Are Fleets Of Aliens Gathering Over Earth? - Alternative View

Are Fleets Of Aliens Gathering Over Earth? - Alternative View
Are Fleets Of Aliens Gathering Over Earth? - Alternative View

Video: Are Fleets Of Aliens Gathering Over Earth? - Alternative View

Video: Are Fleets Of Aliens Gathering Over Earth? - Alternative View
Video: NASA now investigating Navy's UFO videos: 'There is something there' 2024, September

In recent material In Antarctica found antediluvian submarine frozen into the ice? We have already introduced readers to a very strange discovery in unclassified NASA images, where researchers found an obvious trail of some large object, which caused like frozen waves on the ice.

And now, continuing to follow this topic, we are faced with an even more amazing discovery, though not in Antarctica, but in near space.


This is an official picture taken from some NASA vehicle. The image is called ISS036-E-27207 and its original is LINKED HERE.

As you can see from the photo, the lens captured several dozen, perhaps even hundreds of homogeneous, rectangular-like objects casting a diffuse rainbow glow.


Promotional video:


Now the public has a question: what is it?

The first and most reasonable, at first glance, explanation assumes that these are actually stars, but the camera was defocused and therefore the image turned out to be blurry. However, this explanation is refuted by the following facts:

a) If this effect were caused by the movement and defocusing of the camera, then the same effect would affect both the horizon and the clouds, since from the point of view of the camera, all these objects are at an infinite distance. But this effect is not observed.

b) The defocusing of the image of the stars is a frequent phenomenon and there are many such photos:


As you can see from this example, with an incorrectly adjusted lens, the stars are just round spots, we are not talking about any rectangles.

So there are definitely no stars in the shot. And these are not birds, because the stratosphere is a little high for birds.

And they are not meteorites, because meteorites have a longer trail and they cannot look so uniform.

And these are not satellites, because if the satellites are launched in a package, they line up in a chain and go out into different orbits very gradually, after which they are at a great distance from each other, which does not allow making a sort of “group picture”.

But if these are not satellites, meteorites or stars, then what? Fleet of spaceships "Martians"?

In fact, people have seen these or similar objects through telescopes for a long time:


When amateur astronomers post such images online, they are ridiculed and accused of being forgeries. However, in this case, we are not talking about private researchers, but about such a serious organization as NASA, whose website contains a snapshot of the same.

Thus, it turns out that some squadrons and entire fleets have gathered near the Earth, and we do not know this. Or are they chunks of shingles flying off the Dome of Flat Earth? In general, while the versions are offered very different, and NASA, as usual, does not explain anything to anyone.