Mysteries Of The North Caucasus - Alternative View

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Mysteries Of The North Caucasus - Alternative View
Mysteries Of The North Caucasus - Alternative View

Video: Mysteries Of The North Caucasus - Alternative View

Video: Mysteries Of The North Caucasus - Alternative View
Video: The History of the Caucasus : Every Year 2024, September

The Caucasus is full of secrets and is simply entangled in incomprehensible artifacts. And here are just a few of them.


The most important secret of the Caucasian ridge is undoubtedly the dolmens. According to the official version, these structures are nothing more than tombs. But the avalanche of guesses that it really does not subside to this day. The dolmen located on the territory of the Shepsi village stands out against the general background.


A ball and a skeleton were found inside it. His age is a whole thousand years older than Pharaoh Cheops. Most of the dolmens are dated back to 2-3 centuries BC. They are found in the Krasnodar Territory, Adygea and Abkhazia. More than 3,000 dolmens were discovered, and the degree of their exploration does not exceed 7%. Moreover, dolmens were made using various technologies. Some are made of giant stone boulders, and some are carved into the rocks.

The ark

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According to the biblical scriptures, it was Ararat that became a haven for the ark in its long wandering along the waves of the Flood. And this fact suggests that modern people are the descendants of the inhabitants of Ararat. A huge number of scientists wanted to study this area, but the ban on any kind of research, introduced by the Turkish Government in 1974, does not allow doing this.


According to G. Hogopyan, the ship, built of gopher wood, remains at the top to this day. In 1905, at the age of 8, George, together with his grandfather, discovered the ark and entered it.

In 1939, the publishing house Novy Eden publishes the memoirs of the Russian ace Vladimir Roskovitsky, who claimed that he personally saw the ark while flying around the summit in 1926. The Chinese scientists who could visit the shrine were the last ones who, according to them, climbed the mountain, found a ship clamped in ice, and were able to take a wood sample. Analyzes have shown that the tree is approximately 4800 years old.

The materials provided by the Chinese are considered falsification.


The kingdom of Colchis was located in the western part of the Caucasus Mountains in the Abkhazian, Georgian and Turkish territories. It was here, according to legend, that the legendary Medea was born.


Jason sailed here for the golden fleece. According to Greek myths, it was here that Prometheus was chained to the greatest Kazbek.

City of the Dead in El Tyubu

This is the name of the burial in the Chegem Gorge of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. The crypts are very much like miniature houses. According to the official version, these buildings began to be erected no earlier than the 13th century.


Also, this area has the name "Nest of Eternal Youth". According to legends, the locals are the long-livers of El Tyubu because they live at the peak of the underground pyramid.

Svaneti towers

The towers of Svaneti remain another unsolved mystery. They can be seen in many settlements. It remains a mystery what function they carried in themselves. All buildings date from the 8th to 13th centuries.


Their structure is as follows: the first floor is completely monolithic, the next one has an entrance, to which a staircase leads. There is no hearth, the walls are vertical, and the roof has teeth. There is only one window opening in the entire building, oriented strictly to the south.