Great Interview With Flat Earther - Alternative View

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Great Interview With Flat Earther - Alternative View
Great Interview With Flat Earther - Alternative View

Video: Great Interview With Flat Earther - Alternative View

Video: Great Interview With Flat Earther - Alternative View
Video: How Average People Fall For The Flat-Earth Conspiracy 2024, September

Article 28 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: Everyone is guaranteed freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, including the right to profess, individually or jointly with others, any religion or not to profess any religion, to freely choose, have and disseminate religious and other beliefs and act in accordance with them.

D - GeoLogic

C - Interlocutor

H: If some questions seem unacceptable to you, you can refuse the interview at any time. Let's get started?

S: Not a question. It will just drag on for a long time, you can take your time, ask questions in stages …

H: Tell us briefly about yourself? What do you do, study, work? How are you doing?

S: I am a pensioner, I have a hobby: political science. In general, religion, politics, economics are interesting. I made a contribution to the flat Earth theme. Now it is very difficult to judge how the events took place, but everything started in the era of high-speed Internet. When forums appeared, on which I had the intelligence to write something. I periodically wrote various short articles about the fact that there are no planets, about the principle of astrology and some other things, mainly of a religious nature. He wrote into the void for almost ten years. People naturally considered me an idiot, there were almost no like-minded people.

H: That is, you have been in this topic for more than ten years and have already gained authority. Impressive. How did you come to the conclusion that the Earth is flat? I mean that in schools we are taught that the Earth is a sphere, a geoid. At what point did you suspect a catch?

Promotional video:

S: Under the USSR, I somehow skipped school, then turned away from the army. I have never been anti-Soviet. Even with the collapse of the USSR, he voted for the Communist Party. I saw enemies everywhere. I thought America should be bombed. In principle, it was, as it can now be called, ordinary cotton wool.

Back in the days of the USSR, there was such a topic as science fiction. I was very fond of it, various books and magazines were published, about space and all that. I was always interested in everything secret, it was the only interest. But one thing was embarrassing.

Although I lived well under the USSR, it seemed to me that the country was invaded by internal enemies, saboteurs. There was a complete lie everywhere. Under the USSR, everything was very deceitful and unnatural. For example, the pioneers at school were given the task of creating a corner in which they should show something about astronautics. The pioneers filmed the earth after rain on rotten film and passed them off as photographs from Mars. It depressed me very much, I even then began to understand that everything that is said about astronautics is a fake. And in my sci-fi assumptions, I thought that space truckers would fly to distant planets and bring tons of valuable ore for industry from there. Then there was still no American cinema. But, in principle, these are the standard thoughts of a standard person.

In 2008, I convinced my friend that there are no other planets. A friend decided to check it out, went to the Yalta Observatory and took the famous picture on his phone. A friend asked to show him Jupiter. Astronomers broke down for a long time, then after persuasion they decided to show Jupiter. When a friend asked where to look, he was explained that now there are new technologies, everything is displayed on the monitor screen and Jupiter was shown on the monitor. In reality, the topic with the monitor was relatively old and people miscalculated in deception. Here is a photo …


As a child, he dreamed of becoming an astronomer, but when he grew up, he was surprised to find out that an astronomer is not taught anywhere. This was contrary to science fiction. Such a promising business, to bring tons of ore and no one cares about it …

In the future, I wanted to see Mars live. But astronomers have always had a standard excuse. The earth revolves around the sun, Mars revolves around the sun. Based on the trajectories of rotation, it is simply impossible to see any planet from the Earth. And planets such as Uranus and Neptune can be seen only through special telescopes, which are classified.

The collapse of the USSR came. In those years, he voted for the collapse of the USSR, saw with his own eyes how everything was arranged. Back in the late 80s, various literature began to appear, the Bible appeared. At this time, I began to study the Bible, along with the neo-pagan books - Bhagavad Gita, Koran and astrology.

Then it came to the thought that with the bones of dinosaurs, too, a deception. With a little inspection, it turned out that the dinosaur bones are fake. Officially, dinosaur bones do not exist, they are fossils. Officially, the dinosaur died, and the bones by diffusion turned into stone. Therefore, a stone is sometimes shown in museums. But mostly these are animal bones. According to conventional mechanics, an animal of 30 tons on earth cannot exist. Such an animal needs titanium bones and kevlar veins. Although that won't help either.

According to the Bible, he came to the conclusion that everything connected with space, dinosaurs, evolution is a common war of power against God

H: So your acquaintance with Flat Earth began after your acquaintance with the Bible?

S: Much later … I never even thought about the fact that the Earth is flat. The only thing I have come to is that there are no endless worlds and planets. In my mind, the Earth was round, there was Heaven around the Earth. For some reason, I did not pay attention to this. Naturally, I wrote on various forums and suddenly luck smiled at me, I ran into the people who were in charge of this business.

I began to communicate with various philosophers who faked these cases, leaked my information. In the spring of 2016, a turning point came. Suddenly the whole World started talking about the fact that the Earth is flat and space is a deception. In reality, the fact that the Earth is flat was not my idea, I was prompted. I began to study further how everything works together with other people.

People all over the world are making various films, presenting evidence. So I switched completely to politics and religion. I follow the topic of the flat earth very closely, since the current government continues to blatantly lie, arrange various fakes, and shoot fantastic films. What will happen next, wait and see. But the swiftness of insight of people in this direction is very pleasing. Every day there are more and more people who understand that the earth is flat. And this is starting in 2016.

H: Tell us about your community's leisure time? What are the Flat Earthers up to? Are there any clubs, parties? Closed, open?

S: I don't really do anything, I just communicate online. Flat Earth Society is not a sect. People simply find facts, exchange and listen to each other's opinions on this matter.

H: It turns out that in Russia there are no organizations, meetings of people who deny the sphericity of the planet. Then everything is limited to communication on the network?

S: In principle, yes. Now the situation in the world is such that any organization acts by order of the authorities. The authorities use the old Bolshevik tactics: in order to destroy a business, it must be organized, led and dismantled.

From the moment of my conversation with the people who were in charge of the myth of the spherical earth, these people immediately organized all kinds of flat earth communities on various resources. Some of the communities were religious. The most demonic were of the "Orthodox" direction - the real demons were sitting there. There were societies of a satanic direction, but there were more peaceful people.

They began to twist the topic everywhere that the flat Earth was described in the Koran, in the Hare Krishna books. But the fact is that I have read all these books and I know from memory that nothing of the kind was there. Sharovers were pierced once again, they miscalculated that there are people who know their deception in advance …

All world communities about the flat earth are organized by the "sharers" themselves. Although the Sharovers claim that the Earth is round, they themselves do not believe in it, since they know that the Earth is flat. They just deceive people.

H: About astronomers and photographs. Have you thought about using a telescope and see for yourself that there are no planets? Now there are a lot of groups of astrophotography lovers who post photos of the planets every day. They make them on their smartphones using telescopes

S: I thought to do this business back in Soviet times. As a result, I did not find a single telescope. I thought that telescopes were banned in the USSR for obvious reasons. With the collapse of the USSR, I discovered that telescopes, in principle, do not exist. All telescopes that are on sale are ordinary dummies. At the moment when a friend in Yalta filmed a video from a telescope to argue with me, he bought an expensive telescope in Moscow. Something like $ 300. With a map of the starry sky and at night we went to look at the Sky. As a result, the telescope zoomed in approximately 2 times.

Just a couple of years ago, another friend of mine decided to repeat this feat, he bought a Belarusian pipe, a well-known brand. The result was an approximation of about 6 times. The advertisement spoke of a 100x magnification. In all telescopes sold, the approximation is no more than 6 times.

I thought that it was impossible to achieve more, until I saw on YouTube how an ordinary camera zooms in. I was even shocked by this. I wrote a couple of articles about this. As a result, the quality of the world's cameras began to gradually deteriorate. A year ago, very cheap matrices were installed on them, this is on the most expensive cameras. I think they have already been taken out of production.

The world government is on the heels, all their mistakes are immediately corrected. Last year I was in the planetarium - there are professional telescopes for sale. I'm a little familiar with the mechanics, and all the rollers on these pipes are ordinary dummies. For the sake of interest, I brought the pipe to the adjacent balcony, approaching the pipe with a diameter of 20 cm approximately 4 times. Telescopes don't exist in nature. All posted materials are custom-made things of people who are struggling to spread the truth that the Earth is flat …

H: If even telescopes have become dummies, what are the goals of the government in the end? Why deceive us?

S: From the moment the Tsar lost power, a transitional period began. And in 1917, in February, the Tsar was overthrown, and in October the Bolsheviks seized legal power, power at the will of the people. The people seized power and handed it over to the Soviets. There was even a slogan "ALL POWER TO THE COUNCILS".

The Bolsheviks have never hidden the fact that they are Satanists. And Satan wants to destroy all people. He does this in the "hope" of prolonging his life and delaying the moment of retribution for his deeds. Satan also hopes that the merciful God, when he sees so many lost souls, will have mercy on all and Satan for his company. But this naturally will not happen, and Satan is playing for time.

H: The main purpose of deception is the destruction of humanity?

S: The main purpose of deceit is to keep people astray. The main purpose of deception is to gain power at the will of the people. And only then, by the will of the people, power destroys humanity. Without the will of the people, it will not work to destroy humanity, because God does not want this …

H: Good. And if we ignore the religious aspect, what are the parameters of our flat Earth? Thickness, diameter, weight. Is there any data on this?

S: It's best to ask God, God created the Earth, He knows best.

H: Unfortunately, we have no way to ask him about it. But maybe someone has conducted experiments, experiments?

S: What experiences can there be? For example, until the 20th century, all borders were open, a person could buy a ship and sail to any country, or to the south, to the edge of the Earth. But in the 20th century, the Democrats set up borders and customs. We have made such living conditions that all power, money and knowledge are in the hands of the authorities. People are all poor, uneducated, mostly stupid and helpless. In the best case, a person can relax on a discount voucher, where everything is included. TO THE GLOBAL NETWORK where it's cheap. A modern person cannot afford to buy a telescope, what kind of research can we talk about? In the West there are a little bit richer people with different possibilities, but they can do nothing. There is nothing to say about Russia.

During the Soviet era, there was never a problem to buy an ordinary thermometer to measure body temperature. It cost about 50 kopecks and was sold in every pharmacy. In 1995, I broke such a last one, bought a new one and to my surprise found that the thermometer was not working accurately. I bought a second, third, the same result. On request, thermometers were brought to me from abroad. The same effect. They brought me a Japanese pressure measuring device from the USA, which turned out to be completely inoperative.

The fact that there are no normal devices on the territory of the former USSR came from the West. In the West, people have long been caught up, and people do not attach any importance to this. In reality, if I did not know that there are precise instruments, I would not have noticed this fact.

H: So we don't have a single accurate measuring device left?

S: I won't say for sure about the instruments, well, maybe the meter is still being held. There is such a "precise" device theodolite. The institutes teach students how to determine the distance from the theodolite to a place on a scale on a ruler. The surveyor's colleagues hold the ruler. Now they don't use it anymore.

H: I'm familiar with this. Completed an internship in geodesy with a theodolite

S: In the old days, they taught different formulas. The person looks into the pipe, counts how many lines there are and calculates the distance using the formula. So, in reality this is all bullshit, the topic does not work. In reality, the distance is measured with an ordinary iron ruler, twenty meters. The ruler can be broken, and there is a formula like a shortened ruler to align. Theoretically, the accuracy should be on the prick of the compass.

H: If all ballpoint instruments are not accurate by definition, do flat-earth people have their own instruments? Or development?

S: Flat-earth people don't measure or invent anything. All science is in the hands of the bloomers. Sharovers know that the Earth is flat and use the correct formulas assuming that the Earth is flat. And people are told myths.

H: I have a friend. He and I have walked many fields, and I have no reason not to believe him. So that's it. In his work, he uses such a thing as a correction for the curvature of the Earth. That is, for large areas of geodetic survey, for distances greater than 30 km, this correction is introduced. So he leads me by the nose? Or does he himself not know what he thinks and what amendments he uses?

S: Any correction can be called a correction for the curvature of the Earth, and few people will notice it. I am not a very big expert in geodesy, especially since my information is at least 20 years old, if I still remember the theodolite. And I don’t know your friend, excuse me. It happens that people are mistaken and are sincerely in their own delusions.

H: Let's go back to the parameters of a flat earth. What is beyond the boundaries of our plane? Space and infinity? If not this, then what?

S: God created Heaven and Earth, created from nothing. There is nothing outside of God's creation. This can be taken on faith, since it is impossible to verify. In reality, I would gladly swim to the end of the Earth and look, but there is no such possibility. It remains only to take on faith, there is no other option …

H: And how do we perceive this nothing? A wall, an endless space filled with emptiness?

S: Officially nothing is nothing, it is not emptiness, not ether, not matter, not vacuum. Nothing is nothing. It's like if a cat is a cat. This is not a dog.

H: A philosophical question is a philosophical answer. Let's round off a little. So can I say?

How closely related are religion and flat earth theory? Do they always go hand in hand?

S: I initially studied and study everything based on religion. Everything is described in great detail in the Bible, everyone can read it. But all this is taken on Faith. I do not reject science, I would gladly conduct some scientific experiments, but I have no opportunity. At the moment, I use the research of different people.

Fortunately, now there are many smart young people, especially abroad. But in the post-Soviet space, people are poor and will only get poorer for now. Therefore, the main research is carried out in the USA, Australia, Europe and other rich countries.

There, people shoot laser beams across the lakes and do many other things. I think these guys are great, keep it up. I use their materials. As for the myth of the spherical Earth itself. It is already obvious to everyone that the myth rests on world power. With the collapse of world power, they will officially declare that the Earth is flat.

H: I still have one last question. If the government does what it does to ultimately exterminate the human race, then what actions do those who know about it take? Or is it all on its own?

S: Long topic, I didn't get to that. Let's leave it for next time. In short, I’ll say that everything has already been done. The people stopped voting, the world power has already lost its strength. They can no longer organize, for example, a global war. The only thing left for the authorities is to pack their bags and go to the place where God will not see them. This is in prediction, in the Bible …

K: Well, let's hope it happens sooner than the end of the world. Thank you for your huge amount of time and such detailed answers

S: Ok, Save-Bo for you, see you …