Dolmens - Acoustic Transistors Or Seismic Warning System? - Alternative View

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Dolmens - Acoustic Transistors Or Seismic Warning System? - Alternative View
Dolmens - Acoustic Transistors Or Seismic Warning System? - Alternative View

Video: Dolmens - Acoustic Transistors Or Seismic Warning System? - Alternative View

Video: Dolmens - Acoustic Transistors Or Seismic Warning System? - Alternative View
Video: Seismic Warning System (SWS) Dr Sohail Malik 2024, September

Dozens of articles and scientific papers have been written about dolmens, films have been made. Dolmens are called tombs, altars, gates of connection with the Intellect of the Universe and endow with magical properties. We don't know who built them and when. The ethnic culture that created this miracle also remains a secret, therefore, leaving aside the religious, mystical and aesthetic components of the issue, we will try to look at them from a technical perspective with possible application for practical purposes.

To avoid misunderstandings and discrepancies, we inform the reader that we will only talk about the dolmens of the Caucasus. They range from the Taman Peninsula to the Colchis Lowland. These are stone buildings of medium architectural forms with massive walls forming an inner chamber. The front wall has a hole, which was closed with a conical plug. At the base of the structure there is a massive stone slab, which is tightly attached to the ground.

Dolmens: a technical device with an unknown application

In 1988, Rostislav Furduy, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Kiev University, and an engineer from Kiev, Gariy Burgansky, published the book "Mysteries of Antiquity: White Spots in the History of Civilization." In it, the authors hypothesized that Caucasian dolmens could be complex technical devices - generators of acoustic and, possibly, even electromagnetic oscillations. And in 1992, the same R. Furdui, together with Yuri Shvaidak, an optical physicist, director of the public organization International Institute of Cosmosophia in Kiev, wrote in the book The Beauty of the Mystery: zones of active geological faults, then one can assume another important function of them - signaling devices of an approaching earthquake. " Using the works of Doctor of Historical Sciences V. I. Markovin, they were able to assess the acoustic resonances of the structures. The calculation showed the lower threshold of hearing, adjacent to the infrasonic boundary - from 23 Hz to 40 Hz.


Alexey Byakov, an employee of the Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences, has been checking this version for several years. The results of its measurements confirm the presence of resonances in the chambers of dolmens at frequencies of 5, 10, 15 Hz. Let the reader not be confused by the fact that these vibrations are in an inaudible frequency range. These vibrations are never monotonous. This means that they always have harmonics at higher frequencies. And with sufficient power of the process, audible tones are necessarily manifested.

Surprisingly, having expressed this hypothesis, the researchers came to the humble conclusion that the specific purpose of using dolmens is still unclear.

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Achilles' heel of seismologists

Almost everyone has heard "fashionable information" about the ongoing climate change on the planet and, as a result, about the frequent cataclysms. Environmentalists sounded the alarm, and seismologists "strained". The main problem, which is not easy to solve, is to make an accurate, timely short-term forecast of an earthquake, and most importantly, to notify the population in the danger zone.


The beginning of an earthquake quickly and accurately makes it possible to detect modern highly sensitive equipment, but it is often impossible to warn people in time, especially those who are in the epicenter of the tremors. In the past few decades alone, the number of victims is in the tens of thousands: Nepal, Armenia, India, Turkey, Japan, Taiwan. It is difficult to realize helplessness in the face of the elements.

Let's not exaggerate the capabilities of our ancient ancestors and attribute fantastic capabilities to them. Let us remain realistic and admit that they, like us, suffered from the planet's “surprises” and did not know how to prevent earthquakes, but perhaps they could predict. Having considered the design of dolmens, one can make an assumption about the implementation in the past of technology for short-term prediction of earthquakes and immediate warning about it. More precisely, this is a two-in-one technical model - there are two functions, but one building. But let's start in order.

Dolmens - acoustic resonators

The dolmen cavity is a Helmholtz resonator, which has stable parameters of the resonance of low-frequency acoustic waves. Such oscillations are weakly damped in the atmosphere. They spread over a distance of several kilometers from the object and can easily penetrate rooms through walls.

The principle of operation of the structure consists in the addition of two oscillatory processes. A powerful infrasonic wave arising in the epicenter of an earthquake, and a sound wave of the resonator itself, i.e. megalithic chambers are connected together. A longitudinal infrasound wave is concentrated in the place of a geological fault. A crack in a bell or glassware gives the same result. She extinguishes the energy of sound.

So, the wave passes through the massive base - an essential element of the structure - and excites sound vibrations of the air in the chamber of the "stone bell". The cumulative wave will exit through the hole made in the center of the facade wall. The sound will be perceived by the listener as a vibrating or humming, annoying low tone that resembles a groan or creak. The sounding time, volume and interruptions of the sound will depend on the parameters of the causal wave, namely, on its duration, amplitude and frequency of oscillations, as well as the distance from the epicenter to the dolmen. The pitch of a sound is determined by the shape, internal dimensions of the chamber and the speed of sound in it. The power of longitudinal and transverse waves during an earthquake is proportional. Having estimated the sound signal from the dolmen, one can even assume the strength and duration of the vibrations.

For greater effect, the wall with the hole should be directed towards the settlement, and there should be no obstacles in the path of the sound that could reflect or shield it. The projecting side walls, portals, will act as a horn for the outgoing signal. The object itself must be located on a hill.

Victims of time and cataclysm

It so happened that the dolmens were almost completely destroyed, having become participants in a global catastrophe in the past. Those that look intact in appearance have cracks and fractures in the walls. They do not fulfill their function. For some reason, all information about them as technical buildings was lost.


The remains of the structures began to be used for other purposes, such as cult or ritual structures. And there were reasons for that. The buildings are massive, durable, and some acoustic effects can be observed around them that make people dizzy or euphoric. Legends have appeared, overgrown, like a snowball, with new stories. Attempts were made to restore the buildings, but all of them ended only with the arrangement of external courtyards and fences with the use of "construction waste" from the destroyed neighboring dolmens.

This is how, having crossed the line of time, these mysterious and legendary structures appeared before us, attracting crowds of fans of the mysterious and unknown.

Brilliant ideas have no statute of limitations

Lined up at some distance from each other, dolmens were elements of a holistic system of detection and sound warning of earthquakes, as well as tsunamis for coastal settlements.

This discretion of our great-great-ancestors can be envied even by supporters of G. S. Altshuller and his theory of inventive problem solving. After all, there is no need to use expensive vibration-sensitive equipment. There are no maintenance and personnel costs. Megalith does not require energy sources - it is completely autonomous and always ready to work. This is a very important property, especially if we consider that destructive earthquakes occur with a frequency of 1 time in 100 ÷ 500 years, and the useful operation time of an object during this period is only a few minutes! It is not easy to steal or spoil a dolmen, and it is pointless. He doesn't even need a watchman. And given the age of these buildings, we can say that they were created with a lifetime guarantee up to the seventh generation of builders. Perfect invention!

How to make a fairy tale come true?

By combining the principle of dolmen operation with modern technologies, materials and using geological survey data, new structures can be created. The simplicity of the structures guarantees their high operational reliability, which has actually been confirmed by time.

Continuation: "About pictures on dolmens or a" nameplate "for a megalith"

Author: David Midavsky