Vatican. Society Of Jesus - Alternative View

Vatican. Society Of Jesus - Alternative View
Vatican. Society Of Jesus - Alternative View

Video: Vatican. Society Of Jesus - Alternative View

Video: Vatican. Society Of Jesus - Alternative View
Video: Amusing facts about Trump's papal visit in the Vatican 2024, October

The creator of the ramified spy network of the Vatican, already in the Middle Ages, entangled the whole world and received the name "Society of Jesus", was a man of remarkable intelligence, a fair amount of cunning and excessive cruelty Ignacy Loyola. He also organized secret detachments of the Jesuits, who for many years, like bees, accumulated their treasures in monastic stores on blood, following the behest of the canonized chief: "Monarchs are slaves to gold, gold is their only passion, but should belong to us."


To a certain extent, it is so! Therefore, in the 18th and early 19th centuries, it was the reigning persons, in order to patch up holes in state budgets, who periodically started hunting for Jesuit monks, cruelly torturing them, in the hope of finding out where the wealth of the very recently almighty order was hidden. The Jesuits, faithful to the given oath, were silent. As a result, the authorities got crumbs. And according to the data of our contemporary, Cardinal Jelly Maurois, 85-90% of the imperishable property of the "Society of Jesus" is still in safe storage. And, we add, although rarely, these treasures are found, of course, not without colossal efforts of black Jesuits: their secret society is still flourishing. Moreover, the dirty tricks of the craft of sanctimonious spies have not undergone significant changes. True, they threw off their robes and adopted the advanced technical achievements of our time.

According to reliable information, the disciples of Loyola (as the Jesuits call themselves) succeeded, by checking old maps of the area with the results of satellite scans, to return two unique treasures to the Church. The Vatican rejoiced: “The search for our legitimate cultural heritage, begun in The Hague in 1902, was crowned with success a century later. These are products of ancient jewelry craft that have no analogues. The acquired is planned to be exhibited in one of the museums in Rome."

Three years have passed. They do not remember the promised exhibition. Why? The author of the wonderful multimedia CD-encyclopedia “Vanished Masterpieces” Sam Shafrin, after painstaking research, concluded: “Chests with valuables, figuratively speaking, float in blood. Abominations and adventures come with an enormous price tag for their contents. He also reconstructed unsightly, sophisticated treasure hiding procedures.


“My maternal great-grandfather, Isaak Stanyukovich,” writes Shefrin, “kept the Fakel funeral office in The Hague at the end of the nineteenth century, whose artisans took over the entire mournful rituals. Naturally, these people were aware of everything that was happening in the city cemeteries. But then one day, as my mother told me, there was a knock on the door of my great-grandfather's house. On the threshold stood a stooped dwarf, speaking German with a noticeable Italian accent. His great-grandfather, whose youth passed in Venice, spoke to him in Italian, which made the client very happy, who immediately explained: in the old cemetery, where they have not been buried for a long time, an urgent need to dig a hole as deep as possible. A large zinc crate is also required, onto which, after it is lowered into the ground, several barrels of fuel oil must be poured, mixed with sand. It is necessary to erect a tombstone,which he himself, the customer, will provide. The work must be done secretly, only at night. Diggers will receive gold as payment, but they must leave the country forever, because they have enough money for a comfortable life. Of course, they should forget about everything that happened on pain of death forever. When my great-grandfather asked what to do, the answer was given that the funeral office should not be closed in any case. But he will have to bear, again on pain of death, personal responsibility, as his great-grandfather used to say, for the integrity of the strange and ominous burial that shortened his days.they should forget about everything that happened on pain of death forever. When my great-grandfather asked what to do, the answer was given that the funeral office should not be closed in any case. But he will have to bear, again on pain of death, personal responsibility, as his great-grandfather used to say, for the integrity of the strange and ominous burial that shortened his days.they should forget about everything that happened on pain of death forever. When my great-grandfather asked what to do, the answer was given that the funeral office should not be closed in any case. But he will have to bear, again on pain of death, personal responsibility, as his great-grandfather used to say, for the integrity of the strange and ominous burial that shortened his days.


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There was no choice. Having received from the dwarf a box with gold coins, having fulfilled the required, he, without hesitation, sent his family to America out of harm's way. He himself did not live until the last fateful day - he existed as a boar, supervising the graves: there were several of them. Once every three years, a dwarf appeared. I gave my great-grandfather a fee for services - another casket of gold. The procedures with zinc boxes, fuel oil mixed with sand, and imported tombstones were repeated.

Then the dwarf visited my great-grandmother Solomeya in the USA, informing her that my great-grandfather had died suddenly, and gave her a map and gold. The card had to be cherished like the apple of an eye, and the gold should be spent as he pleased - there was a lot of it, even in abundance."

Further, Shefrin writes that, apparently not doubting the decency of his great-grandmother paid for with gold, the dwarf admitted that he is a member of the Jesuit Order, and the map is actually not a map, but a parchment disguised as it, treated with a special chemical composition, on which important for "Society of Jesus" information. It is impossible to read them without repeated very complex chemical treatment.

The dwarf disappeared. Didn't appear again. In 1910, when her great-grandmother, Solomen Brook, was dead, a registered letter came to her name from The Hague. Lucienne Montbrough, who once worked as a coffin maker at Fakel, was very late in reporting the brutal killings to every single digger involved in the hiding of the zinc boxes. Let's hear Shefrin:

“The generous rewards to the diggers seemed insufficient. They encroached on the integrity of the last grave, cracked the granite of the gravestones. The police caught it red-handed. She made me put everything in proper shape and let her go home, before the trial. None of them reached home. The poor fellows were slaughtered with knives for butchering carcasses. Great-grandfather was hanged on a curtain cord … Those, the first diggers who parted and, observing the agreement, kept silence, were also pulled up, having previously subjected them to torture with red-hot knitting needles. The executioners took out each of the noose. They laid me down on the floor. The pockets of the tortured were filled with gold found in the houses.


Shafrin turned out to be the last custodian of the map, which no one claimed ownership of. The map was kept in the secretaire as a useless curiosity. But one day, when the writer and his wife returned from the farm after a long absence, they found the back door of the mansion open, and drafts carried strong smells of chemical reagents across the floors. The map was not in place. Scraps of parchment are next to the secretaire. A bank check for $ 100,000 and a note: "Thank you for the service" was attached to the window pane of the office. We will share the results of cooperation. Loyola's Disciples.

The letter slipped under the front door didn't keep me waiting long: “Sir! You are aware of a lot. We, as promised, would like to satisfy your curiosity of the descendant of the guards, for they are not as secretive and vindictive as our older brothers. By strictly observing the agreement with the authorities of The Hague, having subjected the upper information layer of the map to special processing in your absence from your office, we have achieved what happened by the will of the Almighty. Two false graves were opened. A third of the zinc boxes were splendid rubies, the rest of the bookmark was elaborate amber panels and malachite tiaras. So that you do not doubt the significance of the event, open those empty boxes of your secretaire; and rummage around in the far right corner. Having witnessed our decency, we say goodbye to your family forever."

In the drawer of the secretaire, where the map was kept, Shefrin found three amazingly beautiful large rubies and a malachite tiara with a dog's head carved into it. The tragic family "odyssey" of the treasure guards seems to have sunk into oblivion.

Shefrin wanted to visit The Hague, stand at the former house of his great-grandfather, look at the false graves that became famous. Which he did, only he did not find peace, then that he found out that the official who signed an agreement with treasure seekers in broad daylight on the porch of the mayor's office was stabbed in the heart with a dagger. They say he was unhappy with the fee, for which he paid. Sam Shafrin announced that he will continue to search for new facts about the treasures of the Society of Jesus.