Microsoft Admitted To Wiretapping Users - Alternative View

Microsoft Admitted To Wiretapping Users - Alternative View
Microsoft Admitted To Wiretapping Users - Alternative View

Video: Microsoft Admitted To Wiretapping Users - Alternative View

Video: Microsoft Admitted To Wiretapping Users - Alternative View
Video: Telecoms Charge HUGE Bucks For Every Wiretap 2024, September

Microsoft has officially confirmed that it collected and decrypted the voice data of users of the Skype messenger (in particular, the Skype Translator service) and the Cortana assistant.

The US tech company said in an official statement that Microsoft has made a decision to make changes to the privacy information and FAQ sections for Skype and Cortana. In particular, as noted by Vice, a separate paragraph has appeared devoted to working with voice data.

“When you use Microsoft voice services, audio recordings may be transcribed by Microsoft employees or contractors to improve the performance of those services. All information processing is carried out in strict accordance with the developed procedures to protect the privacy of users, including the adoption of measures for de-identification of data and nondisclosure agreements, as well as compliance with all confidentiality standards enshrined in legislation in Europe and other regions of the world,”reads the Microsoft statement.

Recall that the company was not the first to admit that it was listening to users. Earlier, the social network Facebook confirmed that it is ordering third-party contractors to wiretap and transcribe Messenger audio messages.

Maxim Vershinin