Being Is The Text As It Is, Without Fanatical Interpretation - Alternative View

Being Is The Text As It Is, Without Fanatical Interpretation - Alternative View
Being Is The Text As It Is, Without Fanatical Interpretation - Alternative View

Video: Being Is The Text As It Is, Without Fanatical Interpretation - Alternative View

Video: Being Is The Text As It Is, Without Fanatical Interpretation - Alternative View
Video: Blackalicious- Alphabet Aerobics Lyrics 2024, September

In this analysis of the text, I will use a free style of writing, because the story will go about how I see the text of the book of Genesis.

This is my theory, and it is based on my understanding of the Bible text as I see it.

Therefore, please treat this article as a theory.

Also, please do not use this article as a tool to insult the feelings of the Believers.

I have respect for the religions of the World, and therefore this article is just an attempt to describe my vision of the text of Scripture.

To analyze the text, I will use the official website of the Moscow Patriarchate. This site contains the text of the Old Testament, which is canonical and is used in the printing of Orthodox Bibles.

Unfortunately, today, Believers perceive the Bible as something encrypted, mysterious. The text of Scripture is interpreted as one or another clergyman wants.

For some reason, it is customary to say that only a true believer can understand the Bible. For it is not subject to understanding by ordinary sinful people. Therefore, all the words from the Bible are perceived by the Believers as allegories.

Promotional video:

I want to use a simple example of the very beginning of the Old Testament, the book of Genesis, to show that there are no allegories. (In my understanding) And that the text should be perceived exactly as it is written there. Without any interpretation.

Let's start from the very beginning:


So, God created the Earth in 6 days, and on the seventh He rested.

On the first day, He creates light and separates it from darkness.

Calls light as day and darkness as night. In other words, God creates the day we all know, during which there is a change of day and night.

Further we see that it was evening (twilight). That is, there was a gap between day and night. And this is possible only when there is a source of illumination that gradually fades out, or goes out of sight, like the sun.

But how can this be if the luminaries are created only on the fourth day ???


Moreover, the text clearly states that it is the Sun, Moon and stars that separate light from darkness.

Then what separated light from darkness in the first three days ???

Fanatics (sectarians) who interpret the Bible in their own way will certainly say that the ways of the Lord are inscrutable. And that God's Creation is a miracle and ordinary people are not able to understand all this.

But this will be said only because they have no answers to it. They just don't know how to understand it. Therefore, they came up with their own interpretation.

Let's go further.

But the further, the more interesting. Who created fish and all living things ???


So water produced reptiles, living souls and birds, or God ???

In the same place, we see completely different versions.

This place is especially interesting:

"And God created the great fish and every soul of the creeping animals, which the water produced."

How do you want to understand this ???

How can you create what water has already produced !!!

Then comes the description of the creation of humans.

I will not torment you with the analysis of the entire book of Genesis. A few examples are enough to understand that no matter how fanatics (sectarians) interpret the Bible, there are many questions in it that have no answers.

The next question that should make anyone think. Why is the Snake considered bad ???

What did he do to make everyone consider him the personification of evil ???

And in fact, he did nothing. He only revealed the truth to Eve.

Let's figure it out.

What does God say to Adam ???


God says that you cannot eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Because having tasted the fruit, a person will die on the same day.

And here is what the Serpent says:


As we will see later, the Serpent did not lie. On the contrary, he is the only one who told the truth.

Because on the day that Adam and Eve ate the fruit, they did not die. On the contrary, they have lived very long lives by our standards. Almost a thousand years.

Read the words of the Snake:

"But God knows that on the day you taste them, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like gods who know good and evil."

This is also true. Everything will be that way. The snake is absolutely right. And he speaks the truth.

Here is a confirmation of his words:


Here you need to pay attention to several factors at once.

First, the Serpent says that there are many gods. Because he uses the words "like gods." God Himself says the words "Like one of us." Which also suggests that there are several gods.

Second, God is not speaking to Adam or Eve in this passage.

Look at the context.

He says this to the other gods. And in his words, fear is read:

“Behold, Adam became like one of us, knowing good and evil. And now, no matter how he stretched out his hand, and took also from the tree of life, and did not taste, and did not begin to live forever."

That is, Adam became equal to the gods, because he knows their secrets. Knows about good and evil. And therefore, it poses a threat. And if he eats the fruit from the tree of life, then he will live forever, and this is unacceptable.

Therefore, the council of the gods decides that Adam and Eve must be expelled.

And so that Adam did not become immortal, a powerful weapon was attached to the tree of life.

Thus, the gods protected themselves.

So that you understand that God is an ordinary, more developed humanoid individual, read the following passage:


We disassemble:

God walks in paradise during the cool of the day.

We know that God created man in his own image and likeness. This means he has arms, legs, eyes and everything else.


Notice what God is talking about gods, not God.

God created people in the images of the gods. This means that the gods have a difference in sex.

Gods are men, and Gods are women.

The text makes this clear.

So God is just walking in the garden, hiding from the scorching sun. Adam and Eve, hid from God behind the trees. They just hid like an ordinary person. Then God shouts:

"Adam, where are you ???" - In other words, God does not know where Adam is and what he is doing.

Then, God asks if Adam did not eat from the tree of knowledge.

That is, he is not at all aware of what happened.

After all that happened, the gods drive out Adam and Eve, and the Snake is punished for the truth. After all, the Serpent revealed the truth to people and made them a threat to the gods. Because people now know everything that the gods know. The only thing that sets them apart is that people are not eternal. Therefore, the gods began to guard the passage to the tree of life. This is where fear manifests itself.

The next question concerns whether Eve is the progenitor of all people.

Let's figure it out.

In the text of the book of Genesis, it is clearly written:


In fact, the name of Adam's wife was previously spelled differently. It sounded like "Alive."

On the official website of the Moscow Patriarchate, above the word "Eve", there is a link to the footnote where "Life" is written.

Now to rephrase the quote from Genesis:

"And Adam called his wife's name: Life, for she became the mother of all living."

That is, not Eve herself, became the mother of all living. And life. Life has given everyone the opportunity to be on Earth. That is why Adam named his wife, after life.

In support of the fact that there were other people on Earth besides Adam and Eve and their children, I attach an excerpt from the same book of Genesis:


This passage is taken after the murder of Abel.

Cain, talks to God and says that he is afraid that the first person he meets will kill him.

"Everyone who meets me"

That is, there are people who can kill him. But at the moment, there are only three people on Earth. These are Adam, Eve, and Cain.

Of course, Cain will not talk about his parents in this tone: "Anyone who meets."

Hence, he was talking about other people.

Further, Cain leaves for other lands and meets his wife there.

So, Eve is not the mother of all people. At least, the book of Genesis speaks about it.

Well, and one more question:

Are God and Lord synonymous?

The book of Genesis also gives a clear answer to this question:


No, they are not. These are different concepts.

Often, you can read the phrase "Lord God".

Eve, makes it clear that she gave birth to a man from the Lord. But Adam is not God. He is a human.

Consequently, she spoke of the fact that she gave birth to her master (master, lord).

Why does she consider her husband a master ???

Yes, everything is very simple, so God told her:


So the issue has been resolved. The Lord and God are different concepts.

And the phrase "Lord God" should be understood as "Lord (owner) God".

I think that's enough for a start. The book is big, but the analysis will be incredibly huge.

If it is interesting, it is better to do the second part.

Once again I would like to remind you that the article is not intended to offend the feelings of the Believers. This is a theory that is based on my thoughts and is just fictional fiction.