Development in the cabinet of Theresa May, a self-proclaimed Zionist and ex-cocaine addict, one of the leaders of the current election race for the British Prime Minister) excitedly said: When I listened to you, I felt not only admiration, but also a sense of responsibility and guilt. I realized that our actions were not enough. Thanks to Greta, it became clear to me that it was time to act."

In the same month, to a storm of applause, she addressed the European Parliament in Strasbourg, criticizing those present for "three urgent summits due to Brexit and zero urgent summits due to climate and environmental destruction." In May, she participated in a Vienna conference organized by former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in order to accelerate the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement (as you know, on June 1, 2017, Donald Trump officially announced the US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement; Russia signed the agreement, but did not ratify it). At this conference, Greta met again with Guterres, met with Schwarzenegger, the "green" Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen.

She met with Pope Francis and Jean-Claude Juncker, she is admired by Hollywood stars and giant media holdings. The artist Jacques Tilly presented the activists with an eerie sculptural composition depicting the evil Greta holding two man and woman by her ears in the air, with the words “parent generation” in it. Thunberg was named Sweden's Woman of the Year and was named one of the 100 Most Influential People of 2019 by the most popular American magazine Time. On June 7, Amnesty International (sponsored by the European Commission, a number of Western governments, the Clinton clan, and others) presented Greta with the highest AI award - Ambassador of Conscience.

Journalists line up to interview her. She always looks unusually focused, stubborn. "Greta uses complex political terms with surprising ease," observes The Telegraph. The girl claims that she herself writes her numerous speeches. She carefully collects information about those who like her on Facebook. “Illness made me different, and I believe that being different is a gift. It helps me to look at things from a different angle. It's hard to deceive me, I see things in their true light. Every day people listen to me,”she says. Another quote: "I feel like I'm dying inside, if I don't protest." Also: “I don’t want you to hope for the best. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear that I feel every day. "That is, the patient wants to convey to everyone around the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder.


Greta's worship takes on a quasi-religious character. "Greta Thunberg is the prophet of our time!.. She is completely comparable to the biblical prophets," says the Swedish social democrat and radical feminist Anna Ardin (who was allegedly raped by Julian Assange and who now serves as a "deaconess" in a dwarf pseudo-Christian sect). Greta's mother Malena Ernman endows her daughter with supernatural powers; her words are quoted by the portal EurAsia Daily: “Greta belongs to that small number of people who can see carbon dioxide with the naked eye. She saw greenhouse gases flowing out of our chimneys in streams, floating upward with the winds, and transforming the atmosphere into a giant invisible dump. " It got to the point that the Lutheran Church in the Limhamn area of the Swedish city of Malmö announced: "Jesus chose Greta Thunberg as his successor."

Members of the Swedish Riksdag from the Left Party and members of the Norwegian Storting from the Socialist Left Party (both structures unite eco-socialists, neo-Marxists, Trotskyists, LGBT activists and radical feminists) nominated Greta Thunberg for the Nobel Peace Prize.


There is no doubt that Greta Thunberg is a project. The scandinavian globalists of the left were the initial scammers. Until some time, the project was overseen by the Swedish PR specialist and businessman Ingmar Rentzhog (who did not fail, using her name, to raise millions of dollars for his ecological startup We Don't Have Time) and the owner of the Stockholm PR office Iles PR Helena Iles (by the way, longtime friend of the girl's mother). Since the winter of 2018/2019, super-serious supranational structures like the Club of Rome have taken up the promotion of the project (on March 14, he published a special statement in support of Greta). Direct management is carried out by the Soros Foundation and the Global Marshall Plan (headed by former US Vice President Al Gore, among the main figures looms the same George Soros),experienced representatives who formed a "coaching staff" at Thunberg, inspire and point in the right direction, sculpt long texts, provide security, cut off unwanted people. In many photos and videos, next to Greta, you can see the young German political scientist Louise-Maria Neubauer, a functionary of the Soros Open Society and Bill and Melinda Gates' globalist foundation ONE.

“Using a child for such a purpose is unethical,” the Swedish newspaper Göteborgs-Posten notes timidly. Ethical, everything is ethical for them. “How beautiful everything is going. The Inconvenient Truth of the Autistic Activist Girl, you say? Yes, yes, of course: somewhere in his billion-dollar estate, Al Gore is rubbing his pens while pouring champagne for George Soros, despite the fact that champagne also emits CO2,”journalist Igor Maltsev writes in an article for the online newspaper Vzglyad.

An army of climatic red guards and an obsessed girl as a symbol of the "green" movement towards a new world order …


Aleksey Ivanov