Fractal World - Alternative View

Fractal World - Alternative View
Fractal World - Alternative View

Video: Fractal World - Alternative View

Video: Fractal World - Alternative View
Video: Fractals are typically not self-similar 2024, September

Surprisingly, I respect the flat earth theory. By this theory, I mean a complex of alternative knowledge about our world order, refuting many dubious facts that have been pouring into our ears since childhood. I do not know what form our Earth is, since I personally was not outside of it.

Flat earth map and UN logo
Flat earth map and UN logo

Flat earth map and UN logo.

Let's be clean. I have been interested in this topic for as long as it exists, that is, for about 4-5 years. Even if I wanted to, I could not physically describe here all the knowledge on this topic that I know + infa that I don't know. Therefore, I will neither prove nor explain anything. I'm just scattering brief facts - there have never been people in space, all the facts, as well as photo and video materials are fake, the spherical shape is contrary to the laws of physics, the feeling of the horizon is created by refraction in the atmosphere, all historical facts are not forged as real.

Around the World
Around the World

Around the World.

Opponents of this theory believe that speaking about flat earth, they mean this:

A primitive view of a flat earth
A primitive view of a flat earth

A primitive view of a flat earth.

I just cringe when I see such a lack of at least some kind of logic in the head of a person who, based on some knowledge, cannot simply cut off the excess and understand the essence of the problem. Indeed, despite the fact that our earth is flat, space still exists, everything is as we are told, the sun is very far from us and the planets are all spherical, only our earth is in the form of a disc with a cliff, flying in space around the sun, most likely, also on three elephants with a turtle. Brilliant performance! I have long ceased to try to tell someone about this theory, because at least give as many facts, at least a thousand, a person simply will not get nichrome. It's impossible. People do not know how, having studied a brick and realizing that it does not exist, understand that the whole building does not exist automatically. And this "edge" of our planet appears in the minds of people for the banal reason that a person is constantly trying to fit our world into the narrow framework of his consciousness and knowledge. In my opinion, this is a serious logical error. After all, what is space in the usual sense? Complete crap. Some kind of empty space in which "planets" fly on a plane, which in their essence are copies of the model of our earth. That is, a person imagined what our planet looks like, and based on this idea, he multiplied it throughout this empty space. We must understand that nature is not limited to our home, it is just a word that means only a small part of the essence, which is everything. According to the laws of nature, there can be nothing in the world that does not have a specific purpose. What is the purpose of dead and empty planetsHanging aimlessly in space? That's all. And here it is all infinity, an endless empty space with round bodies floating around in it senselessly, which have no functions, and our world is limited on this, that's it, there is nothing else. Only the human brain is able to come up with such a thing, because in reality, nature is much more powerful and epic in its diversity.

Are you sure you know everything?
Are you sure you know everything?

Are you sure you know everything?

Promotional video:

But it was all a prologue. In fact, I wanted to tell some of my thoughts about the universe and to contribute my 5 kopecks to the general theory. It's okay if this material will be in the analges of history, so to speak.

Once, on the Internet, I saw an entertaining modification of the flat earth map:

An "expanded" version of the concept of our Earth
An "expanded" version of the concept of our Earth

An "expanded" version of the concept of our Earth.

As you can see, it depicts many more continents located behind our southern ice wall. I do not know where this map came from and on what such grounds it was generally compiled, but it expands the imagination as it should. The most interesting thing is that it structures our world concretely, so everything seems more holistic and understandable. And since our world is integral and nothing else, then such a vision of the situation has a solid right to life. I thought about this map for a long time, and I had some thoughts. And thoughts appeared on the basis of knowledge about another typical logical mistake of a person, to believe that he is the center of something. Undoubtedly, man is the center of his life, but not the general life, since he is part of a huge process of life - it is naive to believe that human existence is the beginning or end of something. And based on this,I ask for your attention a supplemented theory of our universe:

"Extended +" version of the concept of our Earth
"Extended +" version of the concept of our Earth

"Extended +" version of the concept of our Earth.

Don't splash saliva. You know there are no photographs of the center of the North Pole anywhere. Why do you think? Because there is a stump from the cut down world tree? Or a base of liquidoreptiloids?

Now think, where do giants and tiny people live? You probably think that if they exist, then why won't one or the other come to our aid and put things in order in our split world, because, for example, the giants are quite capable of helping us destroy the plans of the global predictor, or on whom you blame your problems? … Humanity has long been waiting for outside help, angels will descend from heaven, aliens will arrive and save us, giants will destroy radioactive TV towers, not even assuming that even if they really all existed, they have enough of their own worries so that no one cares about us at all, just like you have no desire to save anthills from lomehuz when you have to pay a loan.

By the way, taking into account one old map and superimposing my theory on it, a lot becomes clear:


Do you dare?