Tikal And Maya - Alternative View

Tikal And Maya - Alternative View
Tikal And Maya - Alternative View

Video: Tikal And Maya - Alternative View

Video: Tikal And Maya - Alternative View
Video: The Lost lord Chocolate - True Mayan History from Tikal Temple I 2024, September

We've all seen, or most, the movie Apocalypse. I will not tell you the plot, but I want to ask you a question: "Don't you think that this resembles the description of the life of monkeys in the abandoned city of Rudyard Kipling?" … the monkeys say: “We are great! We are free! We are admirable! Worthy of admiration like no other people in the jungle! We all say so - that means it's true!"

Monkeys live in stately buildings. And we all understand that it was the monkeys who settled the remains of the ancient city. And in the film, we are shown savages with stone axes or sharpened shoulder blades of animals, and we do not even think that with such technologies they are only primates in a city that is alien to them.


Wasn't it logical to ask yourself: "How did the wild people built these pyramids, where they performed sacrificial rites." After all, first of all, one must possess the concepts of the "golden section", geometry and geology of the place where it was necessary to build the pyramids. And to have an understanding of why it had to be built. Just for the sake of rolling severed heads down the stairs of the pyramids? How can we see something like this in the North or South of America? Not!

Doesn't it mean that these are traces of a much more ancient civilization than the Incas and Mayans, who were lucky to populate these places, to find at these places robes of gold and silver. Why didn't they know iron then? If iron existed in ancient civilization, then the humid climate turned iron into rust. And gold and silver were not afraid of moisture and survived. Some might say that gold, found naturally in nuggets, was the first among many civilizations. And I can tell some people a phrase from antiquity: “Gold differs from copper only in that the water in golden cups does not change its taste”. Here's how interesting: in ancient times, gold had no advantage over copper. Then explain why the Maya made jewelry for themselves from gold. First of all, the gold of that timedue to the weakness of technology and the absence of hydrochloric acid, it had a huge amount of impurities and could not have the same noble luster as now. And yet, gold cannot be used to process the stone necessary for the construction of pyramids and buildings. Everything tells me that the Maya and Incas are just primates in the temple buildings of the ancients.

What does Wikipedia tell us about the Maya?

The settlement of the Indians existed from the 7th century BC. e.

In the 1st - 9th centuries A. D. e. the city was one of the most important centers of the Mayan civilization. According to researchers, its population at that time ranged from 100 to 200 thousand people. By the end of the 10th century, after a series of uprisings, the city was finally abandoned by its inhabitants. The name Tik'al in the Mayan language means "the voices of the spirits." The hieroglyphic inscriptions mention the more ancient name of the city of Yash-Mutul - "green bundle".

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And so we see that it is necessary to add 20 centuries of our chronology and 7 centuries BC, which is equal to 2,700 years ago. Just let me make one correction. Only from written sources can we judge the age of the city when it began to be created as a city. Or does someone think that people came to this place and started with the construction of the pyramids? Or at first it was a settlement fenced with a wooden fence from the night attack of predators … I will not describe how cities are created from a small settlement over the centuries. There is, however, another way: the ancient inhabitants (Mars) landed on our planet, since there the planet began to lose its atmosphere. Then they can start right away with the pyramids. Their technology already made it possible to start with monumental structures. Most likely it is necessary to write that "the city existed until the 7th century BC."And 2,700 years ago, the indigenous population of this place stumbled upon the remains of this city. I just want to ask: "and the theory that the Indians settled America through the Bering Strait, leaving the Ural Mountains, which in turn could be the outskirts of Hyperborea on Iria the Quiet or Irtysh", as they say now, is it not yet anathema?

Then imagine that seven centuries ago the resettlement of the peoples of Hyperborea to a new land, the field of the arrival of the "evil witch Angara Matthew" - "the mother of cold", ended. Some went to the Caspian Sea, some to America, and some came across the ruins of a city in Central America. Naturally, their standard of living changed immediately. From nomads - looking for where to settle, they turned instantly into townspeople, with walls and fortresses of an ancient civilization.

“The residential area of the city occupied about 60 square kilometers. The settlement has hundreds of stone structures, of which only a small part has been excavated so far. The city was built on rugged terrain, where limestone hills were interspersed with swamps, because of which the structures had to be built in groups, and then connected by "sakbe" roads.


These are certainly not "bandar logs" from the Kipling-Mowgli book. But the Hyperboreans, who have partially lost their greatness, who were very happy with such a gift from heaven. And this is where the history of the Maya and Incas begins.

Then it can be explained why they did not continue to build from stone and further, but began to intersperse the buildings with ancient wooden buildings.

And one more question: what task did the ancients set themselves when they built this complex? Only for the priests to shout among themselves from these pyramids ?!


Scientists do not give answers to these questions and apparently do not even think about it. And if something I do not know, from what is already open to science, then excuse me!


But to all these facts I want to bring to your attention that the Campeche Bay in the Gulf of Mexico, which is north of Guatemala and the temple complex in Guatemala (yellow on a green background), is nothing more than a crater from an asteroid impact. Now we can get an answer to the question “what destroyed the civilization that built this complex”. Combining these two facts, we can answer: when civilization died or when an asteroid fell.
